Cali connection seeds what the deal

did u get the purple pheno? I found mine to be great smoke, great color (solid purp) but a little lacking in the density dept. It's not sativa bad, but it's no afgan breed that's for sure.

I didn't get the purple pheno, mine was green. However the smell and taste is great, reminds me of strawberries for some reason. Agreed its not airy but sure not dense, but I love the high. One two punch of a high that hits you right away.
I've grown GHS its shit.

I'm smoking some Blackwater right now, and it is fantastic. The plant however suffered disease and I lose 2/3rds of it. Its too bad because the smoke is great.

i'm not thinking of growing any GHS you can join the ever increasing list of unhappy x GHS customers then lol
the blackwater i have heard good things about shame yours had problems, i would like to try the chemvalleykush and a few other cc strains at some stage

DJ Short might not be online, that doesn't mean he doesn't speak or do Q&As after his talkings. and Mr Nice Seeds has their own forum where you can talk to the breeders.

so. just because people are visiting the forums that you visit, you refuse to buy their gear? thats pretty retarded buddy

Dude you need to watch your words on here. i have very good reason to say what i did... ITS MY OPINION. Plus what did this mean???:
"so. just because people are visiting the forums that you visit, you refuse to buy their gear? thats pretty retarded buddy"

read that back to yourself tell me if that makes any sense. I would seriously get my shit straight before i try to disrespect someone.

Id love to see you talk DIRECTLY TO THE BREEDERS of Dj short, Mr. Nice, and Soma. let me know when u have proof of that.
If you would have comprehended what i was saying... i said that the BREEDERS themselves do NOT talk to people online. Other
breeders DO make that effort, and i greatly appriciate it. that makes me choose their gear over the ones that dont make any effort and still charge outrageous prices.

Perhaps u meant: "just because the *breeders* *are not* willing to communticate with their potential customers, or returning customers, you refuse to buy their gear?

No absolutely not... I have never spoke to anyone from Barney's farm. Yet i have 3 of their strains.

I must be pretty retarded right? u need to read my posts a little better buddy...

i contribute a lot of info for people thats useful. What do you contribute? a pathetic derogatory comment that did nothing but piss me off, it didnt help ANYONE.

plz think b4 u post JCashman.... thx.
Just get on Mr. Nice's forums. Shanti and Nevil both post on there. Sannie is another one you can communicate directly with through his forums. I've seen him post on other forums as well.
I've grown GHS its shit.

I'm smoking some Blackwater right now, and it is fantastic. The plant however suffered disease and I lose 2/3rds of it. Its too bad because the smoke is great.

I too have grown GHS and multiple strains as well i bought a few of their mixed packs... WhiteWidow, Church, Cheese, El Nino, GreatWhiteShark, KingsKush, TheBig and others. I agree most were garbage but i found a few of them to be worth growing IMO.

The Big in particular i found to be rather steller in fact, one of the best i've grown outdoors in some 25 years. A massive yielding plant of some of the sweetest smelling and tastiest buds ever, not too frosty, sticky or amazing in apperence but a true pleasure to smoke!7

EDIT: It's Big Bang... not The Big... been a long time i forgot what it was called.
Dude you need to watch your words on here. i have very good reason to say what i did... ITS MY OPINION. Plus what did this mean???:
"so. just because people are visiting the forums that you visit, you refuse to buy their gear? thats pretty retarded buddy"

read that back to yourself tell me if that makes any sense. I would seriously get my shit straight before i try to disrespect someone.

Id love to see you talk DIRECTLY TO THE BREEDERS of Dj short, Mr. Nice, and Soma. let me know when u have proof of that.
If you would have comprehended what i was saying... i said that the BREEDERS themselves do NOT talk to people online. Other
breeders DO make that effort, and i greatly appriciate it. that makes me choose their gear over the ones that dont make any effort and still charge outrageous prices.

Perhaps u meant: "just because the *breeders* *are not* willing to communticate with their potential customers, or returning customers, you refuse to buy their gear?

No absolutely not... I have never spoke to anyone from Barney's farm. Yet i have 3 of their strains.

