First time making cannabutter (BOBB?)


Well-Known Member
im not using the euro butter, but and trying something similar to this as we speak...

i used 9oz's (200g trim + 50g shake) to make the delicious butane honey oil, and got a rather small yeild, i think, (first time doing it :dunce:) and recieved 15g of BHO, and that shit is retardedly potent... works like a motherfuckingCHARM! now using the remains of all that trim and shake and putting into crockpot with 2lbs of butter. so roughly ab a half pound of trim/shake going into 2 lbs of butter...

its still keify as fuck, which kinda blew my mind after it had all already been saturated in butane oil a couple days ago.

i used an electric coffee grinder to powder up the trim and shake and set all the keif from the lid of the grinder aside. After i grounded it all up, it looks like i got ab 10g of keif now aside from the 15g of oil in the freezer and now got a potent batch of butter in the about turning something out of nothing eh?

this is my first time making butter tho, please let me know if you guys think i did alright. This is how i did it:

-melted 8 sticks (2lbs) of butter on high in the crockpot
-once melted, added the powdered trim/shake and stirred in really good
-15 mins later, i added 2 cups of water and reduced the heat down to LOW, and continued to stir.
-now is the debatable part, should i leave it cooking on low for 4 hrs? 6? 8? 24?

from most of what i read, lots of people seem to cook 3-4 hrs with lots of variations of 2hrs on hi and 2 hrs on low, or 1 hr high, 3hrs low.....etc

I was planning on letting it simmer formaybe 4-6 hrs and maybe turn up the heat to high on the last hour right before taking it out...

Please lots of feedback would be nice!!!


Well-Known Member
If I was you I would read my post on washing the butter, not to mention if there is any butane left in the keif you might get sick, why not just do a few more runs with the butane to make more BHO, many people do this or just cook with the BHO as it is the most effective way to cook, about 4 grams to 1 lb of butter will give you 1g of BHO per 1/4 cup which should be more than enough to get you fucked up. If your bent on making butter, learn how to clean the trim first so it does not taste like shit.