Americas future has been sold!!


Well-Known Member
Bad spelling aside, he's not far off. We have the deplorable Apollo organization writing both the Stimulus Bill and the Cap N Trade Bill. I wouldn't trust those subversive ultra-left wing scumbags to write my cellular contract, let alone massive legislation that wastes hundreds of billions of dollars and attempts to cripple our energy production. Then the politicians openly admit they don't read the fucking things before they vote on them? This is no way to run a system of government, everyone on both sides of the aisle should be outraged.
which is why you should support the OWS movement.

their goals are crystallizing quickly. first goal is to end the police state that directly attempts to shut them down. to this end, i ask you to watch the video of the cop pepper spraying (with military grade spray) peaceful, non violent protesters who are sitting on a sidewalk.

one of my old friends has had his mugshot posted on two local cable outlets for using sidewalk chalk to write (we are all the 99%) on public sidewalks. i can prove this claim.

second goal is to get the money out of politics, as you just railed against. they want the 99% to decide these things, not the 1^ of monied interests.

drop that tea party shit and join OWS.


Well-Known Member
its the banks that are fucking the system to hell.

lol, around here, they have so much power, that they are charging people 1.4 million for a 170 000 loan and telling people that the bank has to get so much money back or go bellyup lol.

which is of course just the latest maneuver in a long ass time scheme.

they got the people borrowing for everything, first the houses and then for a lousy ass tv.

how did they manage to get people to borrow for even a tv?

cause by then , they had people 150% in debt (and the governments followed suit (150% in debt))

and by then , the people were owned.

then they crashed the system (bit) at the right time, collapsing a shitload of people right into their grasp.

now everyone that was in debt , is kept on lifesupport, just enough so they can keep on sucking, cause there is no way anyone can escape these debts, not legal anyway.

now, the question is just , what is their next move

(though i personally think its irrelevant, i think they have far too much confidence in their position and that its all gonna go crashing down around their ears, might take a few years though)


Well-Known Member
btw on the 1.4 million for a 170 000 loan, no one borrowed at those terms, the banks just "changed" the conditions.

which tells alot about their power.

hows that old line go

"banks are more dangerous than standing armies" ?


Well-Known Member
Let me know when the ows stops being pro liberal politicians who lie, cheat, steal and stab the 99% in the back just like reps while they party it up while their Country falls apart around them. At least the tea party obeys the laws of society and cleans up after themselves as well as knowing how their real enemy is.

The federal gov as it stands today has totally and utterly failed us in too many ways to count and they proclaim all of us criminals as they did when the Sec of homeland security (lol what a joke she is) says believers of the Constitution, Bible believers, veterans of foriegn wars, people with Ron Paul bumper stickers, etc could be terrorists. This was issued to all police forces and gov agencies to be on the watch for people like this

This country has been turning a hard left for over 100 years. America has started to demonize Bible believers and will soon openly proscecute Christians just has been predicted.
People such as yourself may be full of grammer knowledge and a degree in being a good little subject for the State however you are blind as well as bound to chains that you ignore all the time proclaiming to one and all, look at me, Im free and I am not a bigot but you are. it is sad

which is why you should support the OWS movement.

their goals are crystallizing quickly. first goal is to end the police state that directly attempts to shut them down. to this end, i ask you to watch the video of the cop pepper spraying (with military grade spray) peaceful, non violent protesters who are sitting on a sidewalk.

one of my old friends has had his mugshot posted on two local cable outlets for using sidewalk chalk to write (we are all the 99%) on public sidewalks. i can prove this claim.

second goal is to get the money out of politics, as you just railed against. they want the 99% to decide these things, not the 1^ of monied interests.

drop that tea party shit and join OWS.


New Member
Prosecute Bible Believers
Biggest bunch of bullshit is the repressed christains in America

With Xmas around the corner be prepared for more hilarious stories of how Christains Are getting persecuted because they cant go a bible thumping in Goverment buildings


Well-Known Member

Nice post. I agree with it. I just blame the bad the politicians in DC for allowing it. DC put restrictions on banks after the great depression however almost all those laws have been repealed in that past thirty years. We have bankers and corporations buying power in DC and DC buying votes while taxing everything that moves, regulating it if it still moves and subsidizing it when it stops moving (RR said that)

The 99% dont stand a chance and the 1% has us so divided that we will never stand together therefore we shall all fall seperatly to the oppresive police state with the political "elite" running the show.


Well-Known Member
yes bob, money is power and the banks have the power to Make money..

giving them, unlimited power.

not to mention they have it set up so that the majority of the money ends up in their hands anyway.


Active Member
I agree 100% that the banks have caused some of this stir ... But not all ...

We ( Americans ) have done a little bit to help matters. We overspend and place everything on credit cards, loans, etc. Whatever happened to the days of not keeping up with the Jones' ? I always had a rule of thumb .. "If I cannot afford to pay currency for something, I guess I do not need it." I do not own a home, (We Rent) and I know all of the ramifications of not having anything to show but little bit of papers to show for it. But at least there is no For Sale sign in front of my residence.

