Creating My Own Powersource


Well-Known Member
I'm very interested in creating my own electricity, and have seen kits that allow you to do just that with bikes (Pedal-a-Watt Stationary Bike Power Generator. Learn how to build one!)
Unfortunately, I do not have a bike, and these kits range from 300-400. There are also some kits that sell the parts, which would allow me to perhaps adjust the way this thing works, and substitute the bike for something else. Unfortunately I'm not sure if I have the electronic skill or know how to pull that off.

The amount of work for the amount of power you get suprisingly reasonable, about an hour of work (pedaling) for the average adult results in about 200watts. But I'm not sure how reasonable that would be in powering my one CFL 6400K sunlight bulb. Is there anyone that can fill in the blanks for me? Any suggestions?


Active Member
huh, after rereading it, i dont think it will put out enough serious power to run a complete grow, but it may be able to use some other appliances in the house to cut costs.


Active Member
Your bulb doesnt require much juice, and I wouldnt invest in the bike for supplemental power. It wouldnt pay itself off in years


Well-Known Member
Your bulb doesnt require much juice, and I wouldnt invest in the bike for supplemental power. It wouldnt pay itself off in years
I wasn't thinking supplemental, more like, I feel bad about using my parent's electricity, I want be more self-sufficient, be more stealthy, and I want to lose some weight.
Also, my grow is for very personal use, as in, only me, and maybe some for my parents if they ask. Thanks for the info. :)


Well-Known Member
huh, after rereading it, i dont think it will put out enough serious power to run a complete grow, but it may be able to use some other appliances in the house to cut costs.
Every little bit helps! The less energy you draw the less reason they have to suspect you.


Well-Known Member
yeah try solar, i bought small 14 inch panels and i wired them to charge my camcorder, ipod, cellphone,and laptop all at the same time!! i can even run my desktop in full sunlight... ( it draws 500w)

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
yeah try solar, i bought small 14 inch panels and i wired them to charge my camcorder, ipod, cellphone,and laptop all at the same time!! i can even run my desktop in full sunlight... ( it draws 500w)

Sorry but I don't think so, as it happens I know a little bit about converting to getting off the grid. In reality it costs between €5000 to €10,000 to produce a stedy Killa Watt Hour.

I know some of you wont bealive that. But it won't change anything. Thats how much it costs.

Mind you it is well worth it. Compleatly indopendent from the system.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Oh unless you happen to live next to a stream or river. If you live next to running water you have all the power you could ever use.

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
man, thats a great Idea. I'd try to hook this power thingy to a fuul out gym. I'd be buff-as-fuck in a month. I'd have no problem workin for my weed


Active Member
i bet thats why one hasnt been made yet. they dont want too many of us getting buff and huuuge because you know if there was a brawn powered grow room wed all have one :)


Active Member
dont buy that 500$ crap. you can buy a solar panel at most hardware stores. they are like 60$ for a 100w. you just hook it to a car battery and it will charge the battery all day. of course for this you need some electrical knowledge.


New Member
From reading this hilarious post, I take it this guy is pretty damn young and worried about mommy and daddy... funny stuff
First off you shouldn't even be growing if your living with your parents.
Secondly, your overall plan is mathimatically a joke. You plan to spend a few hundred dollars in order to save about $15 in electricity... total...


Well-Known Member
^^^^ Agreed ^^^^ Only a serious solar system could get your off the grid with a grow room of any size. I mean think about it, you have a light on a minimum of 12 hours a day, a fans, pumps (if your hydro'n), heats/Air conditioners, humidifiers... the list goes on. All these things take power, whether there in use or not. The only way to make sure something isn't using power is to have it unplugged. If your curious to how much power you use in your Grow op get a Kill-a-watt meater (P3 - Kill A Watt)
and measure your equipment, then compile the data and Via-la! you got home much power you use in a day and you can start to try and cut cost from there.

You gonna be peddling longer than it takes to start from seed and harvest......

A: get solar OR get a job and don't worry about the utility bill......


Well-Known Member
From reading this hilarious post, I take it this guy is pretty damn young and worried about mommy and daddy... funny stuff
First off you shouldn't even be growing if your living with your parents.
Secondly, your overall plan is mathimatically a joke. You plan to spend a few hundred dollars in order to save about $15 in electricity... total...
I'm not worried about my parents, they have their own grow going outside, (it's doing horrible, but still) I prefer to have my own plants, that way there's no arguments on who gets what.
I'm trying not to spend much money, the finished products are quite expensive, so they're out. The kits, unfortunately, are out of my league as far as my knowledge of electronics goes. It's not about saving money so much as trying out a new way to make myself exercise, like I said, it'd be a hell of a lot easier to get my lazy ass moving if I knew my plants were depending on me to do so.
(Also, I am a chick.) :mrgreen: