DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes


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I just had a horror that I think I narrowly diverted. Got a root-in rig, set up in tote. I used to call that vegging.

No. Rooting. :)

Had the white succulence going on. Popping out roots with 6ml Excleurator and 75 ml of Clonex per 15 liters. Full strength for both. Ended up with 700 ppm. But, it was working!!

I now have it at 450 ppm and will begin to cycle to DM One at 400 soon....but slowly, carefully....for the roots.

I screwed up and left a light panel open. I was setting the water level and taking photos and had a backlight panel open.

photo 5.JPG

Checked roots the next day....the smell alone gave it away. Root Rot....just the very beginning of colony. Maybe 5%. I just reach out and began gentle rubbing and it came off. Wow. So, hand cleaned the root fliments. Very sturdy until chewed on. Luck. The big patches had not begun chewing in earnest. Fixed that by cleaning the tub and stones.

I had AquaShield in and Orca, so I think I'm ahead.

Root check this morning. No. But, not very bad. More hand wipe (sterilized hands) just to break up the colonies. I call that distressing them, with lawn weeds.

But, it was not colonies by yesterday's look. It was just some brown.

Then I check the stones. Woops. Not clean. So, soaking stones in 5% H2O2 now. Rotating in more frequent ice jugs.

No roots. No veg.photo 4.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yep, good point. Taping......now.
Waaaaaiiiiiiitttt a second. Before you tape it all up, clean it thoroughly. If it was on the stones it also got on the hoses leading to it and corners and whatnot inside the tote. I.o.w. I would start with a clean and fresh start.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I did, that is the new top. The old one had 4" holes, too big. New holes, new top. H2O2 sterilized all.

Then the stones and hoses. More cleaning. Ran fresh h2o2 until the stones stopped fizzing.

Taped it all up. Thanks all.



Well-Known Member
Anyone had problems getting root aphids/winged root aphids/ fungus gnats from the EWC?

I run a sterile Rez and had a pump go out for 24 hours.
Roots were screwed and I knew I needed bennies to break down the dead roots and jump start root growth.
Made some tea, and my roots bounced back.
Everything was good except the root aphids.
Didn't get them in the other systems, just the ones treated with the tea.
I'm pretty close to harvest so it's not THAT big an issue at this point.
I can control the root aphids for now, but I don't think I'll be using EWC in my tea anymore.

Anyone else had any issues?
Something to be aware of maybe?



Well-Known Member
yes and no.

The tea a bloom of a tailored consortium, a stacked ecosystem that precludes the infestation by filling and defending all the niches with good stuff. The good stuff produces hormones for roots, the auxins.

These products are the expensive parts. What I do is run AqS. and Orca in a UC set up on a chiller at 64 degrees.

Then if I see problems i introduce the Tea. I also run B1 to make the roots more hardy.


Well-Known Member
image.jpgOk well I got some dutchmaster zone and some aquashield but I am still going to do tea. I don't have a chiller and my water temp is high I know about 78. I want to finish this grow and hopefully come out with something good to then invest in a chiller. The problem I was seeing is my roots turning brown I hit it with some zone formed up nicely and roots went back white but I don't want to be hitting with zone throughout whole cycle I don't know if that is good so I got some aqua shield today and is going to try it out. But I will order everything for tea and Ill infrom y'all how it goes


Well-Known Member
hey guys i need yr help. im at my wits end w this shit. ive got the exact symptoms as described on the first page of this thread. tried all the things people try but dnt work. and im sick of hearing "whats yr ph"" or "whats yr ppm" or " whats yr temps". ive grown successfully for 2 years and my environment is perfect (minus the brown) so i know its not my system. tried the tea multiple times and followed all the instructions exactly, except for molasses, which i used humbolt honey, which has molasses in it, but it still didnt work. ive tried everything guys and now im in fear of losing my dream, which is growing bud til the day i die. im already way behind on my perpetual, and if i cant get rid of this shit i will have to resort back to a life of slavery, or what most call, a 9 to 5. please dnt mistake my frustration for hostility


Well-Known Member
What do you think of the humbolt honey? Thought about snagging some.. Don't mean to jack, best of luck grower.


Well-Known Member
well ive tried bud candy, the gh one(cant remember the name), the humbolt honey is cheaper and more concentrated. thats all


Well-Known Member
Well, as I understand it, honey has antiseptic added by the bees. And Mr. H, recently pointed that out.

So, it has to be no honey. Molasses is cheap and can be found at most groceries.


Well-Known Member
Well, as I understand it, honey has antiseptic added by the bees. And Mr. H, recently pointed that out.

So, it has to be no honey. Molasses is cheap and can be found at most groceries.
its not actual honey. its the name of the nutrient Humbolt Honey. and its has molasses in it


Active Member
I use this reciepe with humbolt honey as my molasses and I've never had a problem doing it this way for the last yr..


Well-Known Member
its not actual honey. its the name of the nutrient Humbolt Honey. and its has molasses in it

Well, I know. But, what else? Now one really knows, right? And knowing Humboldt products, raw molasses is pennies to compare. I am going by the fact that you say it isn't working.