Bonz`s Dutch Treat 12/12 cfl grow


Well-Known Member
Hey Bonz, how's it hangin? just thought I'd stop in see how things are going. Looks good, uh, what strain are those males again?


Well-Known Member
they are the dutch treat. the female that i screwed up on and puy 2 in 1 pot are both the same strain and the 1 plant on the left is the bubba kush.

he realy busted his balls last night, i will get some more pics later of my pollenating. im goinhg to helpit along with dusting the pistills with pollen.


Well-Known Member
Looking great bonz!

I can't wait till you post pictures of pollination, I've never seen how it's done, I've been curious for a while. :)


Well-Known Member
ok first off here we have my dutch in the flower room. things are lookin a bit better in there. i did a flushj on them a few days ago, to much salt build up causing defficiencies.

then we have the breeding cab. i have some other pics that where taken on a different cam but the roomy put it somewhere so when he gets home from work i will post a more detailed thing on my pollenation. pretty simple realy i am just using an art brush to help spread the pollen onto the pistils.

and 1 final note.
i was at my grow store yesterday and i have been offered an oportunity to take over a 25 light operation. i can make it completely legal as i will be a designated grower for other med patients. wow thats a big oportunity. need to think this one over, cause for now i will be on my own and that is a huge responsibility and a huge amount of work for 1 stoner hippie to deal with on his own.
i dont trust anyone around me right now to bring them into this.


Well-Known Member
im tuning in to this episode...the guy looks great (no homo) the ladies, they truly are amazing.


Well-Known Member
i will be getting another cam to do the time laps flowering thing like i did in the beginning of this journey also. hopefully i will have that up and running over the weekend. dont want to miss to much.


Well-Known Member
Pollen on the leaves! how cool! I am doing early sexing and my favorite showed male:cry: So now I have to figure out whether to collect pollen or take cuttings from him (good practice?) and cuttings from a girl and just flower the two small rooted clones. I don't need a ton of seed as I am my only patient!

Really nice Bonz!


Well-Known Member
wussup bonz!! good to see u movin up man GL with that offer n those ladie look nice a big time growth since i last seen them


Well-Known Member
sounds like a dream job! damn man, good luck with that....if you do. keep us posted, the ladies look good too. and the fellas.


Well-Known Member
ok so its been a while for an update here, just been real busy with work again.

so first we have the dutch in flower now since about the 7th of nov.



Well-Known Member
And these are the seeding project. they have been pollenating since the first of nov.
i also chopped the male down tonight. he was spent, and has served his purpose for this project.
the calyx`s have realy swelled with seeds.

And the late father of the project here all spent.



Well-Known Member
looks good,i wouldve cloned the male and let the clone remain in the flowering chamber with the prego so u would end up with a dodge caravan full of seeds:hump:


Well-Known Member
that duth looks fukn beautiful n i see that ur main cola leafs did the same as mine, did u figure out wat was wrong with them??? n i KNOW ur gunna make some hash right


Well-Known Member
im startin to think its the heat as they are the closest to the light, my last ones did that to. i originaly was told it was to much nutes but i dont believe him now.

the reason i choped down the male is cause he was done his pollenating. no more pods there. and i am done with this place as soon as this crop is harvested. to much bull shit here to. cant stand my buddies bitch....i mean girlfriend.....some girlfriend she is....calls him a goof daily. dont go over to well with me. so on to bigger and better things soon.
i will give the dutch another go some time and do things my way next time.


Well-Known Member
his bitch.. lol.. but damn u been doin alot of movin u still good finacially

and yeah thats what i wuz thinkin to a BUDDY of mine wuz tellin me it was a PH problem but i always thought it was the heat lol


New Member
Lookin Good! I just ordered some east island Dutch Treat for outdoor. I am considering flowering a couple indoor but odor is a problem for my set up. how pungent is Dutch Treat's odor on a scale of 1-10? 10 being the stankest skunk.