DIY with Quantum Boards

so am i understanding this correctly, hlg-240h-1050 will only be able to run them at 65% of the 1.6A max? would i require hlg-480-2100 to run 2x qb304 at max current or is there another option?
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I got 4 boards and the hlg 480-2100 driver last go around. Can I add 2 more 5000k boards off that driver for 6 boards in total? The first 4 are all 3000k thinking of adding to the spectrum.
Amnesia Haze Auto getting the axe tomorrow... This auto was really not what I expected.
I am rather new to Royal Queen seeds and really am kinda pissed. I found out that THIS amnesia " VERSION " is a cross with LOWRYDER !
I hate LOWRYDER / Dwarfy strains .... But she smells awesome but really didn't get all that big. Chunky but guess this will be used for RSO or glycerin.
Fucking freebies ! .... Hahaha

Question for you LED experts out there... is there any LED controllers that I can use to control 2 boards that will dim them based solely off of room temperature? Most of the dimmers I have seen can simulate light cycles and even clouds and shit, but I don't see any mention of being able to set a temp. probe to 78F and have the lights dim to whatever % to keep the room there. Or even turn off completely if need be... Any ideas?
i have thermal switches. They usually trip at higher temps.
the one i have is 55C.. not sure how lower temps thermal switches go. temps need to go down 3C-6C below trigger point to un-trip

Thermistor may work alone or with a resistor in series. check datasheet and resistance vs temp charts . may work on type b driver.

Arduino could be a better way. you will run into that voltage issue .i think outputs are like 3.3 or 5v and does not match the 1-10V that meanwell driver dimming needs.
I just ordered my 4x qb304 and a slate 5! Excited! but still slightly confused about matching drivers. Is there a single driver that can power 4x qb304 at 90%-100% or would I need 2 drivers? Thanks
Go with 2 drivers. HLG-240H-C1050A or HLG-240H-C1050B
I will add a 2 cable joiner so you have 1 power cord. Pm order #
Like Steve said 320H needed for 2 boards to max out.

so am i understanding this correctly, hlg-240h-1050 will only be able to run them at 65% of the 1.6A max? would i require hlg-480-2100 to run 2x qb304 at max current or is there another option?
does not sound right
hlg-240h-1050A will give you 1.22 Amps not 1.6A. so 2 boards on this driver will give max 260-300 watts
hlg-480-2100 with 2x Qb 304 is not good. too much power.
hlg-320-1400 with 2x Qb 304 is nmax you want to try. dim it down if for some reason power draw exceeds 375 watts
Hi All,

I Picked up 2x qb304 4000 and 2x qb304 3000 with a slate 5.ORDER HLG#1282

Is hlg-320-1400 dialed down using 100 potentiometer the correct route to go?

Happy New Light day to all that have placed/placing order this run! This one is going to fit in nice when starts heating up this summer.
slate 5 is the only heatsink that can handle this much power...
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i think im gonna buy this just cause i may want to run the qb's at more than 125 watts, but only plan on 100 per board. the heatsink shape is not really optimal for my flower room though i need rows of 3. will you guys come out with a wider single board heatsink that can handle more power to a single board? just so i can space them good. & is it best 3000k or 3500k for strait flower? from the charts they look so close i cant even really guess. last thing is im just wondering why the drivers are left on top of the heat sink, that doesnt obstruct it? its probably a stupid question but its just when im at work i wouldnt leave a control board on top of a tank even if there were no walls around to mount it to.
Hello peeps, I need some advice.
Im about to order 2 of the 260w kit 3500k for my 4x4 tent. Do you think 3 would be better or is it overkill? I would like to maximize yield for my 4x4 tent. And I think Im gonna get a 260w kit 4000k for a veg light. Is 4000k good enough or is 5000k better for veg? Thanks!
Hello peeps, I need some advice.
Im about to order 2 of the 260w kit 3500k for my 4x4 tent. Do you think 3 would be better or is it overkill? I would like to maximize yield for my 4x4 tent. And I think Im gonna get a 260w kit 4000k for a veg light. Is 4000k good enough or is 5000k better for veg? Thanks!
2 of those 260W kits will do well in a 4x4 tent.

I veg just fine with 3500K. This allows for more options when expanding or whatever as well. Limiting the change in spectrum has also been said to reduce crazy stretch.