I must be pretty retarded right? u need to read my posts a little better buddy...

i contribute a lot of info for people thats useful. What do you contribute? a pathetic derogatory comment that did nothing but piss me off, it didnt help ANYONE.

plz think b4 u post JCashman.... thx.

before u edited your post, it said;
just keep in mind that there are other breeders out there who are willing to make an effort to help answer some questions u may have. the ones who dont, well they ARE assholes. (Dj short)(soma)(mr. nice) id never buy their stuff.

to me, that translates as you saying DJ Short, Soma, and MR Nice (assuming u mean Shanti and not Howard Marks) are people that you can not get to answer your questions, are assholes, and that you would not buy their stuff.

if you changed your opinion when u made your edit, thats not my fault. and i stand by what i said in my previous post, that if you think someone is an asshole, or refuse to buy their gear because they wont answer your questions, well then that is in fact pretty retarded imo.

now in your all high and mighty response post, you mention that did the exact opposite of what you claimed by purchasing seeds from barneys and not speaking to them.

so now you have contradicted yourself.

do i follow your first post which claims breeders are assholes for not making an effort to answer your questions? or do i follow your second post that claims the exact opposite?

make up your mind and then get back to me.
Here's a friend of mine's feminized Corleone Kush that's turning out straight male. Wtf. He's fucking devastated by it, personally I'm not the least bit surprised. I warned him before he bought that shit.





LMAO. Let's say all these hermie stories are true......WILL THERE EVER BE A DAY WHEN YOU GUYS QUIT BITCHING ABOUT IT? I mean, if you got burned fine, but to dwell on this shit day after day after day. I know if that shit happened to me, I'd say something about it and quit after that. I'd get tired of hearing myself to be quite honest. It's like listening to a nagging wife, except it's here on the forum, and has been nagging for MONTHS.

PLEASE, give it a break. I am sick of it. And you know what, after all this bitching, I'd STILL buy Cali Connect gear because I know it's bomb ass genetics. Wonder if this will get deleted like my last comment. LOL, such a passive aggressive, weak move.
LMAO. Let's say all these hermie stories are true......WILL THERE EVER BE A DAY WHEN YOU GUYS QUIT BITCHING ABOUT IT? I mean, if you got burned fine, but to dwell on this shit day after day after day. I know if that shit happened to me, I'd say something about it and quit after that. I'd get tired of hearing myself to be quite honest. It's like listening to a nagging wife, except it's here on the forum, and has been nagging for MONTHS.

PLEASE, give it a break. I am sick of it. And you know what, after all this bitching, I'd STILL buy Cali Connect gear because I know it's bomb ass genetics. Wonder if this will get deleted like my last comment. LOL, such a passive aggressive, weak move.

Lol. Then don't read a thread that's about problems with swerve's shit. Go read another fucking thread. Buy your beans. I hope you buy his feminized ones. Go for it.
cuz noone cares about your pointless banter

I can speak for myself thanks and I do care about the points stickyfingers is bringing up. Your points against him are weak. You start with what's called an ad hominem (attack on the person, not their points). Then you create a Straw Man Argument ("you feel good about yourself to talk shit to get your post count up"). Then you Rush to Judgement: "no one cares about your pointless banter." Honestly, swerve dude, we're not all 20-year old numbnuts, so you might want to raise your argumentative game several notches, or you'll only have those 20-year old numbnuts as clients. And good luck with that fickle fucking bunch. Peace.
any new good or bad news about cc gear? i've 2 seeds to plant this spring,one is reg larry og and the other is reg deadhead. i want know if i'm gonna to find herms or other shit.. i won't to waste 2 plants due to shitty genes. -.-
Capt. Stickyfingers, Swerve is asking you to show the package that the hermi seeds came from.
Please get a pic of the fem packaging from your friend to throw in Swerve's stupid looking face.
Because it looks like a obstetrician should be pulling a baby out of his mouth.

