Death row


Ursus marijanus
Ah but at what point are they no different than an animal and need to be put down like one? If a dog bites someone. It gets put down, hardly even any argument. But someone goes out molests, abuses and kills small children they just get a sheltered life of food, prison rape and free room n board? Not fit for society just like the bad dog. PUT IT DOWN.
But a bad human is still a human. I am very leery of any legal or moral system that places humans into tiers. Historically our greatest inhumanities were built on that cornerstone. cn


Well-Known Member
But a bad human is still a human. I am very leery of any legal or moral system that places humans into tiers. Historically our greatest inhumanities were built on that cornerstone. cn
Then lets use them for clinical trials... hell i'm sure Monsanto would love a go at them. If they are GM are they still considered human if they can be patented? Perhaps at that point there lives are no longer as mysteriously valuable. It's funny, we can slaughter whole villages, women and children in the name of war. But if our own people are committing horrible atrocities within our own borders its suddenly inhumane to put them to death. If we have a general give the command would it be more acceptable?

Sorry, I'm not very well spoken or usually care about politics... especially those on RIU


New Member
But a bad human is still a human. I am very leery of any legal or moral system that places humans into tiers. Historically our greatest inhumanities were built on that cornerstone. cn
And the law is still the law, and anybody with a brain especially knows the consequences for murder.


Staff member
Ah but at what point are they no different than an animal and need to be put down like one? If a dog bites someone. It gets put down, hardly even any argument. But someone goes out molests, abuses and kills small children they just get a sheltered life of food, prison rape and free room n board? Not fit for society just like the bad dog. PUT IT DOWN.
lol you know me well enough id argue that ;) hahahha


Well-Known Member
Ah but at what point are they no different than an animal and need to be put down like one? If a dog bites someone. It gets put down, hardly even any argument. But someone goes out molests, abuses and kills small children they just get a sheltered life of food, prison rape and free room n board? Not fit for society just like the bad dog. PUT IT DOWN.
Yea but CN likes to post pictures of little kids and use them for pedo jokes so the small children abuse is off the shelf for him. Exploitation of a strangers kid for his kicks is ok. So the moral compass may be a little skewed for him, atleast with his online persona.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
the joke of our prison system is that once someone spends 15+ years there, they will NEVER be fit for society unless they were at one of those resort prisons. it's a joke to call it rehabilitation when it's obvious we just torture them to insanity and then toss 'em out 10x worse than they were when they were arrested. even the ones who "reform" aren't fit for society. it's one thing to be a model prisoner in a system where EVERYTHING is done for you and you get separated from your enemies, it's quite another to hack it in the real world without 24 hour guards to play babysitter.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Yea but CN likes to post pictures of little kids and use them for pedo jokes so the small children abuse is off the shelf for him. Exploitation of a strangers kid for his kicks is ok. So the moral compass may be a little skewed for him, atleast with his online persona.


Well-Known Member
Death row, we could do like the Chinese, shoot'em behind the ear, cut'em up, sell the parts. But that would open a whole new can of worms.. The fact we sue over just about anything means there would probably be a lot of law suits over who gets the money.. I'm sure there wouldn't be a shortage of lawyers.. It would open up a whole new line of work for them. I can see them now, breaking it down part by part.


Ursus marijanus
Yea but CN likes to post pictures of little kids and use them for pedo jokes so the small children abuse is off the shelf for him. Exploitation of a strangers kid for his kicks is ok. So the moral compass may be a little skewed for him, atleast with his online persona.
Wow dude, just wow. How you develop all that from a PedoBear pic I don't know and probably do not want to know. cn


New Member
the joke of our prison system is that once someone spends 15+ years there, they will NEVER be fit for society unless they were at one of those resort prisons. it's a joke to call it rehabilitation when it's obvious we just torture them to insanity and then toss 'em out 10x worse than they were when they were arrested. even the ones who "reform" aren't fit for society. it's one thing to be a model prisoner in a system where EVERYTHING is done for you and you get separated from your enemies, it's quite another to hack it in the real world without 24 hour guards to play babysitter.

naw,I know a few that have done a long time and they do fine.


Active Member
I know nothing of the case, so I really can't say.
My thoughts exactly. We still don't know what caused him to do it, how it was done, or if he's a sociopath and just "Acting" like he's fine now because he's bored...
Maybe he does feel bad, but sometimes some crimes are just not something you can just repent from... Is this one of those? I can't say.


Well-Known Member
Wow dude, just wow. How you develop all that from a PedoBear pic I don't know and probably do not want to know. cn
Truth is, it's the truth. Perpetuation of something that's not funny. I expect that shit from people like kite high and fungus knat. Just thought maybe you had some righteousness about you. I guess it's my own fault for being in a minority about what I clearly see as wrong. Like I said I don't give a fuck what people talk about, it's the pics of someones kid used for a cheap pedo laugh I don't agree with. It also encourages other people who just may be vile fuckers to think its ok. Especially because you're a mod at RIU now. I have very strong convictions on somethings, this being one of them.


