DWC x 2 - Closet Grow - Bubblelicious + Snow White: 208w CFL/240w BS LED Grow


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About 1.5 hours until lights off, temps are up and water isn't lasting long in the plugs, I feel like I'll see roots soon. Gave them a 1/4 strength minor dosage of thrive alive red @ 140-160 ppm. First nutrients. As soon as they go into buckets they'll get some Root 66 and SugarDaddy @ 1/4 strength in the res.


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Day 5, first blade leaves are looking good, overtaking the seed leaves. Readjusted the lights with some clamps from the clamp lights and pinned em about 4-5" from the plants. They took the thrive alive well it looks, as Sabrina is going to catch up to B1 and B2 no problem.

B1 has a weird curling seed leaf but I'm just going to accept it as it wiggling around. No roots out the bottom yet but did soak up a bit of water from there just to make sure both ends of the peat are wet.

Also bought a fan as you see in the last picture but going to return it for a couple clamp fans instead.

And now pictures!



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Decided since they only got their first ultra low dose of Thrive Alive Red last night, I'd give them a bit of sugar daddy @ 220 ppm to stimulate them towards veg a bit. Will do water only tomorrow, and the next day I think we'll have roots and probably go into buckets and get some Root 66 and Sugar Daddy at 1/3 strength or 400-450 PPM and try to get up to 500 PPM (my tap water is 85-95 PPM through my PUR filter at 6.9 pH)

Haven't done any PHing yet, have some GH PH down but I hate that stuff it's vile so I am waiting on my Hydro Organics Earth Juice Natural Down to get them into buckets so hopefully it shows abou the time they're ready.

Will take some pics this evening before lights off to see how they take up the Sugar Daddy


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The cotyledons are curling on the short bubblelicious plant. I'll check it out after the lights come on in the morning. I think it's a temp or water issue probably. Tomorrow marks Day 6 since planting and Day 3 since ground broke. See where we are in the morning.


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Did a ton today, no pictures, honestly too tired to take em. If I get high in a bit I might get inspired. Time to light up the OGKush... But got the fan/filter hooked up, got the speed control hooked up, new power pad (like a flat power station for construction), shocked myself full force in the light socket, and got 6 bulbs running instead of 4 (was 8 at one point last night but got too hot without fan)

Will crank it up to 8 bulbs once the second set of leaves comes in, then halfway through veg fire up the LED and once we hit flower switch all the 6500K out for 2700K and use it as side lighting

Fan turned on 4 hours ago, came home about 15 minutes ago and they're starting to stand up straighter. Two outside are leaning inward, they're smart little biggers.

Little stretched out but we'll see them in the morning. Or heck, in a bit when I get high :weed:


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I think today is the day. One is DEFINITELY ready to go into a bucket. B2 has a good 8-12 roots out the bottom of varying sizes and Sabrina has a very long large tap, about 1/2" to 3/4" now. B1 not showing any roots out the bottom BUT that plug has been falling apart so I think they are going laterally out sideways to be honest, I think i see them sticking out the sides.

Either way, I'm about to put on gloves, rinse em off, clean the buckets (which I just wrapped in foil), pH some water, add root stimulator and some shock reducer from my Technaflora kit at quarter strength and take pictures when it's all done for everybody.

The buckets look awesome, foil tape + aluminum foil = win. I'll do a DIY thread on the 3 gallon I did, cost about $13 and the buckets look immaculate.


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They are in their net pots. Took about an hour start to finish. They got 150-160ppm res water of Root 66 and Sugar Daddy and got dipped in Root 66 before they got placed in the hydroton. I rinsed off the peat and cleaned the roots before placing them in the buckets. They drooped at first hard but these pictures are from today and they're standing up again. Sabrina and B2 have their second set of real leaves in and growing and B1 is popping them right now.

Tomorrow is Day 9 since planting (I think Day 6 since sprouting). Left to right should be B1, B2, and my little Snow White Sabrina!

They're all individually under 156w of 6500k each.



Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
I think today is the day. One is DEFINITELY ready to go into a bucket. B2 has a good 8-12 roots out the bottom of varying sizes and Sabrina has a very long large tap, about 1/2" to 3/4" now. B1 not showing any roots out the bottom BUT that plug has been falling apart so I think they are going laterally out sideways to be honest, I think i see them sticking out the sides.

Either way, I'm about to put on gloves, rinse em off, clean the buckets (which I just wrapped in foil), pH some water, add root stimulator and some shock reducer from my Technaflora kit at quarter strength and take pictures when it's all done for everybody.

The buckets look awesome, foil tape + aluminum foil = win. I'll do a DIY thread on the 3 gallon I did, cost about $13 and the buckets look immaculate.
Foil Tape+Foil = Fail:( Foil is a conductor of heat meh unless you want your DWC buckets to hit higher res temps you should take the foil off and tape the whole thing. Just trying to help before you run into trouble and and its harder to rectify. Also it looks like you are venting into your lung room and pushing temps up to 86*. Although cannabis CAN tolerate temps that high certain indicas will show signs of stress at that level as well as terpenes having a much higher metabolic half life with each degree higher than 80*. If you find a way to export outside, into another room, or into the attic or something it would benefit your situation. -S0uP


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I had a good idea with the foil but you are right on the buckets thing I think. I'll probably just peel all the shit off and do them over lmao. So much for all those cuts on my hands from all the foil tape ;)

It got up to 86 at one point but that was the day before when they were in a humidity tray with the lights down on the tray and the temp gauge underneath. The hot air circulates up and I have fresh air being drawn in the room by another means and passively being drug into the tent. There's tons of negative pressure and the temp in the room stays at 68-70 all day with the tent bouncing from 78-82.

