[QUKim="Sativied, post: 11086064, member: 539919"]Christians say the same thing about God and bible contents.
How do you know apart from science or other scientific minded people telling you so?gone Perhaps it's the praying of the other 90+% that keeps our feet on the ground. Perhaps you haven't opened your heart and found Jesus yet.*
Gravity is one of the 4 fundamental forces of nature. It exists. We can assign one word to it, or books filled with words and numbers, call it science, and then believe we know another religion is mistaken. A religious person could still argue gravity and the other fundamental forces are god's super powers. Just look at the pope recently in regards to evolution.
What scientific minded anti-religious people basically do is blame human beings for not being able to back up their religion with science. Someday we'll have holotoons that sum up the irony of that much better than I could do without disturbing this time line any further. I've said too much already, but a. there's no God (nor gods), b. there are no aliens (there was, well, for you "will be", a period where the aliens that aren't actually aliens are considered gods), and c. some movies are not that far from the truth, and d. more than 70% of the planet's population killed themselves when they finally found out 'reality' so be careful what you wish for. Enjoy the simplicity of life when it was just a matter of science vs religion.

Sorry, couldn't hold it up any longer.[/QUOTE]
go jump off a building,ill pray a bunch...or,ill put an air bag at the bottom...
you choose..
if it really was going to happen..youd choose air bag everytime.
once again..its not for discussion..and i thought you were gonna save me time and all,remember?
pray,my time is important...
no discussion,as i know whats real,and it aint your god.
also u sure like using numbers...70percent?.science of math..
religion..hypocrisy perpetuated by hypocrits who dont understand or know their own action..but believe someone or something will show them,and give money in hopes itvwill happen asap.
again..were good on your persuasion techniques..no discussion needed..
dont like it?pray for it to stop.