an unnessesary problem

could you find it in your heart to steal another man's treasure

  • yes ima a fagget bitch thief who deserves to be castrated..

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • No ima cool guy who just walks away an admirs the plant..

    Votes: 16 84.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
well so i have noticed in the last few weeks people posting threads about "stumbling"accross someone's plants an not knowing what to do or strait out thiefing them...well so you know around the country is harvest time for most outdoor growers so yes yo may while your out find somebodys plants...when you do just walk away an forget about the spot for a month or 2...first you dont want people to think youra snitch ora thief(around my parts both can get you castrated)for who knows what they will do..second its just bad fucking karma to jack someone of thier would you feel if you were growin dope for 4-5 months an then somebitch thief rools up an jacks it at the very end....fucked up..dont fuckin do it..walk away an forget...peace:evil:


Well-Known Member
i dont take nothin that i dont think aint mine....but i never touch another mans plants...i cant belive someone choose to be a thief...

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
i see,

and how about another man's "woman".... you ever banged a woamn that had a boyfriend? or husband?



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Id agree.Stealing plants unless its from someone you know and have a personal beef with and want to get them back for something they did would be just a pussy move and wrong. Its like how it used to be an unwritten code of honor amonst thieves but has now adays gone away.If your screwin someones wife or girlfriend your a piece of shit anyways and hopefully you get dumped in a hole filled with lime just barely breathing then buried alive.Dont take it if you aint grow it and if you aint married to it or paying for it dont sleep with it.


Well-Known Member
The way i see it is if you grow on public property you deserve to get your shit ganked. If you cant grow at home just dont grow. I understand some people dont want them on their property but thats a chance they are taking growing in public.


Well-Known Member
i see,

and how about another man's "woman".... you ever banged a woamn that had a boyfriend? or husband?

i used to b the fucken biggest thief,and good as fuck too!!!armed,strong armed,u name it,and i also used to fuck the homies ol ladys too!!!!ive never have got paid back,and yeah im sure of it!!but im a man with a consience,sure it didnt seem wrong at the time but as a grew up,it was just fucken wrong and i mean the shit ive done ate me from the inside out.So no to answer the question...if it aint mine i dont touch,and i expect the same in return!!!!RESPECT . i always had it in many diffrent ways,ways that i worked to my advantage,becouse of who i am.But as i got older i know kno exactly what the word means,and i give it to everyone,even strangers ive never laid my eyes on!NO i would never,and as much respect that i have for growing and fellow growers,that would be a crime in itself!!!!rascalone:blsmoke:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Rascal I know what you mean.The same stuff you mentioned Id say Im familiar with and younger ones dont think about it but when I hit probably about 25-26 a few years back it all comes back into play. I always showed respect to those who had earned it and none to peple who didnt or I didnt know but you grow older and wiser you see its alot deeper then that and there is karma and it will come for you in some form if you dont make it right.You got some people like Big above and those are the one who usually end up shot on the corners or found dead over nothing as they dont know honor or respect.Its a generational thing .Today no one taught them about that and its just steal it and not earn it which is sad but Im still old school disrespect me or steal from me hide and hide good.


Well-Known Member
they just dont makem like they used too...good to kno we r on the same page filthy,its a rare thing now a days"RESPECT"....and i may of left that out,payback,it will come in some shape or form,believe that!!


Well-Known Member
there's no way anyone browsing these forums for even 5 minutes doesn't realize how much heart and soul we all pour into our plants... they become like our pets (destined for a short life- followed by cremation)

as far as i'm concerned, anyone posting about "not knowing what to do", is really just teetering on the fence between being a coward and being a cantidate for castration.



Well-Known Member
I dont steal anymore. So no im not gonna get shot on the corner for that. I quit stealing when i was about 20. I disagree with the generational thing all of my elders are thiefs. Maybe im not as mature as you guys but i quit robbing people. I'm just too afraid of getting caught now that im older. I only give respect to people that earn it.


Well-Known Member
By the way guys im not trying to piss any1 off. I respect most of you guys on this forum. A lot of you have helped me. Im not saying im gonna go steal plants but if you plant on public land what do you expect.


Well-Known Member
Everytime I harvest or throw away a male there is a little hesatation. We do become attached to our plants, On one hand I would be very angry, on the other that is the risk you take growing outdoors.


Active Member
If i come across a patch while hiking or bumming around in the mountains, i get the fuck out of there. people in california aren't afraid to shoot your ass and leave you for fertilizer. Happens every year. Just cuz you don't see them doesn't mean they haven't been watching you for ten minutes.


Well-Known Member
I dont steal anymore. So no im not gonna get shot on the corner for that. I quit stealing when i was about 20. I disagree with the generational thing all of my elders are thiefs. Maybe im not as mature as you guys but i quit robbing people. I'm just too afraid of getting caught now that im older. I only give respect to people that earn it.
that's cool you quit stealing, and admitted your mistake, which is worth some respect. i hear ya on the generational thing, the bulk of the differences between generations are just superficial. people are people.

i have to say about the subject of respect, imho, i'd rather disrespect someone who earned it, than disrespect someone who didn't.


Well-Known Member
Everytime I harvest or throw away a male there is a little hesatation. We do become attached to our plants, On one hand I would be very angry, on the other that is the risk you take growing outdoors.
yeah, planting outside has its risks, although i guess losing a crop to an anonymous theif outside is a lot safer than losing a crop inside to someone you didn't invite, ya know lol


Well-Known Member
yeah, planting outside has its risks, although i guess losing a crop to an anonymous theif outside is a lot safer than losing a crop inside to someone you didn't invite, ya know lol
Thats true. My biggest fear outside is someone finding it, calling the cops, and waiting for me to show up.


Well-Known Member
no i would never steals someones harvest but i did have someone come in my house and steal my whole crop in the middle of the day a week b4 harvesy the most fucked up part is it had to be a friend i thought i trusted


Well-Known Member
I know several individuals who's number one complaint in their line of business is theft..not, equipment, product...alot of shit gets stolen, and its always somebody they trusted. someone who new exactly were to look without having to tear shit up searching. an unfortunate part of there line of work. As far as outside grows, I dont think that makes it fair game so to speak, but Im sure most people assume that there crops were destroyed and they probably just walk away never knowing who or why.

I have spent the last fifteen years in the wonderful wilds of the wilderness, and the only crop Ive ever seen outside was one that I was shown by a friend a long time ago.

I agree that there seems to be a peak in people finding outdoor crops. They are either using that as a cover for there own grow, or they are thieves...that is all


Well-Known Member
of course there r gonna be many ways of using respect and disrespect,if someone deserves it or if someone doesnt,i understand the facts of growing outside,there is always a chance that it can b stolen,u can b coughtor u might,just might have no problems at wouldnt that b something?but i can promise it will not have been taken b me...ill just tell my lil buddies whare it is and have them go get it, but my answer sticks (theiving-BAD)growing-GOOD) lets just grow and smoke and hope it never happens to any of us,lol....its been fun but i gots to run,kids got school in the morning....yes!!!....rascalone