Chris' New Perpetual Multi-Strain Grow With Weekly Updates & Ton of Pics

Which Strain That I Am Currently Growing Is Your Favorite?

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Well-Known Member
little bit of a bummer... all 3 of my newer plants are males.. the 2 lemon qleaners and the qrazy quake turned out 2 be males... =( sucks.. gonna chop the bigger AK 48 and the Jack Herrer this weekend. =) soo ill ahve pics of that 4 u guys. gonna plant a few of the grape apollos adn chocolate chunky munkys. =) will probly be startin a few new seeds as well. not sure which 2 start yet tho.. decisions decisions. soo many good ones to choose from. may do a few 12-12 from seed grows since the last 3 plants tuneed out to be male. this way i can just get sumthin flowerin ya kno... may do a bunch of seeds 12-12 from seed. ill figure sumthin out. cant wait to clean up the flwoerin room tho and get things back under way!!


Well-Known Member
little bit of a bummer... all 3 of my newer plants are males.. the 2 lemon qleaners and the qrazy quake turned out 2 be males... =( sucks.. gonna chop the bigger AK 48 and the Jack Herrer this weekend. =) soo ill ahve pics of that 4 u guys. gonna plant a few of the grape apollos adn chocolate chunky munkys. =) will probly be startin a few new seeds as well. not sure which 2 start yet tho.. decisions decisions. soo many good ones to choose from. may do a few 12-12 from seed grows since the last 3 plants tuneed out to be male. this way i can just get sumthin flowerin ya kno... may do a bunch of seeds 12-12 from seed. ill figure sumthin out. cant wait to clean up the flwoerin room tho and get things back under way!!
Thats kind of what i got goin now....30+ seedlings. Already thinking about flippin lights. I try to imagine how big they will be by the time they finish. I still have room for some veg time! Stay up!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
little bit of a bummer... all 3 of my newer plants are males.. the 2 lemon qleaners and the qrazy quake turned out 2 be males... =( sucks.. gonna chop the bigger AK 48 and the Jack Herrer this weekend. =) soo ill ahve pics of that 4 u guys. gonna plant a few of the grape apollos adn chocolate chunky munkys. =) will probly be startin a few new seeds as well. not sure which 2 start yet tho.. decisions decisions. soo many good ones to choose from. may do a few 12-12 from seed grows since the last 3 plants tuneed out to be male. this way i can just get sumthin flowerin ya kno... may do a bunch of seeds 12-12 from seed. ill figure sumthin out. cant wait to clean up the flwoerin room tho and get things back under way!!
it must be that time of year lol...this current grow had no males WTF is happeneing here :\


Well-Known Member
aiight guys. i harvested my ak 48 2day. the warlock. and the jack herrer as well. very impressed with the herrer. cant wait to smoke it!!!! need 2 try and get another clone of it tho. =/ next weekend i will probably chop the sensi star and the 4 full moons as long as theyre ready. if not ill letem go another week. heres pics of everything i got flowering. =)

AK 48


Jack Herrer


Jack Herrer *Harvest Shots*


Black Sour Bubble x Casey Band


Sensi Star


Full Moon (1,2,3 *small/party cup grows)


Full Moon *Bigger One*


** Heres pics of the 3 plants that ended up being male. =( they looked promising too. 2 lemon qleaner x casey bands and 1 qrazy quake **


hope u guys enjoy the pics. =) ;-)


Well-Known Member
damn dude, you never post enough pics!!! hahahaha they look great though!!! looks like it's been snowing there!!! That AK looks so good... in fact it looks almost identical to my AK47, It really makes me think if I even have an AK47. who knows? i love the smoke though and that's all that matters!!!

my sensi star x floja's are really starting to take off!!! I won't be able to hold em back much longer. they will be in flowering withing two weeks!!!! I'll keep ya posted!!! I haven't been buggin ya with them cuz I know you have been workin your ass off!!!! don't worry you will get to see them a lot when then get big and sexy like your plants!!!!

keep it up bro!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the compliments guy. everything should be harvested within the next 2 weeks. =) i planted 2 chocolate chunky munkys. and 2 grape apollos. gonna start germing a few super skunks... and a few g-13's. and then once i recieve my pack of ice x casey band... i will start a few of them as well. gonna do a SOG to get things started. since my flowering room will be empty. and i only have 2 plants in the veg box... and none that r ready 2 b flowered. i think doing a SOG is the best idea. i will probly veg the plants for a week or 2. and then throw them right into flowering. ill weed out the males.. well.. most of them. may keep a super skunk male. and a g-13 male... may cross the super skunk with the full moon clone i have. and i still have 3 fem northern lights seeds. 1 fem bubblicious seed. and 2 or 3 fem ak 48 seeds. soo i may cross the super skunk to sum of them. =) and maybe use the g-13 in sum crosses as well. we'll see how promising the males/females are but i do plan on making sum crosses soon ;)


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
My fingers and scissors are unable to functions from the sticky icky. lol.

