Blaze & Daze

Slugs are out here so only imagine your yard. Looked like had one or two nibble on em. A little dish of beer will keep away and drown.
yeah, not sure what is munching on the leaves. i didn't see any sign of slugs up on the tables; the plants are elevated off the ground and honestly, since the chickens get the run of the yard, they get most of the slugs. i think i may have leafcutter ants. i do plan on enclosing the keepers once i have my girls + 1 boy picked out for the full grow.
Ah see you're transitioning outside as well! Looks great.
My poor tomatoes did not like getting dumped outside instantly. So far the CBD bed and few others fared fine.
these babies have been outside since day 1; we've had some cold nights so they're pretty small for their size but it's sink or swim, baby! ain't nobody (i.e. ME) got time for another tent run this summer. sunshine is free! and i need to use up all my electricity $$ for my ovens haha!
Howdy everyone. Beautiful warm day yesterday, finally. Got a nice late afternoon round of disc golf in - Carved my leg up on some brambles in a futile search for an errant throw! Learning. But worth it.

Happy Wednesday!
haha those are awesome! i wonder how many bong rips the inventor had to take when coming up with that idea...

Probably one less than this guy!
