Arctic Breaks Ice Ceiling

In this case, you aren't right. Not that you are always wrong but there have been other instances where you bloviate on about something that is not true. (re: Tesla, "fuck trump" bumper sticker)

In this case, due to rapid glacier and sea ice melting during the summer a layer of fresh water or better put less salty water collects at the surface and it freezes at a higher temperature than fully loaded sea water. When this happens, simpletons like the fool that posted the OP, see sea ice layer larger than earlier years and the simpletons jump to a false conclusion. We've seen the same phenomenon before at the south pole. This is all to say that the effects of global warming are complex, which is why we hire people with many years of education and professional expertise to track and study it.

I'm not claiming this is germane to what AC said. His point is valid regardless and you picked out an unimportant detail to go on and be wrong about. Why you spend so much time on an unimportant point yet let the ragingly fake article found on the OP alone is a bit irritating. Why don't you point out something in that post for us all to laugh at and give us the chance to click on the like button?
The top meter of the entire earth's ocean has significantly lower salinity than below. This is due to multiple factors I don't even really have time to get into but it has mostly to do with precipitation and density. Grease Ice does in fact form very close to 0c and the colder water below congeals as long as it is not so turbulent. Then there's fast ice breaking off. So while it's true that salt does in fact lower the freezing point, an understanding of the phenomena of Grease Ice, which explains how sea ice forms, is sufficient to close the matter. Also note that though I'm a commercial diver and actually work in the field of oceanography, I prefer not to have my point derailed by a petulant and shiftless bloviator who actually thinks he knows more than everyone. So I guess I'm a name-caller too, but at least I made a good point before I called names.

Fluid saltwater below 32 degrees can cause a thermocline of warmer freshwater to freeze.
where you at? you still diving in the Phillipines? if so, have fun!!
Yeah, I was back home for a few weeks but I actually just got back, hours ago. I'm thinking of working in recreation this year so yeah, fun is definitely on the agenda. I just got yet another camera too (several have flooded) so I'll be sure to post some shots. This one's an Olympus TG5 (waterproof) with a higher end housing made in Japan. So it should survive flooding and the housing is easy to take apart and maintain.
Yeah, I was back home for a few weeks but I actually just got back, hours ago. I'm thinking of working in recreation this year so yeah, fun is definitely on the agenda. I just got yet another camera too (several have flooded) so I'll be sure to post some shots. This one's an Olympus TG5 (waterproof) with a higher end housing made in Japan. So it should survive flooding and the housing is easy to take apart and maintain.
please post some more pix. the ones of yours that i've seen are fantastic. make me wish i wasn't landlocked.
Stop deflecting.

You think it's OK to man handle 12 yr. olds and that's not going away, is it?

Most morons know that doesn't fly.

What's your pathetic excuse again?

Never mind, nobody believes it.

Except you're wrong. I don't think it's okay as in it's something I personally approve of .

If a person is capable of consenting to something that you don't approve of, how does that give you a right to change their behavior? Are you in favor of instituting some kind of prohibition for others that aligns with your preferences ?
LOL. I think the LongStar could make it up your road. What is the address, so I can began dumping shit

When you hear the banjoes playing, you'll know you're getting close.

There are no gains. That's the entire point. You don't get gains when temperatures increase. Fact is, the polar cap has lost a shitload and continues to lose it year after year. The graph the OP posted is completely fraudulent and entirely made up. It has no basis in reality.

Here is the real one on this page along with a video from NASA that shows exactly what's going on.

try again, that is from last years winter season (2017-2018) and also cherry picked time period. My data is from this year
So you came to this thread to single me out.

No. You have a very inflated opinion of yourself. You're not important in the least.

I simply posted the facts because making an argument against stupidity with more stupidity is an exercise in stupidity.

It wouldn't have mattered who posted it, I would have posted the facts to correct it.

Get over yourself.
The top meter of the entire earth's ocean has significantly lower salinity than below. This is due to multiple factors I don't even really have time to get into but it has mostly to do with precipitation and density. Grease Ice does in fact form very close to 0c and the colder water below congeals as long as it is not so turbulent. Then there's fast ice breaking off. So while it's true that salt does in fact lower the freezing point, an understanding of the phenomena of Grease Ice, which explains how sea ice forms, is sufficient to close the matter. Also note that though I'm a commercial diver and actually work in the field of oceanography, I prefer not to have my point derailed by a petulant and shiftless bloviator who actually thinks he knows more than everyone. So I guess I'm a name-caller too, but at least I made a good point before I called names.

Fluid saltwater below 32 degrees can cause a thermocline of warmer freshwater to freeze.
I saw a Nova about ice forming in the oceans. The salt falls away, so the water that freezes isn't salty. That downward motion of the dense salt water forms a really slow underwater current that is important in regulating global ocean temps.
Get ready folks, start your lists, we are going to have to "sacrifice" everything....
No more christmas lights.
No more christmas tree.
No more ski resorts.
No more ipods, ipads or internet.
No more graphite or cobalt mining.

For just this community:
No more Gavita, no more LED lighting.
No more portable AC or 25k lb dehueys.
No more synthectically produced with petreleum distilate but labeled organic, fertilizer regimes.
No more plastic anything....

Those are just the simple non needsy things, lets give ourselves some real power and suppress.

No lighting of any kind after dark, including driving.
No unnatural noise a fter datk and before sunrise.
No solar panels because passive is far more efficient, stone buildings etc.

No mining or well drilling or fracking at all, end it all.
No more computer /automated infastructure, how many raw resoureces, chemicals and manpower is lost to this corporate behemoth. Paying for your ISP should be considered blood money, shouldnt it @rollitup ?
There are well documented extinction events, put up or shut up.....
Get ready folks, start your lists, we are going to have to "sacrifice" everything....
No more christmas lights.
No more christmas tree.
No more ski resorts.
No more ipods, ipads or internet.
No more graphite or cobalt mining.

For just this community:
No more Gavita, no more LED lighting.
No more portable AC or 25k lb dehueys.
No more synthectically produced with petreleum distilate but labeled organic, fertilizer regimes.
No more plastic anything....

Those are just the simple non needsy things, lets give ourselves some real power and suppress.

No lighting of any kind after dark, including driving.
No unnatural noise a fter datk and before sunrise.
No solar panels because passive is far more efficient, stone buildings etc.

No mining or well drilling or fracking at all, end it all.
No more computer /automated infastructure, how many raw resoureces, chemicals and manpower is lost to this corporate behemoth. Paying for your ISP should be considered blood money, shouldnt it @rollitup ?
There are well documented extinction events, put up or shut up.....
Shut the fuck up, republican
Get ready folks, start your lists, we are going to have to "sacrifice" everything....
No more christmas lights.
No more christmas tree.
No more ski resorts.
No more ipods, ipads or internet.
No more graphite or cobalt mining.

For just this community:
No more Gavita, no more LED lighting.
No more portable AC or 25k lb dehueys.
No more synthectically produced with petreleum distilate but labeled organic, fertilizer regimes.
No more plastic anything....

Those are just the simple non needsy things, lets give ourselves some real power and suppress.

No lighting of any kind after dark, including driving.
No unnatural noise a fter datk and before sunrise.
No solar panels because passive is far more efficient, stone buildings etc.

No mining or well drilling or fracking at all, end it all.
No more computer /automated infastructure, how many raw resoureces, chemicals and manpower is lost to this corporate behemoth. Paying for your ISP should be considered blood money, shouldnt it @rollitup ?
There are well documented extinction events, put up or shut up.....
You have the imagination of a termite.