Things are looking beautiful your way chb, good job bro.

I think I am gonna harvest everything today.....Found a lil mold on my White Widow

this morning so I wont loose that fight this time, Ill take her a little early.

Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
My fingers and scissors are unable to functions from the sticky icky. lol.

Things are looking beautiful your way chb, good job bro.

I think I am gonna harvest everything today.....Found a lil mold on my White Widow

this morning so I wont loose that fight this time, Ill take her a little early.

Keep up the good work.
awww thats 2 bad about the mold man. ive had trouble with mold lately. only on a few plants tho. harvested a lil early as well.. i kno dons havin trouble with it as well. hope u dont lose too much of ur hard work bro. down 2 6 plants flowering now. 4 full moons. 1 bsb x cb. and 1 sensi star. =) then i will be cleaning house! adn doing a nice lil SOG


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Im not too awful worried about going ahead and chopping everything, would rather

have it locked up inside the house drying than in the back of some rippers beat up ass car.

Or ate up by mold. They are all nice n cloudy with maybe 15% ambers so its not too too early.

Good luck on your last 6 bro


Well-Known Member
Im not too awful worried about going ahead and chopping everything, would rather

have it locked up inside the house drying than in the back of some rippers beat up ass car.

Or ate up by mold. They are all nice n cloudy with maybe 15% ambers so its not too too early.

Good luck on your last 6 bro
ooo aiight. yeaaa youll be good then.. =D i thought it was alot earlier. yeaa the last 6 should be fine. =) mites are under control now.

**** Germing 5 calizahr x caseybands and 4 G-13 F2's right now. =) will see how the germ rates are. adn then figure out wat to germ next. =)


Well-Known Member
Hit this bowl Chb it's 4:20
*cough cough cough* that sum gooood shit. =) hit this joint of sum jack herrer! =D ................... wait.... what do you mean you cant hit it?...... oooo yeaaaa. thats right. it was only cut down yesterday. hahahaha. gimme a few more days to dry it out. then come by and take a puff of it. =p

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Too bad about the male qleaner crosses chris, you had CB dom in there (the 5 leafer is the giveaway). That would have been intesting to see that grown out! Looks like ya got plenty of smoke to keep you happy and a nice selection of it at that! Finishing up my trimming for the night and watching this movie called Stuck on You. Not sure if it's because I'm so stoned on some woof or not but this movie is funny as hell lol!! Matt Damon as a co-joined twin.

Bird must have came early Saturday, I noticed yesterday it was still in the box. She'll be sailing today little buddy :)

Thanks for the pics!


Well-Known Member
Hey HC!!! hope all is well in the cave!!

how have the new neighbors been? are ya firing off the six shooters at night?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey HC!!! hope all is well in the cave!!

how have the new neighbors been? are ya firing off the six shooters at night?
The guy must be a real jug head lol,,,,after scalping about 100 sq ft of my lawn, last night I hear this real loud music and I look over and he's jammin with his band in the back yard. And he has a few neighbors over on the other side of his house with young kids lmao. Hell of a way to make an entrance to a neighborhood huh haha


Well-Known Member
awwww mannn.. =/ well im sure we'll be hearing more about this neighbor situation in the future.. seems like a dick. if he doesnt smoke.. maybe u can sumhow talk him into smoking? sumtime dickheads/ass holes/duchebgs/ etc. just needa lighten up a lil and spark up a fatty. hahahaha

yeaa i was pretty upset about the males. =( but i germed 5 calizahr x caseybands. along with sum g-13's. hopin to get a colorful pheno like you had. they looked awesome!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
awwww mannn.. =/ well im sure we'll be hearing more about this neighbor situation in the future.. seems like a dick. if he doesnt smoke.. maybe u can sumhow talk him into smoking? sumtime dickheads/ass holes/duchebgs/ etc. just needa lighten up a lil and spark up a fatty. hahahaha

yeaa i was pretty upset about the males. =( but i germed 5 calizahr x caseybands. along with sum g-13's. hopin to get a colorful pheno like you had. they looked awesome!!
Ha no man I won't be having anything to do with him...I'm an anti social fuk hehe. Weed makes me more tolerable at best. We might wave but that will be the extent of it. My chick is sick of people too but she has to deal with shitloads every day and pretend to like everyone. I don't lol.

Cervantes says: kick the neighbor in the balls. lol
Well, now you know how he scored the hottie/groupie lol
Ahahaha man you pick up on everything! Certainly wasn't his looks the goofy cueball looking prick with ears lol, did I mention he might be all of 5'3" lmfao and his wifey must be 5'7" at least!

Just took a walk around the house and snapped a couple of shots it's such a beautiful day. Going to post them on my thread in a couple