Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Happy lazy Sunday. I'm excited. Hoops net from Amazon arriving today. I get to be a hero at our little neighborhood park. I complained and after a month with a torn and shattered net the parks and rec dept finally put up a metal net but incorrectly. It lasted all of one day. There is one guy responsible for maintaining park playground equipment. That's his only job but he can't put up a net correctly. Those things tear up semi-leather balls anyway so good riddance. A heavy duty red, white, and blue net goes up today. This is the day of hoops rebellion!

I'm vaping some really good stuff this morning.


Well-Known Member
What the hell? It's 50 degrees this morning. Had to find my sweats
Same here, but I remembered to shut all the windows and it's 70 in here....supposed to be 80 later, and then the rains come tonight.

I am going to cut my scraggly lawn today I think.

And the light shopping continues. I'm not planning on spending more than about $600 for a 4 x 4 area....There are loads and loads of them in this price range., and under. I have a 4 x 8 tent but gonna start with 1 light. Might even get a new 4 x 4 tent.

Happy Sunday!!