Well-Known Member
I know this sounds awful... but social distancing is exactly what my garden needed. Instead of watching March Madness, it'll be greenhouse madness. While the rest of the world binge watches Netflix... I'll be bending new steel hoops and building new steel endwalls (no more collapses), hard wiring two new circuits (no more extension cords), direct plumbing and blumats (no more hoses, buckets, or watering), greenhouse fan, inkbird, and auto vent (no more heat/humidity), taller trellising (no more tying buds), gutters & rain water collection (free water wo dechlorination), and I'm sure I'll find a million other things to upgrade.
What are you working on to get your 2020 gardens ready?
Here's what I'm starting with....

What are you working on to get your 2020 gardens ready?
Here's what I'm starting with....

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