Drying time done when stems bend or break? Cervantes says...


Active Member
Hey guys,

So my friend is nearing the end of his first crop and I've been helping him since he's not the DIY type. He got a copy of the Growing Bible from Jorge Cervantes (Patten).

In the book, there's an excerpt about drying/curing that goes against what I've read in most posts here, but this book was even recommended in threads by the people giving the advice. Basically, if anybody could shed some light on this or maybe explain what they think this means. Or just completely disagree with it from experience and say what they think about it.


There's the excerpt.

By snapping does he mean literally just breaking instead of just bending but not necessarily snapping all the way off? I can see there being a point in time where it "snaps" but doesn't "break", if you will. Just after it's dry enough to not bend anymore.

So, what's the verdict?


Well-Known Member
It should "not" break through/off or break like a matchstick. Then it's too dry. So yes, you put it nicely in your own words, snap but not break.


Active Member
Well that was two fast and clean responses. Happy I didn't attract the keyboard jockeys with this one haha bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
The Grower's Bible is based entirely on the OG GrowFAQ (from Overgrow.com) as well as a number of discussions from the same forum. In essence, you're dealing with curing info that may have been relevant a decade ago.

As a side note, it is the ambiguity of the curing info in the GrowFAQ that drove the defined curing methodology stickied here.
