dont know sativa's ...


Active Member
No need to alarm, this is my bag seed. Turned out to be sativa. ?. Never grew one b4 ...I'm a indica grower...but I need help figuring this problem out... have been feed her same as I feed myindica . And they are flourishing. 20130327_135314.jpg20130327_135328.jpg20130327_135337.jpg What her problem ?


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert but sativas will be more likely to claw or get shocky due to over feeding of nutes. Ph should be watched closer too. Don't feed it like you would an indica and start slow with nutes if it's not too late.


Active Member
That could be it been feeding it same as my indica. oh well I flushed her yesterday. Will try a new approach. ? If she dont like it , out she go


Well-Known Member
Thought I saw some purple blotches.might up phosphorus. Sativas do like to claw in flowering from too much n...only ever grown Mexican sativas


Active Member
Ok, Qking, will up my bloom nutes on her. And see what happens. Tho its not of concern I would like to learn the sativa I'm using the botanicare line . Will flush 2 more time them dial in new formula. And yes she is purpling


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you got it under control. Not saying there is any but thought I would throw in, keeping your night times temp close to day temp will really help with foxtailing. Sativas really like to jump up


Well-Known Member
Hi mate, not sure if you've still got troubles or not. Im currently growing my first sativa too, and had similar problems. I have found it tends to like a lower PH than the indicas and also substantially lower ppm of nutes. I would also suggest a flush prior to flowering to rid the medium of excess levels of N, or perhaps a flush now mid way through flowering, for the same reason.


Well-Known Member
I feed all my plants the same nutes and never had any difference between indica and sativa, but it does look like nute burn to me


Active Member
Thank guys, waiting to do my second flushing, then was going to her a dose of M.O.A.B which is 1 52 31 is that to high P


Well-Known Member
No that's good will help prevent to much n too. Don't let those really high numbers fool you I don't feel like doing the math but that would be similar to 0-13-8 that's jus quick estimate