Arctic Breaks Ice Ceiling

Shut the fuck up, republican
Lol, then eloquate us with your non white privileged stance.

This republican believes in all legalized drugs and removal of all flags and ending Amazon and its CIA server farms. How republican.

Come back when you actually have something to type.....
You have the imagination of a termite.
Please elaborate, since you cant seem to do it without name circle flap flap, which specific ones did you disagree with!

Remember you openly stated you have no problem burning coal and diregarding salmon habitat, termite indeed...
It says a lot that the alt-right seem to be falling back on attacking climate science since Trump himself has become indefensible.

Even the retards can tell.
Which specific ones did you disagree with, most of these are straight from AOC, a real American, unlike you pc warriors...
Never mind the hypocrisy about complaining about the environment on a That will show em....I forgot though that the computer only expels 100% fairy farts and environmental waste, silly silly me.
Is your girlfriend very hairy?

Is that a yes to your girlfriend being hairy?
Tibor is a nice name.



Take your trolling elsewhere, Russia not being an option, [hint:they arent very environmentally friendly anyways]

Which specific parts of the New Green Deal aren` t you willing to embrace, the computer part?