Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
IN a 10 round fight, GLOBAL warming knocked out TERRORISM in the first second of the first round.

SO why is there so much being done to fight terrorism and not JACK shit being done to FIGHT GLOBAL warming... isn't global warming the bigger threat?

WAKE UP BIOTCHS..... iloveyou

BTW - B. CLINTON is a STUD!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ha, thats quiet simple GK, war on terrorism Or an oil war= more money war on global worming=less fossile feules= less money....Cash roules everything around me... or buisness as usual. Is there any more questions on "who is really runing this country?"


The Gardener
If the middle east terrorist,s dont get a big nuclear bomb and wipe every thing out the globle warming will wipe us all out


Well-Known Member
If the middle east terrorist,s dont get a big nuclear bomb and wipe every thing out the globle warming will wipe us all out
You give theese guys too much credit, even if they did get a hold of portible nuke, the effects will be tiny compared to global warming...Example: huricane Katrina did about the same amount of damage as a portible nuke, and thats just one hurricane.


New Member
IN a 10 round fight, GLOBAL warming knocked out TERRORISM in the first second of the first round.

SO why is there so much being done to fight terrorism and not JACK shit being done to FIGHT GLOBAL warming... isn't global warming the bigger threat?

WAKE UP BIOTCHS..... iloveyou

BTW - B. CLINTON is a STUD!!!!!
well, are you SO SURE global warming is the threat you say it is? it sounds to me like many, if not the majority, of scientists and data these days shows global warming to be a political tool, not a true man-made disaster.

not that all efforts shouldn't be expended to cut polution and keep our environment clean! but the question is: is man CAUSING global warming? i don't think so.

people should focus on polution, because what IS proven is that we are not yet advanced enough to understand global climate. to rally this much hype around something which cannot be proven is a foolish waste of time, money and energy.


The Gardener
Its happening ok look at the extream weather we are getting this is mearly the start of it look at china they cant even breath clean air all cause through greed from man

Same as the terrorists this is only really the begining too if that problem is,ent fix it will only get worse as wepons get more advantced any fool can fire a rocket if they have the power and money


Well-Known Member
IN a 10 round fight, GLOBAL warming knocked out TERRORISM in the first second of the first round.

SO why is there so much being done to fight terrorism and not JACK shit being done to FIGHT GLOBAL warming... isn't global warming the bigger threat?

WAKE UP BIOTCHS..... iloveyou

BTW - B. CLINTON is a STUD!!!!!
Depends on your point of view, nobody gives a shit about much these days until its knocking on their door.


Well-Known Member
it's not easy to formulate a strategy to combat something that we know almost nothing about... especially when that something might be perfectly normal.

on the other hand, it's very easy to get people to gang up against things like "radicals" and "extremist groups" that have a track record consisting only of death and violence.

i think the problem facing the global warming crowd is as old as the ages... not being specific enough to reach large numbers of people. they need to get specific if they want people to join in. that requires facts instead of theories so i just don't think the movement will ever come to anything... sorry. :)



New Member
it's not easy to formulate a strategy to combat something that we know almost nothing about... especially when that something might be perfectly normal.

on the other hand, it's very easy to get people to gang up against things like "radicals" and "extremist groups" that have a track record consisting only of death and violence.

i think the problem facing the global warming crowd is as old as the ages... not being specific enough to reach large numbers of people. they need to get specific if they want people to join in. that requires facts instead of theories so i just don't think the movement will ever come to anything... sorry. :)

The problem with global warming is nobody gives a shit. No-one wants to give up one damn thing to promote rational governance of the planet. We are the scourge, humans. Throwing our garbage and waste everywhere, spewing poisonous gasses into the atmosphere, breeding like rabbits (Mexicans and Catholics). I'd be damned surprised if there will be breathable air in the next 100 years, or land Below the now 400 ft. elevation mark, And Oh yeah, mans abuse has a huge factor on it all, reducing the forests, poluting the seas, poisoning the air, that is all about man. Actually, for the planet, a huge reduction in human habitation would be a good thing, like a nuclear war, a world wide plague, or a comet crashing into earth, It has survived worse in the past. The Human scourge is about to lay waste to what mother nature has taken 4+ billion years to create. Those tropical forests don't grow back overnight, the seas and air don't cleanse themselves in a jiffy, it will take centuries of Humanless environ to bring back the status of 1800 planet earth.



