Can somebody please help with a dianosis?


Active Member
I originally thought they were just scraped up from rough twine during LST, but these spots continue to spread. It's only on two of the cheeses, Tina & Whitney, named after Tina Turner & Whitney Houston, because they looked beat to hell when I brought them home as clones. Bitches still appear to be sneaking out with Bobby Brown & Ike Turner. The other one is unaffected, as are the three plushberries.

Here are the plants in question: "Tina" - Tina a.jpgTina b.jpgTina c.jpg and "Whitney" - Whitney a.jpgWhitney b.jpg

For comparison purposes, here is their sister Daisy - Daisy.jpg - and one of the plushberries, Etta - Plushberry.jpg. They're all in Fox Farms Happy Frog, with a three inch layer of Ocean Forrest at the bottom of the pot. They're 25 days into veg, Botanicare Pro Grow nutes, fed as directed. I wait until the pot feels empty and the dirt cracks and begins to separate from the pot before I water. Temps are 68-79, RH 40. Thanks in advance.


Ursus marijanus
How do you add the nute solution to your plants? Imo you might have splash lesions/burns.
The plants look somewhat overwatered to my eyes. You don't need to feed at all with that soil for a month or so.
I would water less often, with just water, and allow the plants to digest their gulletful of nutes. cn


Active Member
I've got that jpeg, imchucky666, but I really don't see anything on there it resembles, which is why I'm here asking.


Active Member
How do you add the nute solution to your plants? Imo you might have splash lesions/burns.
The plants look somewhat overwatered to my eyes. You don't need to feed at all with that soil for a month or so.
I would water less often, with just water, and allow the plants to digest their gulletful of nutes. cn
I mixed up two tablespoons and two teaspoons into a two gallon pitcher, split it evenly between the six, then finish with just water until I get about .5" of runoff. I had read that the nutes in the soil would last about 2-3 weeks, so I fed them for the first time at about 2 1/2 weeks. I don't think I splashed any on the top of the plant, as I direct the water to the outer rim of the pot, trying to avoid splashing, but it's possible. I also used to foliar water until I found out it's not a good thing. So, you think they look like burns?


Active Member
Yeah, cannabineer, I think you hit the nail on the head. I went to look at how I watered it, and those leaves are all in the path of the pitcher. Thanks +1Rep


Well-Known Member
You have brought them back from near death now as they are getting bigger your ph is drifting off course due to your feeds or waterings. Make sure everything goes in at 6.5 to avoid this N, Mg def you are getting. Also when a plant is clearly healthy and growing well dont wait until pot is light and cracks appearing in soil ,this only creates air pockets, moisture stress in the plant and salt build up in the pot. If plant is stunted droopy or sick you water much less often as its not consuming it anyway.


Active Member
Imchucky.. you do realize that chart is garbage right. I believe you just post it around to up your post count or something.A link to a post with pictures of actual plants would be much better. This case is obviously not there.

OP I see many threads everyday about this and have even experienced this is my own grow on plants now and then. It could be nute splash ( I strongl suspect this) and I have found it doesn't spread and the plant is still healthy.Now I just ignore it if it's only on 1 or 2 leaves and not spreading.