You continue repeating "gravity bla bla bla" while I already responded to that twice. I never disputed gravity is not something you and we all perceive as reality. As a matter of fact, I said gravity exists. Your arguments are logically as invalid of religious people. Gravity is real so [science/God] is real so anything that [science/God] wrote is real and hence [God/science] can't be real.
You again imply there is a god... Are you having doubts, is that what makes you hate religion so much? In a way you're closer than you think, God being a product of the human brain. The term God is flexible and will be stretched beyond anyones imagination.
Maybe the rat went to heaven or benefited in ways you don't understand.

Seriously, how can prove any of that other than with scientific proof? You argument is basically that science is true, because science you understand, and only a god could understand how "it works".
Imagine some day there will be something that trumps science, something that is clearly, for intelligent beings, more true than science, just as science is to religion for you. Imagine that god, that isn't a god, more like a source, will tell you how it works. Will you continue to insist that science is the ultimate truth that trumps all other theories? Someday in a some forum someone will be posting a very similar thread being annoyed with all those science believers. "No way that can't be true, it goes against what the science (/bible) says", "Prove to me my science (/religion) is wrong with my science (/religion)".
Rest assured that science is the best, the most elaborate, as well as the last religion that will have a majority. The initial designers of science were brilliant conmen and learned from the mistakes made by evangelists from other religions. Instead of claiming they know it all, they claim they only know very little and there's still much more to discover. That allows them to fill in the rest later and change it at will instead of becoming outdated like older religions.
Try not to bend the spoon...