Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, or Xbox360 & Guitar Hero?

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Right on! The Schecters are some of the best bargains around. I set up every one that came in the shop I used to work at and they are almost perfect out of the box. Good tuners, TonePros bridges, excellent fretwork (rivals Gibson), and Duncan-Designed pickups. And their "easy-access" neck heels are great. Can't go wrong there.
I haven't played one but the Shecter C-1 classic looks pretty sweet. I'm pretty set on a telecaster being my next guitar though.


Well-Known Member
i havent played guitar for about 2 years, but i would love to take you up on that bet, i would be needing to purchase my mop and bucket beforehand so i could clean up the massacre i will leave behind, so im going to need that 5 in advance ;-)

haha just kidding, you probably could whoop me if you've been playing 25 years. but hey if i still had it in me, id love to record something and blow your mind:peace:
you never loose it bro you just gotta knock off the rust.......


Active Member
i'm on the 4th riff of electric funeral. just cause i'm lazy. i bet i could do it in an hour if i set my mind to it.

Do it man !!!! How's about a coolest riff thread/comp :)

I'd dust off the old JCM 900 marshall and les paul for it :o


Well-Known Member
you never loose it bro you just gotta knock off the rust.......
you are right about that. my amp is broken, i have a small crate and a vox, and neither work. and my acoustic was broken. and the only guitar i have to play is my dad's baby taylorrr(even though i love baby taylors) :hump:


Well-Known Member
i really think i'm gonna buy this. simply for the color and design. i love the shaping. i am open to other suggestions though.

i could start a new thread if i'm cluttering yours kitty. you just got me going. i brought my GIO into the house and am watching youtube so i can learn this WHOLE song. i know parts of it but want to get it all down. i can do a riff or two right now. a riff a day and i'll have it in a week. :)

easy stuff, ..............


its ok. i'm learning all this guitar talk that I will need to know....



I will accept this challange.
Lets make it intresting ........mabey a bet of 5 grand....says I will mop the floor with you.

Ive been playing guitar for 25 years.
My advice to purple kitty
is if your just bored and impulsive and dont want to put in the time and effort.
dont get a real guitar....It takes serious commitment and dedication. to learn how to play well.
I know. Its not just boredom, i've been considering this for
quite some time now.



Well-Known Member
just wanted to say

thanks to fdd for putting up that site.

i'm looking at some pretty reasonable priced

what i plan on doing is writing down the model numbers
and brands, then go to the nearest guitar store and price

the ones i liked from the site and to see if its really what I want
and to compare prices.
I need to get a feel for them....

thanks again for the site!!

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
just wanted to say

thanks to fdd for putting up that site.

i'm looking at some pretty reasonable priced

what i plan on doing is writing down the model numbers
and brands, then go to the nearest guitar store and price

the ones i liked from the site and to see if its really what I want
and to compare prices.
I need to get a feel for them....

thanks again for the site!!
Always double check prices online, but because of the internet and Musicians Friend, brick and mortar stores are pretty much forced to match Musicians Friend prices to stay in business and you can usually get them to throw in some accessories like a strap, tuner, or some extra strings and most stores are willing to throw in a free lesson or two with a guitar.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
sooooooo many, .............

i'm on the 4th riff of electric funeral. just cause i'm lazy. i bet i could do it in an hour if i set my mind to it.
I'm just glad guitars can't get jealous. Amps, too. I've played one of these a few times and it's moving up my list of wants.

Well, until I tried a Goodsell. They sound so amazing. Warm, melty tube distortion is where its at.


Well-Known Member
these are for fdd.....

This guy has some pretty nice Schecters.....and does great metallica covers...
I dunno if these are the type you're looking for...but I loved these covers...


Hey PK... Get an electric.. This site has the best deals ..

And you DONT HAVE to buy an AMP.. Just DL this software called "AMPLITUBE" ( I have them all.. Amplitube Metal is the best imho.. ) and you can use your PC as an amp modeller and play through your PC speakers.. I have a good set up w/ a sub etc and playing guitar through my PC via Amplitube Metal sounds great. If you want to know where to get Amplitube Metal for FREE ( piratebay ) jsut PM me and ill send you the link to the right/best one(s)..

Heres the guitar I bought from Rondo ( the site from the link I posted above ) for 119.99 shipped to my door.



Well-Known Member
these are for fdd.....

This guy has some pretty nice Schecters.....and does great metallica covers...
I dunno if these are the type you're looking for...but I loved these covers...


Since you like guitar solos.

THE best VH cover artist on youtube.. Kent Carlevi and his Ernie Ball Music Man Axis.. His tone is unreal.. I would give my right nut to be able to pull off pinch harmonics like this...



Well-Known Member
the set got bumped up so carlos santana wasn't quite ready to go on. he was peaking on mescaline. he thought his guitar was a snake. he pulled it off rather well. the drummer is only 19.
