The decision itself said Congress decides when they are in recess. You never did come up with that lie you said I told. So.....double fail
what lie of yours? many to choose from..
The decision itself said Congress decides when they are in recess. You never did come up with that lie you said I told. So.....double fail
Yeah, well I lost faith when he was elected the 2nd time. The Republicans dont have any candidates that excite me either. If a Regan conservative ran I think he might have a good chance but I do not expect the Republicans to support that kind of candidate. The entire party seems dedicated to being Democrat Lite as if that is going to win them elections. Note to the GOP... Chuck Shumer is not your friend..
Yeah, well I lost faith when he was elected the 2nd time. The Republicans dont have any candidates that excite me either. If a Regan conservative ran I think he might have a good chance but I do not expect the Republicans to support that kind of candidate. The entire party seems dedicated to being Democrat Lite as if that is going to win them elections. Note to the GOP... Chuck Shumer is not your friend..
can you say r-i-n-o?
the GOP is a clown car and the sub parties provides the gas.
even those who i know in my community normally vote GOP..they just shake their head.
open your eyes..look up to the skies and seeeeeeeeee..i'm just a boy poor..i need no sympathy~queen
I feel the same way right now. All i can do is vote when the time comes.
good morning have you been? really stopped hanging around after the hawaii trip..lot's of boat time?
do you have wifi installed on your boat?
I registered independent years ago. But hoping a 3rd party is somehow going to get enough support without the GOP is like hoping for the cubs to win the world series. Usually you get your heart broken.
I am fine, just been working a lot. I am training a new young boat captain, he should be ready in a few more weeks and then I will be semi retired. I have been looking at a boat in Hawaii that I can fish for AHI in the winter just to stay busy and active. No wifi just cell service.
Lets not beat around the bush here, he got elected because as the Spanish would say he's "negro".Obama got nominated and elected because he can be controlled and manipulated by the liberal left people behind the scenes. He is incompetent as a manager and has shown no ability to learn. He is a useful tool. I dont think Hillary would have been as easy to manipulate.
Obama isnt a genius, that has become glaringly clear. And he isnt a manager at all. When the VA scandal came up it was determined that the head of the VA had not had a meeting with Obama in 2 years. The federal agencies are acting independently without oversight of the executive branch and that is what is causing scandal after scandal to be uncovered. The wheels have come off the bus but the administration is so large the chassis has not hit the ground yet.
I dont think the next 2 years in office is going to help the president at all. I bet he ages 10 in that time.
I am fine, just been working a lot. I am training a new young boat captain, he should be ready in a few more weeks and then I will be semi retired. I have been looking at a boat in Hawaii that I can fish for AHI in the winter just to stay busy and active. No wifi just cell service.
the GOP is a clown car and the sub parties provides the gas.
Lets not beat around the bush here, he got elected because as the Spanish would say he's "negro".
Load of white-guilt America-haters got a nice warm feeling for showing everyone how "totally not racist" they are cos they "gave the black guy a chance".
Fuck off Doer.Well, you do understand the depth of protection we are give our first Black President.
This is SELF rule, pokey. Not all the laws are written. The Agencies have power, and so does the Press. On
When will Ireland have a wog as one of the many "leaders?"
But, you will never have A SCTOUS, who cares about your broken opinions?
Lets not beat around the bush here, he got elected because as the Spanish would say he's "negro".
Load of white-guilt America-haters got a nice warm feeling for showing everyone how "totally not racist" they are cos they "gave the black guy a chance".
Yeah I bought his bullshit initially too.i voted for him because he's young, fresh and i like his platform..i would vote again for him.
hillary needed to be toned down a bit..i didn't like her campaign in 2008..she was kinda harpy about it.
Fuck off Doer.
Pro-tip: America is not the greatest and most free country in the world.
Again, fuck off Doer, you Walter-mitty Clownshoes Motherfucker.An Ireland is, was and will ever remain, a shit hole, joke of the world.
An Ireland is, was and will ever remain, a shit hole, joke of the world.