Well, some people smoke tobacoo and not weed who would say fuck pot. to each their own.

It's not that smoking pot is any better for your lungs than additive-free tobacco. Lighting something on fire is going to produce all sorts of harmful chemicals. That said, it's then only a matter of taste, quantity, and effect ...
Well, some people smoke tobacoo and not weed who would say fuck pot. to each their own.

It's not that smoking pot is any better for your lungs than additive-free tobacco. Lighting something on fire is going to produce all sorts of harmful chemicals. That said, it's then only a matter of taste, quantity, and effect ...

The word cancer comes to mind.:?
Morning all.... Man what a rush.. Had a bad dream... Dreamed that a train conductor (?) had stolen 1 of my plants and I couldn't catch the train, plus that my plants were alive with mites.... so I jumped out of bead in a panic, only to see my cat "trimming" my plants.... that earned him a bucket of water... got to start that aversion therapy early........ I hate waking up that way...

I'm smoking a master bubba cross

I'm smoking 0.......... :cry:

true dat. how is it that the weakest, safest drug stays in your system for fucking ever compared to, say, amphetamines? or crack?

Just lucky I guess....... :blsmoke:

store-rolled cigarettes and domestic tobacco is all shit. i roll my own every once in a while with amsterdam's finest schwag ... and i exclusively smoke spliffs of it. all the difference in the world and none of the chemicals.

Used to use drum (dutch) tobacco......

Cancer is everywhere. The crap that gets spewed into our atmosphere and put in our food gives us cancer.

Plus the companies buy suspicious additives from places like China.. for what reason ?... to save a few pennies on every item....Bastards..:evil:

So.... I like meatballs.

I like my balls..... :mrgreen:

EVERYBODY loves meatwads.

I know spit wad, I know fuck wad, but meat................ ok... :confused:
Used to use drum (dutch) tobacco......

Yeah, I love the stuff, but they refuse to import it to the US. What's worse, Republic Tobacco of America has taken over the name anj makes garbage. Even worse is that they make the package look exactly the same in the hopes of fooling folks into buying it. That's all I smoked when I lived in France, but I can't get it here unless a friend flies internationally and picks some up for me.

I know spit wad, I know fuck wad, but meat................ ok... :confused:

Never seen Aqua Teen Hunger Force? Meatwad's my Av. ...
twisty you gotta watch those train conductors, they are a crooked bunch lol. on my last grow i had a dream that my wife harvested all my plants like 4 weeks too early. in the dream the cut down buds were hanging all over the place with company over. i was so pissed and kept saying they werent fucking readyyyyy!!!
Oh noes my fish have ich,had to treat them now it looks like they are swimming in toilet water.I know they are dead fish swimming iv'e never had fish pull out from ich.:neutral:

Yeah, I love the stuff, but they refuse to import it to the US. What's worse, Republic Tobacco of America has taken over the name anj makes garbage. Even worse is that they make the package look exactly the same in the hopes of fooling folks into buying it. That's all I smoked when I lived in France, but I can't get it here unless a friend flies internationally and picks some up for me.

rolling your own cigarettes is for poor people and prisoners

Oh noes my fish have ich,had to treat them now it looks like they are swimming in toilet water.I know they are dead fish swimming iv'e never had fish pull out from ich.:neutral:
I have never seen a fish with an itch
is it as funny as a moose that got goosed
or a louse of a mouse
rolling your own cigarettes is for poor people and prisoners

right .... once you've tasted additive-free, moist, fine tobacco and compare with the shiite they pack in rolled cigarettes - or american loose tobacco, for that matter - there's no going back.

it has nothing to do with money, although it doesn't piss me off it's so much cheaper.

rolled cigarettes are like a fine meal compared to fast food cigarettes.
i'm down with a rolled cigaweed. tobacco is foul.


that's funny you said that. one of my buddies in the city busted that out a couple years ago .. where does cigaweed come from? i'd never heard it before, but now every time i bust out a spliff i get to hear about my cigaweed.