Feds Block Water For State-Legal Marijuana Grows

that guy lost his court case several times because he was diverting rivers or some shit. you're not allowed to block the fucking river from everyone downstream who depends on it.

just goes to show how far you will go to try to tell a lie. how pathetic, even for you.


diverting streams, building 10 and 20 foot dams, and collecting publicly owned water from the tributaries of the big butte river.

that's not the same as "collecting rainwater" which is perfectly legal in oregon.

pathetic attempt, kynes. even for you.

diverting streams, building 10 and 20 foot dams, and collecting publicly owned water from the tributaries of the big butte river.

that's not the same as "collecting rainwater" which is perfectly legal in oregon.

pathetic attempt, kynes. even for you.
"Despite withdrawal of the permits, Harrington kept on defiantly collectin’ under the belief that the laws did not apply to his situation, adamant that the water was coming strictly from rain and snow melt and not from tributaries flowing into the Big Butte River as officials had claimed. Harrington tells CNSNews.com: "They issued me my permits. I had my permits in hand and they retracted them just arbitrarily, basically. They took them back and said, 'No, you can't have them.' So I've been fighting it ever since."

~from your own citation.
he was NOT blocking or diverting tributaries, it was all snow melt rain and run off.

oregon only allows you to collect water from "artifical non porous surfaces" (ie. roofs and driveways) not your yard.

they were NOT dammed streams and creeks, they were PONDS.

you will stoop so low to manufacute your lies, even Barry Seotoro is impressed.
he was NOT blocking or diverting tributaries

i guess the 10 and 20 foot dams were "just because" then.

they were NOT dammed streams and creeks, they were PONDS.

State Water Resources Department officials said Harrington has three dams across channels that cross his property outside of Medford and feed into Big Butte Creek. The creek is a tributary of the Rogue River.

Two of the dams stand about 10 feet high and the third is about 20 feet tall.


you will stoop so low to manufacute your lies, even Barry Seotoro is impressed.

is "less than half" the same as "more than half"?

is "less than a 10 foot dam" the same as "more than a 10 foot dam"?

good job on taking a pointless swipe at the black guy though.
Harrington was cited and fined in 2002, and in 2008 pleaded guilty to one count of unauthorized water use. The day after his probation expired, however, he closed the headgates and refilled the reservoirs, Paul said.
no, "redistributing wealth" from government back to those it was taken from saved irish capitalism

meanwhile california's "aggregate demand" based "austerity" has cut social programs, schools, universities, elder care, indigent medical care, welfare for the needy, snap, and local government funding for roads and other infrastructure so they can burn 6 million dollars a day, weekends and holidays included, to construct a "high speed rail" (which is now Low Speed Rail) between SF and LA, which is only wanted by the contractors and land speculators who will get rich off it.

So your argument is that this is not austerity, but that welfare programs are? Sounds austere bro.
So your argument is that this is not austerity, but that welfare programs are? Sounds austere bro.
nickle and diming the poor, needy and desperate while shoveling BILLIONS on the fire for big government contractors and land speculators sure sounds "austere" doesnt it?

only a zapatista could reverse logic and create an excuse for big government at the expense of the poorest, while wasting billions on bullshit just to defend his agenda.
Fuck the budget and fuck the gdp, I'm talking about people. Productivity has increased drastically while the debt spiraled and wages stagnated.
Balancing the governments books has been used has the excuse to railroad entire populations into massive decreases in standards of living, an end to job security and many of the benefits our parents took for granted.

You right wing pricks will not be happy until you provoke an uprising
and take a bullet from one of those fucking unnecessary firearms you're all so fond of.
But I'll be using a knife.....
I want to feel the life leave you.
i guess the 10 and 20 foot dams were "just because" then.

State Water Resources Department officials said Harrington has three dams across channels that cross his property outside of Medford and feed into Big Butte Creek. The creek is a tributary of the Rogue River.

Two of the dams stand about 10 feet high and the third is about 20 feet tall.

a dam is an obstruction in a waterway, not an earthen wall on a low spot.

he built Levees, not dams. dams just sound scarier

is "less than half" the same as "more than half"?

is "less than a 10 foot dam" the same as "more than a 10 foot dam"?

good job on taking a pointless swipe at the black guy though.

Then: "almost all" of the 1 degree C warming between 1880 and 2000 is manmade

Now: 51% (60-70% "confidence") or 45% (90% "confidence") of the 0.4 degree C warming between 1951 and 2010 was manmade


"almost all" of 1 degree C over 120 years.


45-51% of 0.4 degrees C over 60 years.

no matter how you slice it, thats Less Than Half.

dams create ponds by blocking rivers.
no, levees create ponds by trapping water, and his were not connected to any flowing waterway.

dams create lakes when they block rivers.

when oregon starts arresting beavers then you might have some room for argument, but until then, you are simply arguing because you want to show what a prick you are.
If a government keeps collecting revenue from its people (as do all governments all the time) but doesn't give it back, that's austerity.

Sometimes stimulus is still austerity.

What is austerity one might ask?

Collective misery.
If a government keeps collecting revenue from its people (as do all governments all the time) but doesn't give it back, that's austerity.

Sometimes stimulus is still austerity.

What is austerity one might ask?

Collective misery.
again you use your own special dictionary to manufacture a falsehood.

austerity (in this context) is simplifying the budget and reducing unneeded outlays, not blowing billions on boondoggles, raising taxes and penny pinching the poor.

noun \ȯ-ˈster-ə-tē, -ˈste-rə- also -ˈstir-ə-\
: a simple and plain quality : an austere quality

: a situation in which there is not much money and it is spent only on things that are necessary

austerities : things that are done to live in a simple and plain way


funny, nothing about "collective misery" at all.
3 dams. Ballsy. I can only imagine the environmental impact from doing something like that.
the environmental impact is that his dams slowed the run-off down, so more could reach the aquifers, to replenish them. I bet the well pressure in the area went up.

all water.....all food.......all resources.........belong to the Fed, under UN Agenda 21.
the environmental impact is that his dams slowed the run-off down, so more could reach the aquifers, to replenish them. I bet the well pressure in the area went up.

all water.....all food.......all resources.........belong to the Fed, under UN Agenda 21.

the water he dammed with his three dams is publicly owned in the state of oregon, meaning it belongs to all of us and is not his to hoard.
again you use your own special dictionary to manufacture a falsehood.

austerity (in this context) is simplifying the budget and reducing unneeded outlays, not blowing billions on boondoggles, raising taxes and penny pinching the poor.

noun \ȯ-ˈster-ə-tē, -ˈste-rə- also -ˈstir-ə-\
: a simple and plain quality : an austere quality

: a situation in which there is not much money and it is spent only on things that are necessary

austerities : things that are done to live in a simple and plain way


funny, nothing about "collective misery" at all.

The bold is subject to political opinion.
no, levees create ponds by trapping water, and his were not connected to any flowing waterway.

dams create lakes when they block rivers.

when oregon starts arresting beavers then you might have some room for argument, but until then, you are simply arguing because you want to show what a prick you are.

the motherfucker plead guilty previously then dammed up the waterways the day his probation was over.
the motherfucker plead guilty previously then dammed up the waterways the day his probation was over.

plea arrangements are the norm in our justice system. high maximum sentences have been created to coerce accused to plea out.
an admission of guilt is meaningless in our legal system.