
Active Member
Nice looking girls man! And OH..MY..GOD! Where is that 2nd to last picture? It is effing gorgeous!
Thanks man!! The second to last pic is actually the same plant as the one I posted on the 4th page. (thats how shitty my camera is). I took the nice photo with my pops droid..since then it has grown another foot


Well-Known Member
The second from last pic is of a mountain of some sort. He was asking "where" that is I believe.


Active Member
reallyy...what pic are you looknig at.. I have no pics of mountains or water anywhere on this forum. what page are you seeing this???


Well-Known Member
Ok then you were answering the dude who was talking to joedank ;) The confusion is all your fault! lol


Well-Known Member
dallas 044.jpg view of the lake from above:);)
This is the second from last picture that you posted... there is a mountain, water and foliage. Hmmm... lol Uhhh mmm yea hmmm
yo brother sorry went camping and climbing in the desert last night and this afternoon i live on the western slope of colorado... come out this way and i'll show ya around that spot is called blue lakes near 14,000 ft mount sneffels thought i wouls spice this thread up a bit...View attachment 1704578147.jpgdallas 098.jpg145.jpg:shock: i never said i was anything other than a man in the prime of my life....



Well-Known Member
I strongly agree with Veggie. Even if your going to flower her out you still got 8-10 weeks of life to sustain and your going to get root bound if not already. A simpler approach just pull the whole works out when the soil is dry and add more potting mix then replant. Just an idea but i think youll see a huge diffrence. Your plant will thankyou :)


Active Member
I strongly agree with Veggie. Even if your going to flower her out you still got 8-10 weeks of life to sustain and your going to get root bound if not already. A simpler approach just pull the whole works out when the soil is dry and add more potting mix then replant. Just an idea but i think youll see a huge diffrence. Your plant will thankyou :)

Yah I believe i'm root bound..and thats too risky. I don't want to fuck up my plant. I think it's actually starting to top out height wise (probably from amount of soil). The roots are still going "wide" though.

I topped my plant at's now 6feet and I topped the two main stalks about an hour ago.
I'm shooting to make the plant go wide..taller too..but wider because the growth upwards has slowed down a good amount.

ps. I added a half a' bag of soil today to the plant. - so now I have a lil more room to soak the top roots when I water.


Well-Known Member
Olivia's rooting gel, or paint the stalk with diluted "Dip 'n Grow", or dampen the stalk and coat with Rootone powder. I like Rootone because it contains an anti fungal agent, preventing any sort of stem rot.