Death row


Well-Known Member
It sounds like he murdered to helpless old ladies in cold blood. I knew when I was fifteen that murder was wrong, let alone killing to old nanas. Let him rot, and be an example to others. I wish it was more like that in the states for violent repeat criminals.


Well-Known Member
I've just watched a programme on tv about a high security prison in Indiana where they have twelve in mates on death row, their was one guy who had been in their since he was fifteen for killing two old ladies he clearly wasn't the same person that went into jail all those years ago, he had served 27 yrs of a 170 year sentence he had educated his self through reading and was well spoken and intelligent. I think his case should be looked at again it's madness to jail a boy and expect him to end his days their,he knows nothing about the outside world and I'm sure would love the chance to make things right what do you all think,should he be given that chance or be kept in a cage like an animal which basically is what was happening to him after all he was just thirteen when he committed the crime and sent to this prison at fifteen, he's now a grown man with a different outlook on life.
Had they executed him back then, he would not have been a statistic in the prison costs for 27 years.


Well-Known Member
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. A 15 year old knows the law for murder so no sympothy from me. If they have mental problems, then they don't belong in society and should be in a safe environment where they can't hurt themselves or anyone else, simple as that.
IF, by the age of 15, they don't know any better, then I believe the parents should be looked at as well.


Well-Known Member
the kid has no idea how to survive in society. He has survived through into adulthood in a place that does not operate under the same laws of human interaction. He will never be O.K in the real world. The whole justice system needs to be revamped. if there going to be a burden on everyone for the remainder of their lives put em down. If its a minor crime theres no reason they should rot in prison for 10-15 years. Community labor for a few months-years doing jobs we pay people way too much for.
We all know how intelligent dogs are, and if a dog, (that has no real concept of 'right and wrong', just a vague idea from praise and scolding) bites someone and gets put down because he is 'a possible menace or danger to other children', then I think any teen or older that consciously picks up a weapon of some sort, maims or kills another human, by that time definitely should know 'right from wrong' and should not be a burden on taxpayers serving life sentences, having meals, roof over the head, and basically no responsibilities except follow the rules.


Well-Known Member
But a bad human is still a human. I am very leery of any legal or moral system that places humans into tiers. Historically our greatest inhumanities were built on that cornerstone. cn
OK, fine.
If they molest someone, keep them locked up long enough for the molested to grow up and choose for themselves whether or not to return the favor with a cactus.


Well-Known Member
Yea but CN likes to post pictures of little kids and use them for pedo jokes so the small children abuse is off the shelf for him. Exploitation of a strangers kid for his kicks is ok. So the moral compass may be a little skewed for him, atleast with his online persona.
I don't agree with CN's outlook on this, but I've never seen the side of him you speak of.


Well-Known Member
the joke of our prison system is that once someone spends 15+ years there, they will NEVER be fit for society unless they were at one of those resort prisons. it's a joke to call it rehabilitation when it's obvious we just torture them to insanity and then toss 'em out 10x worse than they were when they were arrested. even the ones who "reform" aren't fit for society. it's one thing to be a model prisoner in a system where EVERYTHING is done for you and you get separated from your enemies, it's quite another to hack it in the real world without 24 hour guards to play babysitter.
And, any one of them with half a brain can act for long enough to fool people into thinking they are 'better or reformed'.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I've just watched a programme on tv about a high security prison in Indiana where they have twelve in mates on death row, their was one guy who had been in their since he was fifteen for killing two old ladies he clearly wasn't the same person that went into jail all those years ago, he had served 27 yrs of a 170 year sentence he had educated his self through reading and was well spoken and intelligent. I think his case should be looked at again it's madness to jail a boy and expect him to end his days their,he knows nothing about the outside world and I'm sure would love the chance to make things right what do you all think,should he be given that chance or be kept in a cage like an animal which basically is what was happening to him after all he was just thirteen when he committed the crime and sent to this prison at fifteen, he's now a grown man with a different outlook on life.
ask yourself this question , would you leave youre loved ones, children , familly locked in a house with this guy for a week ? if the answer is no then he shouldnt be free to roam society .
if the answerr is yes then you're a very forgiving person .

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
ask the women he killed.
I see your point but he was only thirteen do you not believe in rehabilitation. In some cases I do and this was one of them paedophiles are never rehabilitated child or adult but some people just need a chance and let's face it I didn't know my own mind at thirteen and listening to him talk neither did he. Can you imagine how his mother must have felt, I have two sons and for one to be locked up from the age of thirteen would break my heart especially knowing he was going to die in prison.And even if one of those woman he killed was a relative of mine I would still have trouble getting my head round that it was a child hat did it.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry. Imho, if there is condemning, hard-core evidence that he did it then he should perish in prison.
I understand how you feel but I think if you had seen the programme you may feel differently, their were men in their that no doubt deserved their punishment that were pure evil and had committed terrible crimes, but this one just seemed to have redeemed himself through books and education and the fact he realised he was going to miss out on life basically and he was appalled at what he'd done it was quite sad really.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
i know ill piss folks off but death row should instead be organ donors directly after sentencing! The only real way they'll ever give back in a meaningful way!
Trust me you would not want any body part of some of these animals, in fact it's an insult to animals to even call them that one of them had cut a four year old child's head off not nice would you want his heart I sure wouldn't!

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. A 15 year old knows the law for murder so no sympothy from me. If they have mental problems, then they don't belong in society and should be in a safe environment where they can't hurt themselves or anyone else, simple as that.
He was only thirteen when he committed the crime it was a robbery initially.


Well-Known Member
7 billion people in the world and you want to save a murderer who shouldn't be breathing my good air. he should have been executed immediately after being found guilty!

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
If that old lady was your grandmother you would feel alot different.. I think he should die in jail..
I agree with you, but their was just something about this man that stuck out and he's got a family somewhere that loves him that watched him go into jail a child I dont know maybe I'm wrong but he's thirty five years old now and learnt a lot from his crime.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
It sounds like he murdered to helpless old ladies in cold blood. I knew when I was fifteen that murder was wrong, let alone killing to old nanas. Let him rot, and be an example to others. I wish it was more like that in the states for violent repeat criminals.
He was thirteen a child, and put in an adult prison at fifteen.


Well-Known Member
7 billion people in the world and you want to save a murderer who shouldn't be breathing my good air. he should have been executed immediately after being found guilty!
I guess I need to repeat myself.

Yeah. From The Innocence Project web page:

The Innocence Project was founded in 1992 by Barry C. Scheck and Peter J. Neufeld at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University to assist prisoners who could be proven innocent through DNA testing. To date, more than 300 people in the United States have been exonerated by DNA testing, including 18 who served time on death row. These people served an average of 13 years in prison before exoneration and release.
So, yeah... I guess guilty verdicts are never a mistake.


Well-Known Member
I guess I need to repeat myself.

So, yeah... I guess guilty verdicts are never a mistake.
good news is no one would have to suffer very long because of the mistake. Families heal from death quicker than loss. here's some money from the opps we fucked up but thanks for thinning the numbers fund. Still be cheaper than all the prisons.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
IF, by the age of 15, they don't know any better, then I believe the parents should be looked at as well.
No I disagree the boy was thirteen, I know plenty of lads that have had a shit up bringing that have done okay and never been in trouble, and I know plenty that have had a good up bringing and have turned into murderers you can't blame the parents for everything when you have a child they are separate human beings with their own personality,and views and they will do what they want regardless of the parents all you can do is guide them and hope they will follow that guidance.