Damn another one??


Active Member
Just removed two plants from my garden that were noticeably male, they had already started the pollen sack clusters on the branch joints, so they now are living deep in the woods were they will grow and die a lonely quite death. But today I looked at my female and WTf is this! Is this another male? The branch joints look like new leaves and stigmas but the top "crown" has balls forming at each cola. Uploading pics they are all of the same plant please let me have your opinion. I'm almost thinking its buds forming or hope so anyway



Active Member
You have to expect male plants my friend. If you get 5 out of 8 that is not bad at all. Lets hope for no more!


Active Member
I saw pre flowers late into begging as I kept them on a 24/7 light cycle non autos, had to make up some time lost with early stages and stretching, now my stems are monsterly large like tree branches. But the pre flowers only indicated one to be a male so I was defiantly excited to find I'd have 7 beauties. Then the one came to 2 now 3 :( just wanna slap a plant ya know! Lol oh well hopefully this is we're it stops