Can you please stop that bullshit now? You have your own truth about pH so keep it for yourself. Thats excactly what I was talking about. There is new G asking for help and bitch like you hit his thread sending him to check runoff. Even more sad is you using your pen for liquid to measure surface pH and the real tool for this you saying you have and claiming it sucks. Dude wake up!
can you show me where plants don’t care about the ph of the medium they are in?
he (op), brought up testing runoff not me.
using ph pen to test the ph of moist-wet soil ph has worked for myself and others. As far as I know, it’s the same probe, just on the end of a stick. With a pen, you have a bigger contact area and get better results faster.
chill out with your crush on me. If you have a personal problem with me, send me a personal message