DWC x 2 - Closet Grow - Bubblelicious + Snow White: 208w CFL/240w BS LED Grow


Active Member
Day 15 Since Planting
Day 12 Since Sprouting

My res temps in each bucket are between 68 and 72 (NEVER higher). Mostly 69-71 and I only saw 73, and 74 once and it was in a circumstance where I know what caused it and brought it back down. I don't know how it started but things slowed way down the last 7-8 days so I know something is going on... Others seem to be in agreeance it may be the Thrive Alive or Sugar Daddy before the roots are established enough. Who knows. The buckets definitely look a bit slimy though and she was starting to REALLY smell.

Either way, I changed res on Sabrina to give her a chance at holding on until it's ready but she was just starting to yellow on her cots so bad that I said I gotta do something.

I mixed up a full strength dose of Botanicare Aquashield (benes) for her and B2 and then innocluated each plants roots with 1/4 tsp of ZHO in a bit of distilled water poured over the roots, rootball and hydroton. That should start protecting whatever good roots are still there and the Aquashield should take hold in the fresh res and the two that aren't that bad. I'll pour some of the tea over them both at the 24 hour mark for a kickstart. Then at 48 hours, give them the 3 cup dose like in the thread and maintain until growth picks back up.

As an experiment since I have B3 and SS1 coming I'm letting B1 go and if it before the tea is ready, it dies. I want to see what the tea can do for a sick seedling in it's last few days.

Hope I can overcome this and save them. They're the same size practically as in the last pictures so no pictures but as soon as things pick up and roots start growing again I'll post pics.


Active Member
Picture update for Day 15, 12 since sprout. B2 is definitely going to survive. You can see new growth between the two single fan blades.


Sabrina is also starting to do the same thing but not sure if pics show it. I got down there close and can see it.

It's encouraging, both plants showed growth within hours and are looking much better.

B1 however, the one I didn't inoculate with ZHO or treat with Aquashield, isn't doing so hot. Still stunted, trying to get that second leaf set in.


But we also have some new life in the tent! SS1 and B3 both sprouted yesterday and are standing up today!

B3 (germed first, just trying to stand up the rest of the way!)

SS1 (Silver Surfer bagseed, cracked a day later but is surpassing B3)

If B1 dies, SS1 goes into the bucket when ready. If not, they both go into 2 gallon soil pots with Black Gold or Fox Farms (prob FFOF). Happy to have something to wake up to every day now! GROWWWW!


Active Member
I am still a noob, maybe someone more knowledgeable will jump in and correct me if I am wrong.

Is root rot likely to occur at such a young stage with such a tiny root mass? What makes you think this was slime and the start of root rot? Your water temps seem decent.

Also looks like 2 of those seedlings maybe need some CalMag. Not familiar with thrive alive or sugar daddy, but I'd probably use only aquashield and something like Calmag at their current stage especially if using purified water.

Just throwing in my 2 cents as a noob, I could be wrong so take my suggestions with a grain of salt please.


Active Member
I am still a noob, maybe someone more knowledgeable will jump in and correct me if I am wrong.

Is root rot likely to occur at such a young stage with such a tiny root mass? What makes you think this was slime and the start of root rot? Your water temps seem decent.

Also looks like 2 of those seedlings maybe need some CalMag. Not familiar with thrive alive or sugar daddy, but I'd probably use only aquashield and something like Calmag at their current stage especially if using purified water.

Just throwing in my 2 cents as a noob, I could be wrong so take my suggestions with a grain of salt please.
I use tap water to feed them but I used distilled water to mix up the ZHO.

It was the massive amount of foam you can see in the pictures here:


I wasn't about to mess with that. They get a res change tomorrow when the Tea is ready and I'm going to go straight tap water for a week or two.


Active Member
Res change for all three, actually removed ALL the rocks from B2 and Sabrina, pulled em out and got a picture of Sabrina's roots. Small, rotted, but she sprouted a second tap and is moving quick. Cleaned em off and it might actually just be after slime since the benes are probably starting to work.

Re-dosed the Aquashield and ZHO with the new res and at 3:30 they get some tea poured down through the Hydroton.

Tomorrow at 3:30 they get 3 cups each.

Sabrina and B2 look much better replanted and up a ways and lowered my water levels a bit to make sure they don't suffocate per some advice from other veterans.


Active Member
I don't want to call it too early but, I think things tomorrow morning might look really really good. Got some rapid growth even in the last 5-6 hours according to pictures. More than I've had in 5-6 days.


Active Member
Res change for all three, actually removed ALL the rocks from B2 and Sabrina, pulled em out and got a picture of Sabrina's roots. Small, rotted, but she sprouted a second tap and is moving quick. Cleaned em off and it might actually just be after slime since the benes are probably starting to work.
I'd love to see these pictures of the roots if it's not a hassle.


Active Member
Oh yeah forgot to post it! Here it is, a tad blurry. The left side was even more brown and gunky but it slid off just by rubbing my fingers on the roots, I rinsed it pretty well and roots underneath where a dark tan, and that tap on the right of the Y was fat, white and growing and came out of the first healthy spot on the other one. The side roots on the first one had died.

She looks somewhat droopy today, but not dying. She's definitely eating the cotyledons though to stay alive while the roots re-establish because they're going fast and shrinking inward meaning they're probably being consumed and not just withering off.

Full tea treatment today, supposedly I'll have a nice root explosion in another 24-48 hours.

Lol wrong picture one sec



Active Member
So day 13 since sprout (using that count from now on)

Snow White seems to be having something going on. Not sure what. She gets her tea treatment today in about 3 hours though.


B2 looking better as it's coming out of shock or transplant stress or whatever it was. Starting to grow finally.


B1 was removed from the third net pot and placed into a rapid rooter plug beside the other two germinated seedlings. I also germinated 3 more seeds last night. B4, B5 and B6. They'll likely go in small soil pots next to the bubblers, in a grouping of five to six plants. I'll use them to take clones and hopefully grow them all to maturity to find the best pheno.

Just seems like they're way behind other posts. WAY. So, I started more seeds. I obviously messed something up early on.


Well-Known Member
Feel for ya, yeah somethings not right. I've had my share of veggies do the same, sometimes it gets off a little.


Active Member
So the Silver Surfer seed I planted has a FAAAAAAAT root out the bottom. Way fat. I'll get pictures. Gonna have to get some soil or he's going to devour that Rapid Rooter plug!