buckaroo bonzai
Well-Known Member

i just think everyone has issues, all can be jerks at times. i just know i woulda done the same and defended myself if someone told me my shit was ditchweed when i put my work into it.Bet you'd like to rewrite that and try again, eh.
You asked for criticism, then made it 2 posts.
It's unfortunate cuz you are asking for help then went off on two of the guys that
can and would offer you the most help.
I think Marty's message was, down the road when you realize this, don't pm him about it. lol.
For what it's worth. Welcome and good luck. Hope you can avoid further battles and score
yourself some better genetics.
i just think everyone has issues, all can be jerks at times. i just know i woulda done the same and defended myself if someone told me my shit was ditchweed when i put my work into it.
im not saying that the pics are all that great either.
i just kept reading the op and didnt see where he wanted people telling him he grew ditchweed. i think it could have been put into words a lot better, especially from someone who is apparently of value to the community...
im just sayin...i just wish alot of the negativity on RIU would kinda go away. i can admit doing some bitching myself. hell im doing right now!
i like the end part of Glad's post. (another valuable person imo)![]()
RIU is like a job site. We all work are ass off, help each other out, and talk a lot of shit while doing it.![]()
RIU is like a job site. We all work our ass off, help each other out, and talk a lot of shit while doing it.![]()
RIU is like a job site. We all work our ass off, help each other out, and talk a lot of shit while doing it.![]()
Read some of the old threads. You will learn a lot.
I used to know this stone mason. Old drunk,mean as a stapes on snake. He would thro a whole batch of mud back at you if it wasn't perfect. Cus your ass out the intire time u mixed a new one. Bitch n moan all day about how fuckin dum u are. One 'attaboy' from him was worth gold cause you knew it was earned,not just given.