so what about physics?
gravity is a fad?
can we un-slave ourselves from molecular degredation?
Right, instead of saying "the bible is true because it's in the bible" you say "science is true because one of the many science books says so". Just as kids believe there's a god if you hook them young, they will "believe" what there teacher will tell them, or what they perceive...

I felt like you when I was younger. When will those stupid religious folks open their eyes and learn.... It's how they think about non-religious folks too. So let me save you some time, a few centuries. The debate will never end because it's like debating whether christianity or islam is true. Non religious people in this time believe science will save them in a very similar way religious people count on and depend (slaves, mentally) on "god".

Anyway, debating science vs religion with people from this time is like trying to explain internet to hunter-gatherers. I will suffice by saying you are ALL being played.

will mainliners mom ever charge for all the head she gives at the strip club?
I don't believe in miracles and surely science dictates she needs to pay others to accept head.
Religion+0224.jpg weak minds twist circumstance into biblical tales so they can explain to themselves what they do not know...
like sun gods,night witches stealing the moon away,people living thru a normally death causing incident..
cant explain it?.god did it!
mary was a virgin..yea right..her parents were ashamed of fathering a whore..so lets make up a totally cool story involving ghost semen to exonerate them from raising a broke 2-bit slut ,and,her from sucking 57 cocks in a row...
excuse me..not weak minds..
oppresed,un educated minds..
was zealous in my words there..some of the most intelligent people in the world are religious leaders..
theyre just not using their intelligence....
btw..mainliner..that post was also an educational post..
that is a good example of the adjective,possessive,and locational spellings of their,theyre,and there,and its uses in the english language.