I think those temps are fine right?


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Okay re-wrapped all the lids and outside of two entire buckets and half of the third (but it's the bottom half away from the light) and will finish wrapping it when I buy more foil tape and change res water out next Sunday.

See how that does for temps on the canopy... It appears Sabrina is going to be quite short but wide, her leaves are thickening out and she's staying short. The bubblelicious plants both stretched a tad bit even since yesterday. B2 drooped a bit during the whole bucket wrapping thing think it got knocked around a bit.

Oh well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger



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Fired up the LED yesterday. Turned all the CFLs into side lighting, got a third clamp light... will get a picture of the tent.

Light setup as of now:

• 240w Blackstar in the middle
• (3) T-configuration hanging CFL side lighting 4 x 26w 6500k CFL

Right now temperatures are a little high but I'm playing with the exhaust/intake. Moved the exhaust to flow into the hallway (taller than the room so the hot air will get trapped outside) but temps at canopy level are still hovering up to 90 degrees, but up above the lights ambient temperature is 81-84 which doesn't worry me so much.

The tent is so flipping small anyway it's hard to avoid regardless of the LED/no LED. Unless there's only 8 CFLs or ONLY the LED the temps rise a bit.

Realized something though... by wrapping the buckets in aluminum foil then the tape, the buckets have to be insulated because even with the high temps the res's are cold to the touch, and temperatures seem good because the plants are looking great. Perking up a ton since I turned on the LED last night too.



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Day 11 (8 since sprouting) today, they're doing great! Under 12 x 26w (312w) 6500k GE CFL + 240w Blackstar LED

Checked pH last night, it was out of WACK like 7.4 in one bucket and 6.7 in another so got em all to 5.8 on the dot. Res temps are good though.

Then I checked the ppm in Sabrina's bucket and it was like 40ppm higher, at 190, but there was also a weird white foam. It smelled, not bad, it just had a smell. There is algae in the Root 66 or Sugar Daddy (I think the Root 66) so I think that's what it is. It's white, for sure, and not thick, it's only on the very edge of the bucket, almost looks like someone put 3 drops of Dawn soap in the res and it's just soapy. But it's fine and she looks the same as she has and her second set is coming in strong so I'm not worried about it.

I changed Sabrina's res and re-set everything just in case last night, but it's back this morning, not as thick, but I feel like it's going to stay for good so I'll just watch it and see.

So, pictures! Realized yesterday I didn't include any, so let's do it!

Day 10 - 7 since sprouting (Plants are labeled)

Day 11 - 8 since sprouting (B2 - Sabrina - B1)

But what is that red cup on the middle bucket?!

More seeds germinating...

Day 1B
I germinated a Silver Surfer seed, SS1, I found in a bag I got. I had three, but lost two of them, but one will suffice. It was striped, dark, looked very viable. I also germinated another Bubblelicious seed, B3.

So, here's the setup. I have no clue if this is going to work or not. I dropped a generous amount of Thrive Alive Red onto the Rapid Rooters plugs I bought. Put the seeds pointy side up in the hole about 2x their width. Dropped half a dropper full of water on the seeds to saturate them. Cut off a small piece of the plug and covered up the top hole loosely.

I cut a solo cup in half, stuck em into it and covered them with another red solo cup. I'll be growing those two in Soil most likely in a new tent I'll be ordering. I love to stay really busy and this hobby is just too much fun.

Got them on the bucket under the LED (off in these pictures) to stay a bit warmer. It's about 85-90 degrees where they sit radiantly but the tent itself sits at 79-81.




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Montage Time...

Days 3 to 11!

On day 4, I used tweezers to pry off the seed casing very carefully. I'd drop water on it to soften it periodically during the operation.



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Just rigged up a Honeywell turbo fan to my intake that was passive and isn't so passive now, it's being cooled slightly so hopefully this finally gets the temps into mid 70s. Trying everything. I don't want even less lights, in fact, I want to be able to have that other light back in there. Maybe I need a real small AC unit to rig up to this and the other tent coming in.

BTW got a wooden nightstand I just modified and is about 23 inches tall now, 20 inches wide and 16 inches deep. Mounting a sliding table in the bottom to slide clones in and out. Also going to use it for germination. Should be cool... will post pics if it turns out. If not this is the last you'll hear about it.


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Dropped lighting back to (2) 26w 6500k per plant, can get them closer and keep temps lower. Now we're down in the mid 70s with 6 bulbs and the LED running. Hopefully this is good to go.

I think B2 is starting to yellow on the new growth and tips of the first set of blade leaves... might bet time to bump from 175 to 250ish. I'll watch and if tomorrow it's moving I'll add a bit. It is the fastest growing.


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We got the starts of slime. Brewing Heisenburg tea right now. Will update with photos Sunday during res change