Ursus marijanus
Truth is, it's the truth. Perpetuation of something that's not funny. I expect that shit from people like kite high and fungus knat. Just thought maybe you had some righteousness about you. I guess it's my own fault for being in a minority about what I clearly see as wrong. Like I said I don't give a fuck what people talk about, it's the pics of someones kid used for a cheap pedo laugh I don't agree with. It also encourages other people who just may be vile fuckers to think its ok. Especially because you're a mod at RIU now. I have very strong convictions on somethings, this being one of them.
If you knew anything about me at all, you'd know i do not countenance pedophilia. However I do have a somewhat unhinged sense of humor - which does not offer insight into or comment on my tastes or morality. I suggest you are overinterpreting. You are dismissing the non-pic post I made previous to the pic post. cn


Well-Known Member
I'm not overinterpeting, if I didn't flip a lid and make a report how many more pics would have went up? Those sick fucks that prey on kids look for shit like that to justify what they do, they don't need encourgement.


New Member
Ah but at what point are they no different than an animal and need to be put down like one? If a dog bites someone. It gets put down, hardly even any argument. But someone goes out molests, abuses and kills small children they just get a sheltered life of food, prison rape and free room n board? Not fit for society just like the bad dog. PUT IT DOWN.

I bet you would change your opinion if you were ever framed, accused, and found guilty of something you didn't do, whose penalty was to just "put 'em down".

I'm not saying the person the topic creator is talking about was framed, but I AM talking about the people that DO get wrongly accused or pinned for something they didn't do.

Our judicial system is fucked up, cops lie more than actual criminals.

As a stoner, and possibly even grower, you should know that better than 99% of society.


Well-Known Member
I bet you would change your opinion if you were ever framed, accused, and found guilty of something you didn't do, whose penalty was to just "put 'em down".

I'm not saying the person the topic creator is talking about was framed, but I AM talking about the people that DO get wrongly accused or pinned for something they didn't do.
Yeah. From The Innocence Project web page:

The Innocence Project was founded in 1992 by Barry C. Scheck and Peter J. Neufeld at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University to assist prisoners who could be proven innocent through DNA testing. To date, more than 300 people in the United States have been exonerated by DNA testing, including 18 who served time on death row. These people served an average of 13 years in prison before exoneration and release.


Well-Known Member
But life at hard labor is acceptable to me with the money earned paying for their own punishment. This way, too, if they are truly innocent then time will be on their side.
Murder bad slavery good?

I'm sorry. Imho, if there is condemning, hard-core evidence that he did it then he should perish in prison.
At 13 there's not enough cognitive reasoning developed to understand certain things... Like the full consequences of murder, to the victim and the perpetrator

I know nothing of the case, so I really can't say. Is it possible that people can reform or better themselves? Sure. Does that erase what happened? Not at all.

I honestly don't know what it is like to be in prison. Yet I here stories about "model prisoners" that taught themselves to read and then went on to teach other prisoners and stuff like that. If he reformed, then he can probably find good to do - because he might never do enough good to pay back the bad.

And I just saw a documentary about texting and driving and how common it is to hand out extremely mild sentences: time served, a month or less, probation - for crippling or killing people!

We have parole boards to review stuff like this - that is supposed to be their job. Of course, the whole system is a mess and overloaded, mostly because of the War on Drugs.

However, "killed two old ladies" - without many more facts, I think he is in prison, where he needs to be. At most, get rid of death row and give people like this a chance to do their good on the inside.
Not a lot of chance to do that "something good" in the joint, but at least you aren't one of the sadists...

well you just opened up a huge can of worms now didnt we..

for me death penalty i dont get it, youre not better then the murderer themselves by killing them, youre doing the exact same thing youre killing them for so i dont get it.
no if you doing horrible things i think you should be kept in solitary confinement 365 days a year with no interaction from humans starring at a 12x12 wall everyday for the rest of your life ..why do i think this? because we cannot prove what happens after we die, and if "God" is so called all forgiving he will most likely put that murderer in heaven if there is one, so really you may kill him and there may be nothing, he may end up in hell but he may end up in heaven, or he may just rot in the ground but we cannot prove that that horrible person will have nothing after death, so..if its up to me solitary confinement
You are a uniquely fucked up individual. And, that's coming from a sociopath.

i know ill piss folks off but death row should instead be organ donors directly after sentencing! The only real way they'll ever give back in a meaningful way!
Another profiteering sadist. How are YOU different than Dahmer of Albert Fisk? Except that they weren't too scared to do the shit that fantasized about.

I personally oppose the death penalty.

