Blaze & Daze

Cheap worm food tip. Clean your gutters out and feed to worms. Unless you live in the open range, you should have trees around. Trees produce pollen. Pollen clogs our gutters. Pollen is very high protein. Worms love protein.
Lots of worm food equals lots of poop!
. You can take it from there.
Why my words bold I do not know.
Cheap worm food tip. Clean your gutters out and feed to worms. Unless you live in the open range, you should have trees around. Trees produce pollen. Pollen clogs our gutters. Pollen is very high protein. Worms love protein.
Lots of worm food equals lots of poop!
. You can take it from there.
Why my words bold I do not know.
Bolding makes you like Moses with the tablets lol. AUTHORITAH!!
... Lets see your garden pics! ...
Watered/fed - then the branches flattened further - around noon yesterday. I am pleasantly surprised they have already turned up to the light this quickly as I thought it would take another day. There are a few more blocking fans to process later.

I guess the ladies are liking the HLG/Urban Remo combo.



