

New Member
Seriously people, get over my name already. If I knew the flame situation here I would have never picked this user name.

Has anyone ever heard of non sequitur?


New Member
What does being bored have to do with trolling? She is actually that size, the more you guys get to know me the more you will soon realize what I'm about, my name is just a name.


Well-Known Member
What does being bored have to do with trolling? She is actually that size, the more you guys get to know me the more you will soon realize what I'm about, my name is just a name.
You misunderstood. i was just fuckin with you because I'M bored. But yeah dude you seem cool from the postings I see. I'm new here too. Also i didn't know you saw the post pre-edit, my apologies.


New Member
It's cool, I need to learn the sarcasm on this forum I guess, it is hard to tell lol.

About her tho, if she got out there with more self esteem and started losing weight, it's well worth it in many ways, feeling sorry for yourself doesn't get you anywhere.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
I've felt the same way as you.. All of us have (even the people that don't want to admit it).. We have all been pussies that got our hearts broken lol. Have you ever wondered why older people are more hard edged? They almost have a "badass" feel to them. That's why I try to be more like the older generation than my generation. Between me and you, our generation sucks. The dudes are dicks and the girls are sluts. That's why you can't just fall for every guy that says you're pretty. It might sound a little harsh but they just want to get in that vag of yours.. Choose your guys wisely.
That is the truth. You can't expect everyone to be your friend and you can't expect to get anything from people these days. No one cares about you. The only thing that matters to this generation is getting drunk and partying. Men and women do the same things to each other. It's just men bounce back quicker from rejection. Rejection isn't necessarily your fault. In your case, these guys just wanted you to sleep with them. Maybe they didn't get it quick enough and they moved on to the next person.

I went to a bar a few years ago and I was hit on by this guy. He thought he was Joe Cool and all he did was tell me I was beautiful and how lucky he would be if I was with him. Well, I let him talk for a few minutes just to give him a chance, but I really wasn't interested. I told him after a little bit that I wasn't interested (he was very forward and uncooth) and his demeanor instantly changed. He yelled out to the entire bar that I was a slut and an ugly bitch. I just stood there in shock. This man, who wasn't even rejected harshly, took it so poorly that he thought humiliating me would validate and restore his manhood. Which it didn't because no one gave a shit about what he was staying.


New Member
You guys have SHIT-eating attitudes. You can't expect good things from people? Again, because why? Because guys are biologically pre-determined to seek SEX?

As if this single-handedly undermines every other attribute a man loves in a woman?

Sure being cautious is one thing...but being cynical won't get you anywhere


New Member
Do any girls here believe that a guy who wants in your pants...also wants to make you laugh/smile and enjoys simple gestures of affection IE sweet nicknames, cuddling, holding hands/hugs, that feeling a woman gives a man like he's invincible/ontop of the world etc

just because we want some action doesn't mean we don't want everything else


Well-Known Member
by chance do you have a thing for the bad boy players?

at your age majority of guys are interested in partying and putting notches on the belt. not all, but majority. when you meet someone try not to let your mind jump on the future train. just take things for what they are as they come because if you think about the future too much when things go to shit you're not missing the dickhead that upset you, you're missing the future you thought you were going to have.

i was also quite overweight (more so than you. 5'10 and about 350lbs (long story) and around your age now i cracked the shits and started exercising. you need to learn to love yourself and be happy being in your own company, being by yourself, because people will love you for who you are when you do... the ironic thing about losing weight is yeah, you do get more attention but it doesn't make it higher quality and it just leaves you thinking "shallow bastards" if you're pinning feeling better on the male attention you get, but if you don't base your happiness on others and live in a way that makes you happy than guys with good brains will be attracted to that. treat yourself how you want others to treat you.


New Member
i love how some girls "get off" on putting themselves "above" men because men have a lot more tesosterone and are thus more horny than girls

while other girls learn to APPRECIATE the attention when it's portrayed as innocent & genuine. Like the flight attendant on my plane from Minneapolis to Minot yesterday...when she came over to offer the snack/drink, I was snoozing with my head resting on the tray table and immediately "popped up" to attention and gave her a big warm smile...which she obviously thought was cute because she kept calling me honey/sweetie & smiling when she'd walk by, she even rubbed my back :D

Can't really speak for other men but that kinda warmth that this girl showed me is the BIGGEST turn on & made her 10x even more attractive to me

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Well, there is a difference between genuine sexual attraction and sexual conquest.

There are MEN out there who are genuine and sweet (I know because I've been with one for 5 years).

It depends on who you attract. So maybe, it is time to look at yourself and go "who do I attract and why?" then change accordingly.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
the funny thing is i tell myself everyday i need to go on a diet but my will power is shit and i dont exercise enough
If you do go on a diet, cut back on food a little bit at a time so your metabolism can keep up. Like cut back a little on just one meal a day for a couple of weeks, then a little bit off two meals a day for a couple weeks, etc. I lost over 60lbs and have kept it of for years, if you go slow like that it's easier, I didn't even cut back on junk food, just gradually cut back on portions over a few months until my body got used to it.

If you crash diet, or radically change your eating habits it's going to be hard.