FERO 336x3W and more, perpetual 12-12

Was your most recent harvest a 12/12 from seed? I need help on the 12/12 perpetual as I'm failing miserably.
Was your most recent harvest a 12/12 from seed? I need help on the 12/12 perpetual as I'm failing miserably.

dunno if you remember back in January when I harvested my first grow (the scrog with 3 plants AK,grapefruit and BM, the link is in my signature) After that harvest my lighting never went back to veg cycle. At the end of the journal was my first run 12/12 from seed with mainly the HIDs, and I think I had another grow after (which was better than the previous 12/12 mainly due to having my babies in 7-10 gallons container from the get go) which the very end of it was the start of this current journal.

I have a cabinet that I was gonna use to veg my plants (and run a traditional perpetual system with a veg cab and a flower room) but I got such good results with 12/12 from seed and LEDs that I might just use the cabinet to flower a couple plants from seed to harvest leaving me with enough room on the edge to get my babies going . all 12/12

It has been good for the electricity bill too, Last winter, my bill was so high during the vegging months... I added one room this summer(the tent) and my bill is still way lower than it was (a combination of 12/12 from seed and using almost 500watts less in the main room with LEDs ( I recently removed a couple lights from the room, the af600 covers the area pretty well )

I dont think you are failing miserably, you just got really unlucky!! get your shit together and start fresh!! If you wanna make sure to have a successful run you could always make a fresh batch of supersoil (with the actual recipe, subcool`s...) keep your current batch of soil for a later grow or do a side by side. And use neem oil early on (seems like your area is prone to spider mites) Try big container, no teas, plain water, keep it simple for a run or 2... I dont think you are failing anyway you are the one I turn to when I need a second opinion!!
I appreciate the response. I've actually had good luck with short veg perpetuals (1-2 weeks veg) but straight up 12/12 from seed never seems to do me well - but perhaps I'm counting this most recent blunder too heavily.

I didn't realize your recent larger plants were 12/12 but the container size makes sense as to being the difference - more soil ha always equaled more plant in my experience. Popped a few more beans into a smart pot to see if the additional soil makes a difference for me.
Dang Endo. Thats alot of soil $$$$$$ ... Im working my way up. I start in half gallon pots. A week later I transplant into 2 gal grow bags, Then 4 to 5 weeks later I transplant them into 5 gal smart pots. Then veg for 1 more week then flower. I reuse my soil. Then add a couple bags of soil each batch. Eventually I will have enough to step up to 7 gal..
Dang Endo. Thats alot of soil $$$$$$ ... Im working my way up. I start in half gallon pots. A week later I transplant into 2 gal grow bags, Then 4 to 5 weeks later I transplant them into 5 gal smart pots. Then veg for 1 more week then flower. I reuse my soil. Then add a couple bags of soil each batch. Eventually I will have enough to step up to 7 gal..

How do you re-use your soil? with the Bokashi? if you are only re-using the soil without doing anything you will run into problem in the future I hear. Personally, I am not sold on the smart pot yet... so far my best results are in plastic container but almost everything is in smart pot this upcoming run. Yes thats a lot of soil, like I said I am still experimenting but it seems to be the way to go for good yield with 12/12.

By the way the second chemdog was also 3oz dry... surprisingly!! (the wet weight wasnt that high, small stems I guess..) and the jar was at 65 RH.

So that is 6oz from my 2 best plant of the current run, matured properly might have gotten me 7 oz! (pushing). The curing is bringing back some flavor and it gets me high enough. I am definitely waiting for the remainder to finish properly.

The K-train in the 7 gallons nursery pot has ranout of food big time and now its a bit too late (I fed tea last night...), the stems and the leaves are all yellow and its still loaded with white hairs!!

I will upload pics soon I promise, nothing is changing at this point except the Acapulco Gold that went from being some shitty lanky plant in the corner of the room to something absolutely beautiful and loving all that new light on her!!
do you guys know what type of tea marijuana likes? does it like a more fungal tea or a more biological tea? or even a ratio of both
I amend my used soil and it roots organic original. I throw in compost, ewc, alflafa meal, dolomite lime, and sometimes more perlite. Let it sit for 2 weeks mixing it every other day. Then add a bag or 2 of new soil. Mix it all together. Then use. I use roots uprising nutes. Top dress once a month. Water and then compost tea every other watering. The first time I just used compost and it worked good. My herbs and avocodo, and nut trees. I use home made compost. I throw all my mj water leaves in that compost for nitrogen.
do you guys know what type of tea marijuana likes? does it like a more fungal tea or a more biological tea? or even a ratio of both

If you are using my recipe. The AF compost is diverse. It has loads of bacteria and fungi. They say 35,000 species of bacteria and 20,000 species of fungi. I don't know how accurate that is.
hyroot you may want to look into bokashi if you are going to re-use your soil. A guy here in the TGA gear subsection (Murp) is experimenting with it and I am also getting into it. For most growers its a big no no to re-use soil.

