Confused about Yeild


How much Yield is expected from 1 plant in a indoor grow? I see people saying a quarter ounce than some people saying 3 ounces and some saying a half a pound.

I know that it depends on a number of factors such as environment and strain. SO let me give a circumstance.

1x 1000w hps light with 12 plants under it.

with the strain silver haze(or any strain that you have experience with that is using a 1000w hps light)

What is the average yield expected? Generally

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The most important factor for yield is plant size, especially with high-powered lights. The reason you get so many different answers is because people grow their plants to different sizes. For example, you could squeeze as many as four small plants in one square foot of floor space if your technique & genetics permit it. Alternatively, you could grow one plant that was six feet tall with branches reaching three feet in all directions.

You'll have to ask someone who's grown the exact same strain to know what kind of yield to expect at a given size.


Well-Known Member
SSH under a 1000w w/4 weeks veg in 3 gallon pots got me 60-120 grams a plant. Out of 5 plants the smallest was 47 grams and the biggest was 127 grams dry.


Active Member
Well ive just done 5 blue cheese, under a 400w hps veged for 4 weeks, got just under 2oz a plant, so a 1000w should do a little better but it really depends on lots of things.


Well-Known Member
Have the plants been lst supercropped s.o.g scrog?ccob?This plays a major factor in yield.


Well-Known Member
Well ive just done 5 blue cheese, under a 400w hps veged for 4 weeks, got just under 2oz a plant, so a 1000w should do a little better but it really depends on lots of things.
you might as well go 12-12 from seed.....still would get 2 per plant and save some leccy


Well-Known Member
well , so there you go. With all these guesses , you should harvest between 1 0z. and 1 pound.


Thank you for all your answers. If you guys could still post more yields, veg time and strain specifically with 1000w hps light that would be great.

I really appreciate it.