first grow soiless mix with OG Kush


Active Member
HAHAHAAH please dont spray those beautiful girls with soda!!!!! That shit is bogus!!!! How would it work? think about it youre smart.....And you have to remember in the last two weeks they get like 30% of their weight....Theyre gonna fatten the fuck up I promise you wont have to do anything bro just chill and let them be


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAAH please dont spray those beautiful girls with soda!!!!! That shit is bogus!!!! How would it work? think about it youre smart.....And you have to remember in the last two weeks they get like 30% of their weight....Theyre gonna fatten the fuck up I promise you wont have to do anything bro just chill and let them be
just finished spraying them with the thick stuff; CPLUS, A&W Rootbeer, mountain dew, and coca cola to give them all different flavours! :lol: now I'm getting some nice budz. Im joking. Thanks BongKong I know i know I'm just desperate for increased weight due to high temps for all of the grow thus far. 30 percent is going to look nice. I better get out and buy some stakes to support the weight, the are already fallin all over the place.

~ BCbuddy :leaf:


Well-Known Member
DAMN SON! Lol what's up man it been a while. Dude. The room, insane. I feel an overwhelming urge to scream profanity and compliments all at the same time. Many many compliments as they look astounding considering all the stressin you did about em. Seriously just step back and LOOK at them u done good man, which leads me to profanity (wouldn't take this part seriously as its mainly envious anger), how in the fuck could you be complaining about weight, again, look at the fucking room man! It looks like a goddamn jungle shoved into a storage shed or somethin. This is in a sense kinda ur first grow, you should be happy to harvest anything let alone more elbows than any anatomically correct human will ever have. ;)
Did I already say well done?
Well done. :joint:
(And I did a little mini update of ya get bored) stay high man. Doesn't look like that will be a problem haha


Well-Known Member
DAMN SON! Lol what's up man it been a while. Dude. The room, insane. I feel an overwhelming urge to scream profanity and compliments all at the same time. Many many compliments as they look astounding considering all the stressin you did about em. Seriously just step back and LOOK at them u done good man, which leads me to profanity (wouldn't take this part seriously as its mainly envious anger), how in the fuck could you be complaining about weight, again, look at the fucking room man! It looks like a goddamn jungle shoved into a storage shed or somethin. This is in a sense kinda ur first grow, you should be happy to harvest anything let alone more elbows than any anatomically correct human will ever have. ;)
Did I already say well done?
Well done. :joint:
(And I did a little mini update of ya get bored) stay high man. Doesn't look like that will be a problem haha
Mad Scientist!! watup my friend, long time no speak. Yeah man I've fought a real hard battle and I'm winning. It is my first grow indoors or better put, first time caring and putting effort into cultivation. Thanks for your compliments and bitter jealousy, haha appreciated. My problem with weight is just that i was expecting at least 4 pounds with the 4000 watts. You see my thermometer backstabbed me, I found out when I bought my digital thermo/hygro that my temps were really 92+ during most of growth. I bought a portable a/c a few days ago and got them down to 82-84 now but I strongly think that final yield weight will be drastically reduced now as result of this. All in the waiting now. We will see what comes of the entangled jungle of weeds aka my spare bedroom :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member

Just started molasses feedings today. PH runoff is 6.0 temps/RH dark-light are[ 65/ 60 ]-[ 82/ 50 ] nothing exciting, things are steady except the plants need stakes they cant hold their fat bodies up anymore :mad: Get stakes with twisties? or should I tie fishing line around them to the stakes?

I call this one "medusa" the two headed she-bitch.

~ BCbuddy :leaf:

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Lookin fiddy fat my friend. And I also agree with the others the last two weeks a lot of ur final weight is put on and I do mean A LOT. Id bet dollars to donuts that its actually a little more than 30% of final weight. Closer to 40%. IME.


Well-Known Member
Holy Christmas I'm stoned right now. Good to hear about the Kirstie Alley trick they are going to play near the end, I'm stoked as fuk man :)

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Holy shitmas I must be more stoned took my slow ass a good minute to figure out the kirstie allen reference. Good one. That's definitely how it will be skinny hoes now fat girls down tha line. I prefer tha fat ones tho. More kushion for the pushin. lmfao.


Well-Known Member

Hey guys everything is going smoothly. Temps and RH are stable at 81 and 50. Molasses on water only days. I would say I have between 12-14 days left of growing. Nobody goes past 65 days with this strain from what they're telling me ( guys I got my genetics from ) I staked them all up the best I could, they were falling all over the place like drunks :lol: Pretty soon I will stop feeding and just continue on with flushing with molasses. I will do a 7-8 days flush. I can see the finish line...



Active Member
lookin good on day 33 or so right now and mine are gettin big with the co2..about the same size as yours right now..keep the pics comin


Well-Known Member
Looking real good.
Im getting some King Kush cuttings soon. Its lemon kush mixed with tuna kush. I smoked one yesterday and i was fried. the down fall is i have to buy a hundred at once.(500)
65 days is going to bring u some trips. good luck with the trimming haha


Well-Known Member
Jesus birthday man. Lookin damn good! Just did an update myself if ya care to look. White widow is lookin amazing. Anyway just thought I'd drop by and show some love, I'm still here man, I swear! :joint: now hurry those bitched up so we can match some serious bowls lol


Well-Known Member
Jesus birthday man. Lookin damn good! Just did an update myself if ya care to look. White widow is lookin amazing. Anyway just thought I'd drop by and show some love, I'm still here man, I swear! :joint: now hurry those bitched up so we can match some serious bowls lol
Hahahaha yeah man they are taking they're sweet assed time. I believe ya man ;) Be checking you out real soon. Fricken can't wait to hang them by their asses to dry :lol:

~ BCbuddy :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Looking real good.
Im getting some King Kush cuttings soon. Its lemon kush mixed with tuna kush. I smoked one yesterday and i was fried. the down fall is i have to buy a hundred at once.(500)
65 days is going to bring u some trips. good luck with the trimming haha
trips? at 65 whatcha mean? Yes trimming will be a real adventure...a jungle adventure...I may need a machete and a headband :P Sounds like a killer strain man.