Here is a pic of my chemdogs (2 jars to the left of the beer can are Chemdog #2 (I smoked a few buds so a bit shy of 3 oz...) The jar to the right is whats left of the Chemdog #1 (nearly 1.5oz left)

A few shots of the tent, everything is getting fatter and frostier...

I will try to get a few shot of the room before the light goes on...
Quite alot of growers reuse soil. Especially high volume produce farmers. Look at natural forests how there always new growth. Most outdoor growers reuse soil too. Jorge cervantes loves natural river bottom lome in his outdoor. Cost of new soil would be rediculous to all.those people. Just as long as its disease free and pest free and you amend it to revitalize the soil. It works great. My master, og, and bubba love my reused soil more than store bought soil. You just ned good beneficials and enzymes and your are good.

Thanks for the bokashi tip. Your girls look awesome and very happy.
sounds good!! better safe than sorry. I am going to work with bokashi for a while.

A few wide angle shots:


Frost shots

My new love, the Acapulco gold (again it could be TGA jack the ripper but it looks like the AG to me...)

One SLH ( the smallest ) and one Chemo I believe...
The 2 fem k-trains

3 reG seed TGA agent orange

1 God's treat

3 God's treat

There will be light... (no lightroom touch up just the picture as is with the flash on...)

Guess I'm not alone I reuse my compost, I'll take out after a grow and bake it again in the bin and mix in some new stuff. I have enough time this summer to get three bins done so I'll have compost this winter.

That is one hell of a light, and your plants sure look like they are lovin it.
Those look good too. How the hell did you find acupulco gold? Do you have some panama red too, lmao.Those are the original strains that started everything. Even northern lights #1 came from that. AG has not been seen in 40 something years

I think I might get the 3 month supply of bokashi culture . I have a bunch of 5 gal paint buckets already. Half of which never been used.
I made my own bokashi...I think it worked!!(I had the EM from gardenerspantry.ca) I think I got acapulco gold from single marjuana seeds seed bank... I might have to reveg that one!! I think its not the original but an improved version (improved my ass!!) oh well not like I know what the original tasted like, just heard about it .
I went and took a few more pics of the tent with the normal lens. I cant seem to get decent pictures with lightroom, this tent is fkin bright!!! everything is getting so frosty it will be my best run ever... hard to see on pics will take pics with natural light soon.

All plants are lovely and healthy, love the frostiness, greeness and the whole garden, we can surely see the love you've to your ladies, keep up the great work man. In regards to taking better pics with the lights on, Ran into the same probs with brightness. If you can change the Exposure to a darker setting that should fix the pics, hopefully :).

Adding comment to the resuse of mediums, I resuse my coco about 5 - 7 times, just cut out the original stalk and plant the new clone, and they grow out better than if planted in new coco which has just been flushed and precharged with 0.4ec Canna AB, even with all the roots etc, as long as you have some organics in the coco and flush the medium from all salts before planting new plant, everything comes along fine.

Read on multiple sites that the reuse of soil and coco has better results than store bought soil and preflushed new coco, and it seems the case with my grows as well, i guess the truth is in the pudding :)

Peace to all, happy growing and stay safe.
Hi Endurox
I've just spent the last hour and a half reading through this thread..... wow riveted..... what I find so great about it is, how different it is to my style of growing indoors .. I'd even go as far as to say chalk and cheese.
Its amazing! Really Im a bit more of a control freak with my grow: I like to know what's going on at all times by using meters etc although after reading this thread I wonder if all the effort I put into it is worth it :) I'm preety chuffed as I just got 300 gs from 1 one super stinky under one Fero adjustable and 220 gs from another so I am well aware of what these lights are capable of......
I've just received my Fero AF-600 as well and have started a hydro set up using this light from seed to harvest in a sea of green auto grow.... so it will be great to bounce off someone who's using the same lighting system.

you are right its a monster.....
I love the way we can change the colour and power setting to match the stage of the plants development: this is perfect for me :)
anyways I'll start my own thread and if you want to pop over and pull up a chair you will be welcome I'm subbed for this one for sure.
happy tokin
oh yeah I've noticed using co-co and perlite mixes that they do seem to thrive better on the second to third time
Hey Campo! thanks for checking out my grow, please post a link to your thread on my journal when you get it going.

I took some pics without the leds, I thought the light was about to go on... Does it stress the plants to have a light on for a minute? this batch looks so good I dont want to fuck it up!! no more light on them while they sleep... enjoy!! (all random budshot from the tent)

Lookin mighty frosty Endur0xX. If these are the ladies under that new light I may have to save up and see about gettin one.