I also oppose the philosophy that everyone can be rehabilitated, or even habilitated in the first place. Fwiw. cn
I'm a sociopath. You are correct. If I went off the reservation, there'd be no "rehabilitating" me. Personally, I don't think that violence is the solution to most problems, nor murder.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. A 15 year old knows the law for murder so no sympothy from me. If they have mental problems, then they don't belong in society and should be in a safe environment where they can't hurt themselves or anyone else, simple as that.
He was 13 when he did the crime, according to the big three religions, he was a year from being old enough to "know better."

Why not just put them in a cell blasting pop music 24/7? Leave them their belts so they can hang themselves.
So, you support torture? Are you volunteering yourself for the cell treatment, also? After all, torture's illegal, and violates the 8th amendment.

If that old lady was your grandmother you would feel alot different.. I think he should die in jail..
My grandmother's a nasty old cunt. I would have helped raise money for the kid's defense.

the kid has no idea how to survive in society. He has survived through into adulthood in a place that does not operate under the same laws of human interaction. He will never be O.K in the real world. The whole justice system needs to be revamped. if there going to be a burden on everyone for the remainder of their lives put em down. If its a minor crime theres no reason they should rot in prison for 10-15 years. Community labor for a few months-years doing jobs we pay people way too much for.
You're right about the prisons being shitty, and the justice system skewed, but, a person can very easily reintegrate into society, even after 15 years.

Ah but at what point are they no different than an animal and need to be put down like one? If a dog bites someone. It gets put down, hardly even any argument. But someone goes out molests, abuses and kills small children they just get a sheltered life of food, prison rape and free room n board? Not fit for society just like the bad dog. PUT IT DOWN.
As soon as "they" are no different than animals, you are also no different than animals. And, what if someone thinks you bit? Should they just "put it down?"

You know why NO state executes for child molestation or kidnapping? Because there'd be no incentive to keep victims alive. Blind advocacy of violence is a common trait in people suffering from a borderline personality disorder.

Then lets use them for clinical trials... hell i'm sure Monsanto would love a go at them. If they are GM are they still considered human if they can be patented? Perhaps at that point there lives are no longer as mysteriously valuable. It's funny, we can slaughter whole villages, women and children in the name of war. But if our own people are committing horrible atrocities within our own borders its suddenly inhumane to put them to death. If we have a general give the command would it be more acceptable?

Sorry, I'm not very well spoken or usually care about politics... especially those on RIU
It's no more appropriate to kill here than abroad. A uniform changes nothing, be it fatigues or a police uniform.

lol you know me well enough id argue that ;) hahahha
You advocate for animal rights, but think people should be warehoused, tortured, and executed? I think I'll kick a dog tomorrow, just for you. And, nope, it won't bother me -- I don't feel guilt or remorse.

the joke of our prison system is that once someone spends 15+ years there, they will NEVER be fit for society unless they were at one of those resort prisons. it's a joke to call it rehabilitation when it's obvious we just torture them to insanity and then toss 'em out 10x worse than they were when they were arrested. even the ones who "reform" aren't fit for society. it's one thing to be a model prisoner in a system where EVERYTHING is done for you and you get separated from your enemies, it's quite another to hack it in the real world without 24 hour guards to play babysitter.
Been to a lot of prisons? I was ... I learned to control my temper, I realized the connection between allowing my darker side to be provoked and the punishment.

Death row, we could do like the Chinese, shoot'em behind the ear, cut'em up, sell the parts. But that would open a whole new can of worms.. The fact we sue over just about anything means there would probably be a lot of law suits over who gets the money.. I'm sure there wouldn't be a shortage of lawyers.. It would open up a whole new line of work for them. I can see them now, breaking it down part by part.
Humane execution. Top three humane executions: Beheading, Firing Squad (heart,) and firing squad (brain.) The rest ... did you torture small animals as a child?

I'm not overinterpeting, if I didn't flip a lid and make a report how many more pics would have went up? Those sick fucks that prey on kids look for shit like that to justify what they do, they don't need encourgement.
CN always posts solid shit, sometimes a bit off-center, I didn't see the photograph in question, though. You're totally right about the justification that pederasts use, but they'll use any. In the joint they'd crowd in a TV room to watch OLD reruns of Hanna Montana, they said it's ok, cuz she's legal NOW.

--my comment to the actual thread:

I support the death penalty, in open confession cases, and when a preponderance of real evidence proves guilt, beyond a reasonable doubt. But, I'm willing to pull the trigger, not talk about torturing someone or have little death fetish fantasies.

Remember, 1 in 20 to 1 in 25 has a personality disorder classified as "severe." Psychopath and sociopath are synonyms, Boarderline Antisocial Personality Disorder, and narcissistic personality disorders make up the majority of personality disorders. Being diagnosed as a sociopath doesn't mean that a person is evil. It just means they don't give a shit if they are.


Staff member
You advocate for animal rights, but think people should be warehoused, tortured, and executed? I think I'll kick a dog tomorrow, just for you. And, nope, it won't bother me -- I don't feel guilt or remorse.
uhm when did i said it was okay to execute a human? i believe my statements clearly said i was against the death penalty , let them rot in a cell