Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
tmrw mornin i'm take shot at pruning then. I'll make it a point to knock off ..... atleast probly 20 unnecessary leafs. anymore than that and I feel sorry for her lol
good decision. Remember, growth that isn't getting direct light is sucking up the energy the plant could be using to give you colas. Don't take off anything that is getting direct light. By the looks of that plant, you shouldn't have to take off a whole lot. It's got pretty good structure.


Well-Known Member
tmrw mornin i'm take shot at pruning then. I'll make it a point to knock off ..... atleast probly 20 unnecessary leafs. anymore than that and I feel sorry for her lol
Just make sure you don't cut off more than 2/3 of the plant


Active Member
haha. I have hunderds of leafs. I toped it and its like 5 1/2 feet tall and almost 4 feet wide


Well-Known Member
Isnt giving them nutes every other watering a little much, correct me if im wrong but for outdoor you should only feed every two weeks?


Well-Known Member
Isnt giving them nutes every other watering a little much, correct me if im wrong but for outdoor you should only feed every two weeks?
That depends on drainage and the type of nutrients used.

Large plants in small containers require nutrients far more frequently than a plant in the ground.

Also, feeding frequently but lightly can be very productive. It does require dedication.


Active Member
To be honest...I am feeding my main plant that is now 6ft tall and 4ft wide...heavy feeding "grow big" nutrients and I have successfully stopped the "FAN LEAF EPIDEMIC" :] I used heavy feeding 3 waterings in a row...i thought I was giving her too much before... She's like a crack whore for nutrients. ----- I pay good attention...I notice the second anything goes wrong with any of my leaves... i'm like a marijuana whisperer shit..that's guna be my new quote for my profile.

I water my plant - two gallons ever day to every other day...with nutes every other watering of course. .... sometimes i use nutes twice in a row with watering. My plant loves what I do to it. I think it's adapting to how I make it grow. I pay Alot of attention to my plant. I'll post pictures soon and bring this thread back up -- that way when you see my plant pics .. you know its me ... if you guys even care.

She's guna flower in a I'm really stoked on that.


Well-Known Member
cool spidermite collection dude.

I don't see anything you should be super worried about. Just some old growth. Considered pruning up the bottoms of your plants? Anything that isn't getting direct light is just a waist of space. You'd be better off if your plant spent it's energy producing new cola growth rather than that stuff on the bottom that provides no real benefit.
Would that mean that I could take more clones from the under branches?


Active Member
I believe so. I tried to do .. but as soon as I cute the branch off at the bottom and stuck it in soil .. it just wilted completely. How would prevent that..or is it supposed to wilt??

I've never cloned..only tried


Well-Known Member
I have never cloned before either, but I just did for the first time and they are doing good so far. Check out my thread, I have pics there. I just watched a couple of tutorials on how to cut that I found on you tube, along with all the great info here.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
go check the first page of mellokitty's grow it has a vid on it that rocks in fact her whole set up is top notch you could learn about things jack


Active Member
Thanks..but I figured it out my self. just takes a lil bit of brains, research, and experimenting.

I love my plants and they'r guna love me back when they start flowering Aug.1st :]


Active Member
Picture doesn't do justice...I have like a 1 megapixel phone camera. Much bigger and intricate in real life. The leaves look almost too perfect .. you can't tell in this photo. Currently 6ft from bottom of stalk and 4ft wide.

This is a Frisian Dew - (Purp). Genetics: Small Leaves - Very High Yield - Massive Colas "Super Skunk x Purple Star"
When this plant's guna be a giant BUD! Has 10 more days to veg then I'm guna force it to flowering. Estimated: 7-8 feet tall and 5 feet wide when done.

I'm super excited..first grow.



Well-Known Member
i would recommend a dark, less translucent container next time, and its best to fill w/e containter your using pretty much to the top. might as well let the roots stretch there legs as much as possible


Active Member
I pops got me this container...the plants was originally in a pot half this size. Pic doesn't do justice..makes everything look wayy smaller ...the tote is actually fairly massive and is filled with atleast 10 gallons of soil.
I ran out of soil. I didn't want to put dirt in it and lower the quality of end product.


Well-Known Member
i was about to recommend grow big, glad you picked it up. a plant was looking pale and had the same dying fan leave problem. that's stopped and now it's darkening up nicely. started feeding it big bloom at the same time. glad i did, and i'll now endorse those products completely.


Active Member
I just noticed advanced nutrients has a 3 part nutrient grow system. Fox farm has worked very well for me so farr.

I've been meaning to post a question on this because I couldn't find anything on google saying its bad. I ran out of the 6-4-4 grow big and accidentally picked up the hydroponics version of grow big 3-2-6 and been using that. Is that bad?lol
I'm only using 2-3 tsp ... cus it makes the water solider green color than 6-4-4 does when you mix it with a gallon of water.

Next time..i'm definitely going to take a shot with advanced nutrients line of the 3 part grow.


Well-Known Member
Picture doesn't do justice...I have like a 1 megapixel phone camera. Much bigger and intricate in real life. The leaves look almost too perfect .. you can't tell in this photo. Currently 6ft from bottom of stalk and 4ft wide.

This is a Frisian Dew - (Purp). Genetics: Small Leaves - Very High Yield - Massive Colas "Super Skunk x Purple Star"
When this plant's guna be a giant BUD! Has 10 more days to veg then I'm guna force it to flowering. Estimated: 7-8 feet tall and 5 feet wide when done.

I'm super excited..first grow.

:leaf:View attachment 1703562:leaf:
Straight up, if you want to beat your expectations, get a bag of good potting mix, coat the stalk and branches with rooting gel, below the rim of the tub, and fill the tub to within an inch of the top. You'll see a marked increase in growth, and eventually, yield.

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
so those mites are going away right? your plant looks suprisingly good think about what ed says about nasty mean growers producing nasty mean weed. and nice sweet growers get blow your head off stoney bad ass shit!!!:) stop bashing everyone on their thread or they will bash you on yours you called me out so here is some more pics for yaView attachment 1703511View attachment 1703512View attachment 1703513View attachment 1703514View attachment 1703515View attachment 1703516View attachment 1703522View attachment 1703521View attachment 1703520View attachment 1703519
Nice looking girls man! And OH..MY..GOD! Where is that 2nd to last picture? It is effing gorgeous!


Active Member
Straight up, if you want to beat your expectations, get a bag of good potting mix, coat the stalk and branches with rooting gel, below the rim of the tub, and fill the tub to within an inch of the top. You'll see a marked increase in growth, and eventually, yield.

Best of luck!
I know, I should probly get another bag of poting soil.. but i'm throwing it into flowerin in 7 days.. so there's almost no point. Plus I think i'm going to top it again tonight..the way it fills out even nicer and I can get massive top nugss.

When you say rooting gel...would you happen to be reffering to a product in the Mykos line called "Azos" or is there a rooting gel that you had in mind? I'm goin to the store today..i'm might pick up another small bag of soil :]