

Well-Known Member
and my plants show no sign of growth slowing. I can trim and hang my co2 bag just barely above my plant and by the morning its touching all crazy. that's how I measure the growth each day and my pics don't lie


Well-Known Member
she would be twice this thick if I didn't trim out the middle and I cut all the bottom branches(whole branches not just leaves) about 5-6 inches up. no effect on growth


Well-Known Member
showing ignorance much I don't do seed I do clones and I have done 9 of these exact ones and its SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN IN STANDARDIZED TESTING get educated then come back. don't assume you know what someone has or is doing just makes you look dumb as hell lmao. its one thing to have an opinion its another to argue with fact

Can you post up some of these tests? I'm always down to learn something new


Well-Known Member
i'll try and find them one sec idk if they have it for the public most of what I learned was from classes I had to pay for but i'll see


Well-Known Member
if your into it you can google Cannabis Training University and they have hours apon hours of informational videos. but you have to pay for them


Well-Known Member
have you ever done any real research of any kind? as in field work or even google damn. that shit you thinks so funny is the reason i am as good as i am today and will continue to get better. the growing video how 2's aren't free i paid $100 for the classes everything i do is on a professional scale even the local dispensaries agree so i must be doing something right. i could probably email u a copy of the 500page growing e book i have


Well-Known Member
and almost every "test" on pruning/noncutting was done in person or observed at other grows sorry i don't just keep a stack of info in my ass. but we do this shit for a living the dispensary has us "donate" the product and then we get "compensation" for donating. and its just common sense when you grow the same strain and the trimmed plants average hp per plant wheres the other plants left alone cant come close (and that 3mo total veg-end of flower) this plant i posted was just another "experiment" seeing what the effects of 2 600w vs 1 is since i used this strain a couple times. fuck i hate ignorant humans sometimes


Well-Known Member
sorry i don't just keep a stack of info in my ass.
Thing is, the practice of defoliation or even the mention of it sparks debate here. ( as you can see) There are those that firmly believe that defoliation is unproductive to say the least. So those that have a contrary opinion are asked for the proof in some sort of study that defoliation actually promotes growth, and it seems said proof never really surfaces.
Jus sayin'
Now to be clear we're talking about defoliation, not topping, fimming etc.


Well-Known Member
Your plants, your garden, your imagination...

I will say this every time...

These plants have much variety, some varieties are fantastic for this technique, others, aren't. I've tried this on SEVERAL occasions, for SEVERAL years... I've got 25 years under my belt.... I can promise you that defoliation is bogus...

Does that mean picking off a big giant fan leaf here and there is going to be detrimental to the grow? No... Does that mean that BIG Giant fan leaf is blocking the light below, probably...

Does that mean you should go ape shit and pick off all the big giant fan leaves?? No....

Defoliation, like flushing, is a bunch of BULLSHIT. Period.


Well-Known Member
just because there is a bud site just means enough light has gotten to the spot to make a bud it doesn't determine HOW much light the bud is getting. if its only getting hit with half the light its only going to be half the bud it could have been.

LOL! wow your own logic escapes you.... How the fuck do you think that bud site is going to get light if you cut the fucking leaf off that is feeding that bud=??

Bud's themselves do not collect light so much... the leaf that the bud is connected to, DOES. It not only collects light, it also synthesizes nutes to feed the bud....

How about I sew your mouth shut and put a steak in front of you after you've not eaten in a week and then tell me how you're going to react?


Well-Known Member
have you ever done any real research of any kind? as in field work or even google damn. that shit you thinks so funny is the reason i am as good as i am today and will continue to get better. the growing video how 2's aren't free i paid $100 for the classes everything i do is on a professional scale even the local dispensaries agree so i must be doing something right. i could probably email u a copy of the 500page growing e book i have
Its funny because your listening to the opinions of classes you paid for. your completely clueless in the cannabis world, and are still in the stage, of google searchs, grow books, appearently 100 dollar classes, to inform you, rather than thinking for yourself,. Understandable, wouldn't want to feel like u got ripped off, paying for unnecessary shit, gotta feel like you got something for your money. I get it.


Well-Known Member
yes this is true I veg for 1/12 months but in that time my bush gets 3'ft by 3ft every time unless I have an issue with say spidermites(happened one time in the past its horrible)
LOL! wow your own logic escapes you.... How the fuck do you think that bud site is going to get light if you cut the fucking leaf off that is feeding that bud=??

Bud's themselves do not collect light so much... the leaf that the bud is connected to, DOES. It not only collects light, it also synthesizes nutes to feed the bud....

How about I sew your mouth shut and put a steak in front of you after you've not eaten in a week and then tell me how you're going to react?
Hey now, he learned it from his Cannabis Training University, that he PAID FOR. so it must be scientific fact.


Well-Known Member
have you ever done any real research of any kind? as in field work or even google damn. that shit you thinks so funny is the reason i am as good as i am today and will continue to get better. the growing video how 2's aren't free i paid $100 for the classes everything i do is on a professional scale even the local dispensaries agree so i must be doing something right. i could probably email u a copy of the 500page growing e book i have

Here's my take. I don't defoliate. If you chose to that's fine. I will pluck any leaves that are dead/dying because they no longer serve their purpose ..... but it's important to understand the role that leaves play. They are not just useless appendages that block bud sites. They are crucial to the plants ability to nourish itself. I suppose thinning out a plant that is very heavy with leaves would be fine, but I just cringe at the thought of people randomly stripping their plants. This class you paid for should have covered, and stressed the importance of leaves on a plant. Millions of years of evolution is not wrong. If they didn't cover that I would question any other info that they are peddling.