Well-Known Member
q caps or ulitimate gold. take your pick. works fine,plan ahead and have one ready
Employers can refuse to hire you even if you're an MMJ card holder. There are lawsuits ongoing here about it see this example
Youll more than likely not be clean until at leaste 30 days from Dec 1,as u said that was the last day u smoked.So you r 6 ft 195 lbs.Ya theres no way youll have it out before wendsday,sorry to say it.
Not a good idea to be on the list quite yet. Though the ones jumping in are setting an important precedent for the rest of us, legal MJ is still a pretty touchy subject to many. Give it another 5-10 yrs.
I like to think of it like the days of prohibition. It's not well looked upon by some but it's going to come to be and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.![]()
So im graduating college in about a week, and im starting to look for a full time grown up job. I smoked my last bowl on Dec 1st, and i took a home test this morning (about 9 days). Failed with flying colors. Ive got my first job interview at JB Hunt on Wednesday, and im getting plenty other calls.
So im going to keep this journal for everyone else in my situation who is worried and might need an idea what to expect. Im 6"0, 195lbs, semi-active, and before i was a regular/chronic smoker. Total i would smoke about an 1/8th a week. I would say i smoked an average of 2 blunts a day for a few months, before i realized smoking out of a bong was so much better. With the bong i smoked less, i'd say 2-3 bowls a day. Sometimes i would smoke 5 bowls a days, sometimes i smoked 1. I been smoking this heavy for about 8 months or so.
So, im going to step up my efforts, like guzzling water, and im going to run once or twice a day to sweat more. Im going to test myself again on friday morning, if i dont piss clean, im going to purchase one of those powdered urine kits.
Enjoy the ride guys.
Sorry buddy, you are flat out wrong. Tested my first piss of the morning, yesterday and today, and i got lines both days. I stopped my high fluid intake and i havent sweated a bit. Im 6ft, 195 lbs, and military veteran, meaning i have extremely low body fat. Im getting a little more optimistic now.
A lot of good info on here for ya so far... All to add is niacin.. It sucks but works... Along with sweating it out, saunas are for detoxing. You are already doing the right thing for your body if your passing the home test.. Keep it up and the lab test should be no problem.
why cause the old shit had dmaa? the fda put the kibosh on that real quick. banned by the federal goverment stores to
how does not sweating help ?. i thought the whole point was to sweat everyday as much as possible?and the military veteran thing means nothing . i see hundred of vets everyday and believe me, they are by no means in shape. unless of course ,you were a marine , then say no more. they seem to be the only branch of our military network that actually gives a fuck about staying in shape. im not even sure why they are affiliated with the navy . for moral support i guess . hope i dont offend you but these are just my observations. anyways good luck with the test brother