Curl after Flush ?

zin zin

Hey guys i`m planin on goin into flowering stage next week and i`ve read that it`s good to flush your plant before you start this , as i noticed a small nutrient burn started also on the bottom leaves i decided to flush my plant i did this 2 days ago , now the problem is the leaves on the top started to curl , my question is will the plant be ok after the soil dries out completely ? or the curl damage is irreversible ? Need feedback on this asap


Well-Known Member
Describe this "curl"? Does it look like the plant has relaxed and let it's leaf tips drop, or does it look more like fertburn, for example? Pics would help immensely, in this case. :)

zin zin


It looks like the plant relaxed this is mostly the top half of the plant , the lower half seems to be fine , also i have another question how can i stop it from growing vertically ? it`s almost 50 inches tall , it touches the light and the top has severe sunburn .
you can always GENTLY pull some of the branches down/ diagnoly with a hemp string or light string and tie them so their growing diagnoly

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I'm sure your plants will be OK even though you might loose a few fan leaves. It's a waste of time flushing the growing medium. Flushing is done after it's cut down with purified water(reverse osmosis), the same way a person would put fresh cut flowers in a vase, for taste mostly. Total time, 24 hours from lights on until lights on again. Remove for pruning and drying. DO NOT LET THE PLANTS GO DRY DURING THIS PROCESS!!!

zin zin

i`m really scared , i just came home and found it very weak i don`t want to loose her :( any tips are welcome

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
she looks over watered and she looks like the ph is off with a slight nute burn or its just the lights to close. whats the ph, whats the temps

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
If you think it's going to die snip a couple clones off her, code them and put them in the cloning bin. She will definately loose some veg but if it was only overwatered it should come back as the pot drys out.

zin zin

believe it or not i decided to water her again with the nutes i flushed her out last week and already the leaves are getting up again

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Right on!!!! Don't deviate from your schedule anymore. It looks like before this you were doing really good!

zin zin

aye my girl is almost back to normal , only problem i still have now is the nute burn which i tried to fix in the first place , oh well guess you can`t have them all thanks for your help guys


Well-Known Member
i think the flush helped, those curling leaves were caused by immense stress, stress from flushing and from heat... way to close to the light. i really recommend low stress training: bending and tieing your plant so that its main stem is close to the ground. like 8" away for you or at least bend it down for the heat/light issue, it will also give you many more bud sights.

MOST OF ALL: PH your water seriously, look at the PH/Nute chart. idk why exactly your plant was so stressed it looked like it wanted to die but i'm sure it was PH related.

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zin zin

thanks alot for that chart man it will come in handy , im goina fix the light / heat problem now gona post a picture later today to show you guys the recovery she`s back to normal and all over night