Just my .02 worth

MaineYankee :-)


Well-Known Member
And who gave the banks the power to print our money? And charge interest!!!!!?
Politicians did.
So we have to stop the banks and the corps and the military/industrial complex.
We should use the political/judicial/police/prision complex and then we need to dismantle the PJPP complex because it has way too much power.
Putting pot smokers & drug addicts behind bars with ruthless convicts and predators needs to come to an end. Spend that money on treatment


Well-Known Member
Maine you are correct, as usual.
I wish biggov looked after the people it cares so much about just a little better then allowing a number to be placed upon each person that openly labels you as good or bad and allows you to get better deals then those less fortunate.

Why does a federal goverment that has our best interests at heart allow bankers to do this and to promote us as being good dogs and bad dogs, then charge outrageous interest rates that anyone else would be thrown in jail for.


Active Member
Thanks for the pat on the back Bone :-) I guess my 53 years of wisdom is starting to show :-)

Whenever one deals with Banks you are automatically labeled by the Big 3 Credit Agencies. From there it all goes on your Credit Score as how much interest you will pay for X amount of funding to make your purchase. God forbid that one looses his/her job, get ill, or just one other instance to force you to miss just one payment in the time span that you signed your life for. From there you are a nobody and for the rest of your life here on Planet Earth, you are forsaken to the "Double-Digit" pool when it comes to Interest Rates.

That is where Big Brother should step in and do something about it. They have the power and respect to do the right thing, but yet they turn their back on the Americans and favor with the Banking Institute that placed them in power.

IMO Greespan was cool while this idiot that we currently have is no more than a puppet. Brenneke should just go and leave it up to Howdy Doody, or Ronald McDonald. At least they know how to make money. Just look at McDonalds stock portfolio since their inception :-)

MaineYankee :-)


Well-Known Member
I agree 100% that the banks have caused some of this stir ... But not all ...

We ( Americans ) have done a little bit to help matters. We overspend and place everything on credit cards, loans, etc. Whatever happened to the days of not keeping up with the Jones' ? I always had a rule of thumb .. "If I cannot afford to pay currency for something, I guess I do not need it." I do not own a home, (We Rent) and I know all of the ramifications of not having anything to show but little bit of papers to show for it. But at least there is no For Sale sign in front of my residence.

Just my .02 worth

MaineYankee :-)
well, when sheep´s start to follow a wolf in a sheepdisguise, of course some of the blame is the sheep´s.

but in this case.

the alphasheeps were all bought off to baah the same thing as the wolfs (here here little lamb,everything is ok, come right this way into that big kettle, yes i know its big and black but get in anyway, its for your own good)

everyone told the sheep, it was ok, so they followed.

and since the alphasheeps were "voted" into office, they trusted them with their lives.

and followed suit.


Well-Known Member
... the Sec of homeland security ... says ... people with Ron Paul bumper stickers ... could be terrorists. This was issued to all police forces and gov agencies to be on the watch for people like this
you are so full of shit it is coming out of your eyeballs.

please document when the secretary of homeland security told all police forces and government agencies to be on the lookout for people with ron paul bumper stickers because they could be terrorists. show me.

you are a HORRIBLE liar and you have a ridiculous persecution complex.

...America ...will soon openly proscecute Christians just has been predicted.
more persecution complex bullshit. snap out of it, dude.

i am imagining you right now, huddled up at the compound, stockpiling MREs, adjusting your tin foil hat while you type about how you will soon be prosecuted for the crime of being christian in america. and that image makes me LOL.

... I am not a bigot but you are. it is sad
i am a bigot for laughing at your insanity and persecution complex?


go stand on a corner somewhere and predict doom to random passers by, none of us are buying your insanity.


Active Member
Okay .... Let's stop the BS, Name-Calling and Pro this and Pro That ...

How do we as American's ... Fix the problem so that our Grands do not have to pay for our mistakes? (I am not finger pointing here ... I would just like to know how YOU, YOURSELF, would "Stop The Bleed"?

The MaineYankee :-)


Well-Known Member
you are so full of shit it is coming out of your eyeballs.

please document when the secretary of homeland security told all police forces and government agencies to be on the lookout for people with ron paul bumper stickers because they could be terrorists. show me.

you are a HORRIBLE liar and you have a ridiculous persecution complex.
that part is actually true Buck, its called the MIAC report, Missouri did it under the guidance of homeland security, it was not ever supposed to be released to the public.

read it for yourself.............


Well-Known Member
People such as yourself may be full of grammer knowledge and a degree in being a good little subject for the State however you are blind as well as bound to chains that you ignore all the time proclaiming to one and all, look at me, Im free and I am not a bigot but you are. it is sad
I must have touched a nerve. I never called you a bigot. You forgot to get some reading comprehension in your grammer education

Unlike you and the other enlightened liberals, I hardly ever call other posters names. I feel it is a sign of an uneducated man who has lost the debate.

P.S. Nappy did issue the report just as I stated


Well-Known Member
that part is actually true Buck, its called the MIAC report, Missouri did it under the guidance of homeland security, it was not ever supposed to be released to the public.

read it for yourself.............
LOL. still not true.

that was NOT released by the secretary of homeland security. secondly, there is ZERO mention of ron paul bumper stickers. finally, if it did mention ron paul bumper stickers, it would be the exact opposite of the way bonehead describes it. this document, which may be a fabrication by some paranoid tin foil hatter, only states that possible lone wolf terrorists may support a certain party, not that supporting a certain party is an indicator of being a lone wolf terrorist.
