Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!


Active Member
Thanks, just for your information, its in its 29th day and it has just been sat on my windowsill since birth.

I have read up on all the lights and stuff but in my current financial state (im 18 gimme a break) anything like that is out of the question. Its more of a little experiment for me. Also the light now is about 12/12 (English winter approaching) and it has been like this since seedling. I cant see it turning into anything smokeable but its still a nice little plant to grow.

Thanks for all the help, its really good what your doing.


Well-Known Member
how much do ya think ya got there??

??? hasn't finished growing yet...
got atleast 2 more weeks to go..... and from what I've read
you get like another 20% in growth... I'm just lookin for some nice smoke;)

it's the next go around that I'll be lookin for more of the bud... otherwise I woulda grown these ones bigger....


Active Member
This is my first grow and so far its going quite successfully. except one thing. I dont know if i should be worrying about it or not. I noticed that the newer bigger leaves are all starting to have a dry looking texture. I know its not under watered and i know its not too hot. the other thing is some of the lower leaves (everything but the top couple) are a nice bright green towards the edges (edges of each individual leaf) but are a really dark green towards the veins.

btw im growing in FFOF under CFLs.

any input?


Well-Known Member
how do you answer a newb who is speaking ghetto ebonics with a straight face? I give you guys kudos for not laughing your asses off. I couldn't do it.

Excuse me stewardess, I speak jive!


New Member
This looks like the start of budding to me? (1st photo)

But is that some balls? (2nd photo)
looks like it, sorry about yer luck

This is my first grow and so far its going quite successfully. except one thing. I dont know if i should be worrying about it or not. I noticed that the newer bigger leaves are all starting to have a dry looking texture. I know its not under watered and i know its not too hot. the other thing is some of the lower leaves (everything but the top couple) are a nice bright green towards the edges (edges of each individual leaf) but are a really dark green towards the veins.

btw im growing in FFOF under CFLs.

any input?
its hard to say with no picture. try out looking over this page and you might find your answer.
here is another just in case

how do you answer a newb who is speaking ghetto ebonics with a straight face? I give you guys kudos for not laughing your asses off. I couldn't do it.

Excuse me stewardess, I speak jive!
tell me about it.. do they teach that shit in school now or something? its like kids can hardly speak coherently anymore

"das wusup bra, we be down ballin' with my homes, smokin dubs and chillin beat boy styl"



Active Member
Thanks chuck. I have been informed that it is a hermie, which for me isn't actually that bad as I might have a tiny bit of low quality shit to smoke but also some seeds to plant as well.

Thanks for all your help



Well-Known Member
cite your reference big mouth.. and who the fuck is talking about smoking males? you can make hash shitbag,, no matter how neglible the THC is.

hahahah and smoke a ounce of hash a day im sure u will get a bit stoned, or u can save time and throw he males in the bin, it really aint worth it , u moron!!!!! ur chattin loads of crap!!!! u have been for some time!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hash has been referenced a few times ... So, I gotta ask, can you provide me a crash course or point me in the right direction to find one? All I know about it is... that I want to try producing some. I've got plants going now that are doing well. I'm a few days in to flowering and was thinking 'what a waste' to have to kill off any males that may pop up and saw where you said that you can use male plants to make hash. Sounds like a damn fine idea! :)


New Member
Thanks chuck. I have been informed that it is a hermie, which for me isn't actually that bad as I might have a tiny bit of low quality shit to smoke but also some seeds to plant as well.

Thanks for all your help

Once a hermie always a hermie.. hermie seeds will have a very high chance of producing hermie plants.

