Can anyone help please


hi i got everything started yesterday for the first time at 7am the light came on got it set for 20 hours on 4 off ihave the 300 watt cfl 5 inches away from my seedlings and the lid is off the seeds are in a 1inch rockwool cube in 12/20 x-steram areo ponic propagator even though now its a bit less cos the seedling have shot up nearly 1inch and the roots roots are popping out of the bottom the 1 inch rock wool cube already im just wondering if i should leave the spray on 24/7 in the propagator temp is 78 -83 and humidtiy 32% with fans all on wat do ya think i also put 18ml of rizatonic to 6 litres of water in the propagater and ph'd it to 6 i had the spray on for 1 hour yesterday morning and the rockwool cubes were soaked so i turned the spray off is that good or bad i just put it on for 15 mins this morning and hand fed them a bit tonight whats the crack with 1/4 strenghth and half strength is that just 1/4 strenghth of the recomended dosage on the bottles of nutes.also when lights out comes on at 3-7am in the morning should i turn my intake fan of so it doesnt get cold cos my intake fan is bringing air in straight from outside and i live in the north east of england not the wormest place in the world please can anyone help.


Rockwool holds alot of water. too much water is no good for young roots (any roots basically)
so until they grow down into the chamber keep it to handwatering/dipping the cubes

even then i wouldnt run the mister 24/7- get a digital timer and run 1 min on 5 off

Yeh you can turn off the intake in the cold morning. you dont actually need ANY fresh air during lights out, tho it helps for humidity

EDIT: just to clarify, i mean too much water is bad if your roots are growing in predominatley rockwool or similar.
obviously in aero you are misting constantly.


Well-Known Member
as they get older you will have to leave your fan on....plants use c02 in the day and at night they need oxygen.......good luck.


i run a sealed co2 environment and lights off i have no ventilation. just fans and a dehumidi.

no you dont actually need fresh air during lights off its a proven fact


Active Member
I am surprised no one has explained why plants dont use CO2 when lights are off! Plants use CO2 during photosynthesis which helps them grow. No photosynthesis, no growth but the plant will survive. Photosynthesis requires 3 elements to work, water, CO2 and light. Loose any of these and you loose photosynthesis so during lights off, there is no light, which means photosynthesis cannot occur, which means CO2 is not needed. As for oxygen, the roots need constant oxygenation, otherwise root rot wil set in and leave the plant vulnerable to attack from things like pytheum. If you have a whole bunch of roots coming out of the cubes, maybe transplant to the next stage in your setup! If these are seedlings, not cuttings, once the cotelydons (first pair of false leaves) start to yellow, 1/4 strength feed for 1 week, then 1/2 for a week, etc until at full strength. I would also recommend checking the manufacturers website for dosage instructions if your nutrient is a multi part (A+B or Micro, Gro & Bloom) Green mojo fella. W


Well-Known Member
....also when lights out comes on at 3-7am in the morning should i turn my intake fan of so it doesnt get cold cos my intake fan is bringing air in straight from outside and i live in the north east of england not the wormest place in the world please can anyone help.
how about going lights out from noon till 4pm when the outside temps are highest?