I asked if he still had the packaging when I took the pics, and he said he threw it out 2 months ago. Now he's pissed at himself for tossing it, thinking he could get replacements. I told him, it doesn't matter to Swerve anyway. When I first posted with my problems with the Larry, Swerve brushed it off as bullshit and grower error, and I still have the package that came in. Swirl acts like I'm here to ague with him, when I'm here informing others of his garbage.
and im sure everyone is gonna believe u stinkyfinger. especially me... anything that comes from you is pointless and null and void... he prob had reg seeds. and your tryn to play bullshit game.. so fuck off... your friend hits me up and proves he had fem seeds id listen...but from you everything is worthless cuz its prob a male from reg seeds and your a fucking liar.. so life is grand when your doing shit you love.. always chase your dreams dont be a bitch or a blight on society or yourself...get that shit and run with it...
I believe him Swerve. Stickys a good guy, the Emerald Triangle beans he gifted still had the breeders pack. And he hooked me up with some sannie gear. Not to mention all of his smoke is very good and he even talks highly of the Larry he got even though it hermed. He has smoked his chem 4 with me and it was alright but his grapefruit krush and lost coast OG from Emerald triangle were both great. I've had good luck with my CVK and even that had some herms. I don't see why he would lie? Really even i stood up for you a few times but your starting to make you fans look dumb too. One possible business plan could be to rename your company and sell the same gear, only this time when everyone complains about hermin out listen to them and act sympathetic, or just do like Arjan does and declare your self the king of kush. That should drum up some business. Oh yeah I'm not a fan of fem seed in general, most of them suck. But if your gonna sell them and do custumer service you could turn down the douchyness!
Wow, you're cool sticking up for an idiot with shitty beans that don't give a fuck about you. Anything original from you? You even grow?

Well, as far as originality goes, I've only made 2-3 posts related to what you're talking about. You however can't let go of a grudge. And as far as growing, I don't talk about that much on here. I don't even think I've mentioned it. But I can tell you this, I have done this a lot longer than a lot of people hear. Not saying everyone, and I'm sure you probably have done more than me, but I've done my share over the last decade.
To be honest, like I said in my post that got deleted, I'm not taking his side. I'm just sick of the repetitive shit, that's where your originality is comparable to the likes of that guy DART, or whatever his name is. Nothing productive, just bitching. Move on bro. We know you got shitty genetics.

And if you practice what you preach, why are you still growing out a Larry cross that was the product of a hermied plant?

Quick edit though: "wow you're cool" does not fly with me bro. I'm too old to act cool, it's not in my best interest. I am just speaking an opinion.
well lets talk some germ rates ,
i just germed a 6 pack of DNA Choclope Kush and a 10 mix pack from Cali conn ,
only 1 choclope kush poped , and all 10 mix pack seeds poped and have there first set of leaves ,

not sure what im trying to say ,,, but i think all the seed companys need to give us more seeds per pack !

thanks alot dna :(
A lot of hybrid strains especially alot of the newer american ones hold hermie traits(trainwreck crosses/some of the Og/Chem crosses etc),this is due to the smallness of those cannabis gene pools in general ,,dutch breeders are just as guilty with their feminization techniques,but I have to say that in my opinion it takes bad growing practice or sheer bad luck for these hermie traits to appear,I have grown a fair few feminized seeds,I have only once had 1 hermie on me,and that was cus I heat stressed it,so a lot of it is down to how their lives start, J cervantes says - environmental factors can play a role in sexing a seed (feminized or not), more N = more females less N = more males,more P = more males, less P = less males, so really you want higher N,than P for the first 2 weeks, lower temps with higher humidity = more females, Higher temps less humidity = more males (says to me that if you heat stress plants with hermie traits = male flowers), more blue light = more females,which is why I use a full spectrum LED,keeps them super tight,and I get 2/3rds females most the time, more red = more males, dry soil = more males and less light = more females (bearing in mind most varieties have sativa ancestry even indica so would come from regions with 12/12 or 14/10 10/14 light cycles).
A lot of hybrid strains especially american ones hold hermie traits

False. American and Canadian strains are very stable. Don't let a few bad apples ruin your view of that. I won't delve in to that further. American/Canadian borders cover ALL climates. It's all breeder causation, not location.
Fair point,and thanks for pointing it out in an adult manner,most people seem to jump on things like that for no reason,still I was more talking about the Og kush/trainwreck/chem D etc that is used in alot of newer crosses, I should of said so in my post,most old genetics are epic,and with out them the europeans would have very little,don't worry I know my cannabis breeding history :),and I meant no disrespect,hope my point makes more sense now I have clarified,and + rep for not being agro about it your manner of correcting me :)

False. American and Canadian strains are very stable. Don't let a few bad apples ruin your view of that. I won't delve in to that further. American/Canadian borders cover ALL climates. It's all breeder causation, not location.
No disrespect taken at all. I absolutely understand why you said that. I'm not an ecological/agricultural expert either, so I'm sure someone else could chime in with some real science other than me.
only person im a dousche to is stinkyfingers .......cuz he is alll on the nuts its annoying...and childish