Hash has been referenced a few times ... So, I gotta ask, can you provide me a crash course or point me in the right direction to find one? All I know about it is... that I want to try producing some. I've got plants going now that are doing well. I'm a few days in to flowering and was thinking 'what a waste' to have to kill off any males that may pop up and saw where you said that you can use male plants to make hash. Sounds like a damn fine idea! :)
I prefer BHO myself but bubblehash is good if you dont mind putting out a good buck to buy the bags.

here is a link for BHO
I use 3/4" copper piping instead of the stainless that hes got. a four foot length will hold a tonn of shake in it...

make sure to make it outside and dont smoke or anything dumb

good luck


Well-Known Member
I prefer BHO myself but bubblehash is good if you dont mind putting out a good buck to buy the bags.

here is a link for BHO
I use 3/4" copper piping instead of the stainless that hes got. a four foot length will hold a tonn of shake in it...

make sure to make it outside and dont smoke or anything dumb

good luck
That's amazing! Thank you. I had no idea you could do that. You've got my mind very excited that there's a new project on the way. I do have to ask... What bags are you talking about in reference to Bubblehash?

EDIT... Found them... Yeah, they are expensive! Won't be going that route anytime soon.

Thanks again for the help.


New Member
That's amazing! Thank you. I had no idea you could do that. You've got my mind very excited that there's a new project on the way. I do have to ask... What bags are you talking about in reference to Bubblehash?

EDIT... Found them... Yeah, they are expensive! Won't be going that route anytime soon.

Thanks again for the help.
No problem

just remember


and also, BHO, if done right, is the purest form of THC known to the toking society


Active Member
when you on about making hash out of males do you mean your using females too and just beefing up the hash ie adding weight?


New Member
when you on about making hash out of males do you mean your using females too and just beefing up the hash ie adding weight?
with hash the more foliage the better. You end up discarding the plant material in the end anyhow, so i use everything. There is less thc in males but there is still some. take it out and and get rid of the foliage,,, no sense in throwing out THC


Well-Known Member
with hash the more foliage the better. You end up discarding the plant material in the end anyhow, so i use everything. There is less thc in males but there is still some. take it out and and get rid of the foliage,,, no sense in throwing out THC

are u deaf?????? u stupid?????????? NEXT TO NUFFIN!!!! less than 1% thc in males!!!! if any at all , i!! THC is in resin RESIN is on FEMALES< yes FEMALES if u didnt notice!!!!........


Well-Known Member
dont bother withs males, because u get pollen on u, u go into female grow room, u get th picture???, its worhl;ess making hash from males, make butter or something.............


New Member
okay Grim Reefa. I didnt want to have to be so blunt about this but I've checked you out.

You don't know shit about weed, growing, and hash making.

fuck off,, because I can be nasty if i need to be.

almost 1000 posts and NO rep to be seen. You must be very intelligent!! HAHAHAHA


Well-Known Member
thought i would give this thread a go
question one.
i have a small, female plant thats in its second week into flowering.
there are white hairs and small buds all over the plant.
but, there are little bugs everywhere
and what i need to know is how can i get rid of these bugs and thre eggs without destroying my bud sites.?

im looking for a simple method,
like is there one i can do right now without having to leave home
like some concoction that i can spray on the plant
like idk, lemon juice and water
or something
NEEM works and is cheap. High Tech Garden Supply

And to all the folks on I the only one who can say "blind leading the blind"???? I am a well read newb as well, with 7 grows under my belt and a few problems I have overcome, but I DO NOT HAVE THE EXPERIENCE to offer the advice this Chuck douche is spouting.......nor does he....listen to some folks who have been here a while and know there shit, and aren't just giving you book answers, rather than their own experiences. PLEAS I IMPLORE books written by people with EXPERIENCE and not some guy who wants to feed his ego...K???
And, by the way, Arjan Roskum (who we all know has at least a degree of experience) has stated that 24 hours of light deprives the plant of rest it needs to become the healthiest it can, and he also says 48 hours of dark before switching to 12/12 is REQUIRED (his word, not mine) for the best fruit production and faster fruit set.....this is my argument......nature set the plant up to function with light and dark throughout it's life......we are mimicing nature.....why waste the power to run 24/0 when 18/6 works fine...and better from my EXPERIENCE.
Thanks Chuck for trying to help, and rep to you for your intentionsd, but cool do you need to be???