Death row

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I've just watched a programme on tv about a high security prison in Indiana where they have twelve in mates on death row, their was one guy who had been in their since he was fifteen for killing two old ladies he clearly wasn't the same person that went into jail all those years ago, he had served 27 yrs of a 170 year sentence he had educated his self through reading and was well spoken and intelligent. I think his case should be looked at again it's madness to jail a boy and expect him to end his days their,he knows nothing about the outside world and I'm sure would love the chance to make things right what do you all think,should he be given that chance or be kept in a cage like an animal which basically is what was happening to him after all he was just thirteen when he committed the crime and sent to this prison at fifteen, he's now a grown man with a different outlook on life.


Well-Known Member
Death by man is not acceptable except in the case of immediately saving the life of innocents. Death sentences here make us on par with Iran and Pakistan, we just use a different method.

But life at hard labor is acceptable to me with the money earned paying for their own punishment. This way, too, if they are truly innocent then time will be on their side.


Well-Known Member
And before those thinking the opposite begin gnashing their teeth, what could be worse tha work for zero recompense (that's "pay") of any sort? Seriously. You know how you hate your job and you get paid at least something and you're free to go spend it. Work 7 days a week forever and never see a nickel - just a plate of biscuits and beans - and they will kill themselves.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I've just watched a programme on tv about a high security prison in Indiana where they have twelve in mates on death row, their was one guy who had been in their since he was fifteen for killing two old ladies he clearly wasn't the same person that went into jail all those years ago, he had served 27 yrs of a 170 year sentence he had educated his self through reading and was well spoken and intelligent. I think his case should be looked at again it's madness to jail a boy and expect him to end his days their,he knows nothing about the outside world and I'm sure would love the chance to make things right what do you all think,should he be given that chance or be kept in a cage like an animal which basically is what was happening to him after all he was just thirteen when he committed the crime and sent to this prison at fifteen, he's now a grown man with a different outlook on life.
I'm sorry. Imho, if there is condemning, hard-core evidence that he did it then he should perish in prison.


Well-Known Member
I know nothing of the case, so I really can't say. Is it possible that people can reform or better themselves? Sure. Does that erase what happened? Not at all.

I honestly don't know what it is like to be in prison. Yet I here stories about "model prisoners" that taught themselves to read and then went on to teach other prisoners and stuff like that. If he reformed, then he can probably find good to do - because he might never do enough good to pay back the bad.

And I just saw a documentary about texting and driving and how common it is to hand out extremely mild sentences: time served, a month or less, probation - for crippling or killing people!

We have parole boards to review stuff like this - that is supposed to be their job. Of course, the whole system is a mess and overloaded, mostly because of the War on Drugs.

However, "killed two old ladies" - without many more facts, I think he is in prison, where he needs to be. At most, get rid of death row and give people like this a chance to do their good on the inside.


Staff member
well you just opened up a huge can of worms now didnt we..

for me death penalty i dont get it, youre not better then the murderer themselves by killing them, youre doing the exact same thing youre killing them for so i dont get it.
no if you doing horrible things i think you should be kept in solitary confinement 365 days a year with no interaction from humans starring at a 12x12 wall everyday for the rest of your life ..why do i think this? because we cannot prove what happens after we die, and if "God" is so called all forgiving he will most likely put that murderer in heaven if there is one, so really you may kill him and there may be nothing, he may end up in hell but he may end up in heaven, or he may just rot in the ground but we cannot prove that that horrible person will have nothing after death, so..if its up to me solitary confinement


Well-Known Member
Only reason I am against the death penalty is because of how often the jury is wrong.

There are also some VERY fucked up laws involving murder - if you and a friend are committing a crime, and someone shoots your friend, in some states YOU can be found guilty of the murder. It makes no fucking sense. Same for the RICO laws, the government might as well just make a law that says they can sentence you to anything for any reason, or no reason, or kill you.


Well-Known Member
i know ill piss folks off but death row should instead be organ donors directly after sentencing! The only real way they'll ever give back in a meaningful way!


Ursus marijanus
I personally oppose the death penalty.

I also oppose the philosophy that everyone can be rehabilitated, or even habilitated in the first place. Fwiw. cn


New Member
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. A 15 year old knows the law for murder so no sympothy from me. If they have mental problems, then they don't belong in society and should be in a safe environment where they can't hurt themselves or anyone else, simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Death by man is not acceptable except in the case of immediately saving the life of innocents. Death sentences here make us on par with Iran and Pakistan, we just use a different method.

But life at hard labor is acceptable to me with the money earned paying for their own punishment. This way, too, if they are truly innocent then time will be on their side.
I agree with either swift painful death or hard labor but I could see hard labor being abused and people being falsely imprisoned for cheap labor.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Why not just put them in a cell blasting pop music 24/7? Leave them their belts so they can hang themselves.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...I don't like the idea of a death penalty. Most people spend days 'repenting' before going ahead and doing the same thing again. Think of a hangover (or an affair) as a stupid example. So a person who spends over 20 years repenting without relapse, and has passed psychological scrutiny, may stand a chance at living. Most of us aren't who we were 20-30 years ago. Agreed that we didn't do what the kid in the story did, I get that part.



Well-Known Member
the kid has no idea how to survive in society. He has survived through into adulthood in a place that does not operate under the same laws of human interaction. He will never be O.K in the real world. The whole justice system needs to be revamped. if there going to be a burden on everyone for the remainder of their lives put em down. If its a minor crime theres no reason they should rot in prison for 10-15 years. Community labor for a few months-years doing jobs we pay people way too much for.


Ursus marijanus
the kid has no idea how to survive in society. He has survived through into adulthood in a place that does not operate under the same laws of human interaction. He will never be O.K in the real world. The whole justice system needs to be revamped. if there going to be a burden on everyone for the remainder of their lives put em down. If its a minor crime theres no reason they should rot in prison for 10-15 years. Community labor for a few months-years doing jobs we pay people way too much for.
The bolded is a phrase generally used for pets and sometimes livestock. But felons and nutters are still humans. Jmo. cn


New Member
He killed a person, he knee the risk. It's not some dumb teenager mischief, wrong crowd or not, I could never murder someone that wasn't in self defense.


Well-Known Member
The bolded is a phrase generally used for pets and sometimes livestock. But felons and nutters are still humans. Jmo. cn
Ah but at what point are they no different than an animal and need to be put down like one? If a dog bites someone. It gets put down, hardly even any argument. But someone goes out molests, abuses and kills small children they just get a sheltered life of food, prison rape and free room n board? Not fit for society just like the bad dog. PUT IT DOWN.