Americas future has been sold!!


Well-Known Member
LOL. still not true.

that was NOT released by the secretary of homeland security. secondly, there is ZERO mention of ron paul bumper stickers. finally, if it did mention ron paul bumper stickers, it would be the exact opposite of the way bonehead describes it. this document, which may be a fabrication by some paranoid tin foil hatter, only states that possible lone wolf terrorists may support a certain party, not that supporting a certain party is an indicator of being a lone wolf terrorist.


Political Paraphernalia AKA Bumper Sticker, pins, foam hands, little flags etc etc etc.

MIAC is a Federal Fusion center, under the authority of the dept of homeland security...go look it up



Well-Known Member
View attachment 1914101

Political Paraphernalia AKA Bumper Sticker, pins, foam hands, little flags etc etc etc.
1. it was not released by the secretary of homeland security as was claimed.
2. it never mentions ron paul bumper stickers.
3. it does not say to be on the lookout for people with certain paraphernalia because they might be terrorists.

derp dee der.


Well-Known Member
Dude, Im laughing at you. You just got owned. :hump:
says the guy who claims christians will be prosecuted in the nation that celebrates a zombies birthday as a national holiday :dunce:

i laugh at each and every one of your conspiracy laden, tin foil hat postings.


Well-Known Member
1. it was not released by the secretary of homeland security as was claimed.
2. it never mentions ron paul bumper stickers.
3. it does not say to be on the lookout for people with certain paraphernalia because they might be terrorists.

derp dee der.
1. Who is in charge of homeland security? Are you saying that the leader of a government agency is not responsible or culpable for any of its agency's actions? I know you are going to rethink this.

2. It sure as hell does, see post #42, pay particular attention to the little picture i put up. If a bumper sticker isn't political paraphernalia then what is it? If that Isn't Ron Paul's name there, then whose is it? Just because it does not specifically say bumper sticker you are attempting deception by semantics.

3. What is the whole point of the entire report then? C'mon, I know you aren't so dumb as to say you don't understand what that report is all about. And those noises you make do not convince me that you are on the low end of the ungifted intelligence quotient scale.


Well-Known Member
1. Who is in charge of homeland security? Are you saying that the leader of a government agency is not responsible or culpable for any of its agency's actions? I know you are going to rethink this.
funny, when it comes to the racist ron paul newsletters you take a different stance. you try to claim that because someone else wrote it, he was not responsible for it. yet here you take the opposite view, and say that even if someone else wrote it, the person at the top is responsible.

anyhoo, it is pretty straightforward by all accounts that it was not sent out by the secretary of homeland security as claimed.

2. It sure as hell does, see post #42, pay particular attention to the little picture i put up. If a bumper sticker isn't political paraphernalia then what is it? If that Isn't Ron Paul's name there, then whose is it? Just because it does not specifically say bumper sticker you are attempting deception by semantics.

3. What is the whole point of the entire report then? C'mon, I know you aren't so dumb as to say you don't understand what that report is all about. And those noises you make do not convince me that you are on the low end of the ungifted intelligence quotient scale.
the claim was "... the Sec of homeland security ... says ... people with Ron Paul bumper stickers ... could be terrorists. This was issued to all police forces and gov agencies to be on the watch for people like this"

it never says ron paul bumper stickers, it never says to be on the lookout for these people, it doesn't direct anyone to pull over people with ron paul bumper stickers.

it is a canard that paranoid people like bonehead like to use to justify a persecution complex.


Well-Known Member
UB: Those are some weak excuses for getting owned.

NoD: Nice work finding those links even though UB will dismiss them

Beardo: Nice Av


Well-Known Member
UB: Those are some weak excuses for getting owned.

NoD: Nice work finding those links even though UB will dismiss them

Beardo: Nice Av
you claimed "... the Sec of homeland security ... says ... people with Ron Paul bumper stickers ... could be terrorists. This was issued to all police forces and gov agencies to be on the watch for people like this"

nowhere does it instruct anyone to "be on the watch" for people with a ron paul bumper sticker. it is a fabrication of your delusional, paranoid mind.

not to mention this was NOT sent out by the secretary of homeland security, as you claimed.

i called you on a lie. face it.

still not even close to as comical as your claim that they are going to start prosecuting christians :dunce:


Well-Known Member
funny, when it comes to the racist ron paul newsletters you take a different stance. you try to claim that because someone else wrote it, he was not responsible for it. yet here you take the opposite view, and say that even if someone else wrote it, the person at the top is responsible.

anyhoo, it is pretty straightforward by all accounts that it was not sent out by the secretary of homeland security as claimed.

the claim was "... the Sec of homeland security ... says ... people with Ron Paul bumper stickers ... could be terrorists. This was issued to all police forces and gov agencies to be on the watch for people like this"

it never says ron paul bumper stickers, it never says to be on the lookout for these people, it doesn't direct anyone to pull over people with ron paul bumper stickers.

it is a canard that paranoid people like bonehead like to use to justify a persecution complex.
What is the purpose of the report Buck?


Active Member
Me thinks this thread kind of got sidetracked. Get this ...
How would you like to be part of ...what will be soon defunct ... Euro Community? They are now talking that in some of the participating countries, that banks may be shut down for 30 days, and they will not allow one to travel from country to country or back home if you are away on vacation. (See Glen Beck 12/2/11)

Can you just imagine how this would take place here in America? There is no difference if you look at the entire Euro Community as The United States of Euro. Why should a dominant country such as Germany bail out Greece? Why should Texas bail out California?

Don't laugh, but I think the Myan's had it right ... This could be Armaggedon !!

MaineYankee :-)