Well-Known Member
The problem with global warming is nobody gives a shit. No-one wants to give up one damn thing to promote rational governance of the planet. We are the scourge, humans. Throwing our garbage and waste everywhere, spewing poisonous gasses into the atmosphere, breeding like rabbits (Mexicans and Catholics). I'd be damned surprised if there will be breathable air in the next 100 years, or land Below the now 400 ft. elevation mark, And Oh yeah, mans abuse has a huge factor on it all, reducing the forests, poluting the seas, poisoning the air, that is all about man. Actually, for the planet, a huge reduction in human habitation would be a good thing, like a nuclear war, a world wide plague, or a comet crashing into earth, It has survived worse in the past. The Human scourge is about to lay waste to what mother nature has taken 4+ billion years to create. Those tropical forests don't grow back overnight, the seas and air don't cleanse themselves in a jiffy, it will take centuries of Humanless environ to bring back the status of 1800 planet earth.
Agree, this is the point I was trying to make. Nobody is going to take notice because it isnt effecting them yet. Nobody will care until the shores of the pacific are lapping against the beaches of Nevada, I know thats a bit extreme but you get my point.

Check out this link, this Russian woman took a ride on her motorcycle into Chernobyl and took pics. Very erie images.


New Member
The problem with global warming is nobody gives a shit. No-one wants to give up one damn thing to promote rational governance of the planet. We are the scourge, humans. Throwing our garbage and waste everywhere, spewing poisonous gasses into the atmosphere, breeding like rabbits (Mexicans and Catholics). I'd be damned surprised if there will be breathable air in the next 100 years, or land Below the now 400 ft. elevation mark, And Oh yeah, mans abuse has a huge factor on it all, reducing the forests, poluting the seas, poisoning the air, that is all about man. Actually, for the planet, a huge reduction in human habitation would be a good thing, like a nuclear war, a world wide plague, or a comet crashing into earth, It has survived worse in the past. The Human scourge is about to lay waste to what mother nature has taken 4+ billion years to create. Those tropical forests don't grow back overnight, the seas and air don't cleanse themselves in a jiffy, it will take centuries of Humanless environ to bring back the status of 1800 planet earth.
you feeling the hate today, bro?

do you seriously believe this? look, i always knew there's tons of polution in the cities, where i live. as it happens, somthing like 50 percent of the civilized world lives in big cities. so at least half the world can see heavy smog and polution, first hand. of course we're going to panic. i suspect the governments expect this reaction. but what about the clear skies all around the world in unpopulated areas and the vast oceans?

after looking at the 'real' numbers of past and present conditions, after hearing both the alarmist and the dissenters side of the argument, i don't think you can make a case for humans 'causing' global warming. and that's the issue.

please, everyone make a large outcry for big industries to do what they can to curb polution because we all have to live in these cities! but recognise that the hype about global warming is a political tool.

and sadly, it is the underdeveloped nations like Africa that are worse off for it. No doubt, intentionally. They're not being allowed to use the proven, cheaper technology in these 'dirty' industries that we STILL use because of these new laws which feign environmental concern. if we still have those industries, they should have it too. another two face rule the U.S. uses to keep the poor states poor and them richer.


The Gardener
Its like people that smoke to much after a while it will do damage

They know its happening its clear to see in some countrys more than others the ice caps are melting and theres extream weather disasters happing all over the world , But i seen on tv that they cant say its really happening ? But from what im seeing it sure does look like the world is changing

medicineman had some good points but dident have to insult others races to get his point across it just made his point of view worthless


New Member
Its like people that smoke to much after a while it will do damage

They know its happening its clear to see in some countrys more than others the ice caps are melting and theres extream weather disasters happing all over the world , But i seen on tv that they cant say its really happening ? But from what im seeing it sure does look like the world is changing

medicineman had some good points but dident have to insult others races to get his point across it just made his point of view worthless
Sorry about the Mexican thing, but you have to agree, all Catholics (Of which most Mexicans are) don't believe in birth control. and I've been told by Mexicans that they will just out populate us and by Damn, thats what they are doing, hey I have good friends that are Mexican, but they should figure out that having 10 kids is out of date, and while we are on the "race" subject which you have made this, The Mexicans that are here illegally, need to return to their country and make it the most it can be. My neighborhood has turned into a Varrio in the last ten years. So far they arent writing the gang signs on the walls, but I'm afraid it's just a matter of time, it's the natural progression. The neighbors I know are great, they have their big parties (Fiestas) about one every weekend, but I can live with that. It's when they break out the Karioki machines and turn them up to 10 and let drunken idiots sing that I get un-nerved. When I have to turn my TV up to mach 10 to hear my programs, it bugs me a little, but otherwise, things in the Varrio are just fine.


The Gardener
I dont know why you hate the mexicans man or like to instult cathloics but its sure wont help global warming or stop terrorism ......... how long do u have to wait now untill harvest LMFAO


New Member
I dont know why you hate the mexicans man or like to instult cathloics but its sure wont help global warming or stop terrorism ......... how long do u have to wait now untill harvest LMFAO
I don't hate Mexicans, Now that we have that straightened out. Can we have a rational conversation about the illegal immigrants and the need for birth control on an overpopulated planet? And the fact that 95% of these illegal immigrants are Mexican, might have a bearing on the fact I referred to them as Mexicans. If they were Russians or Chinese or Puerto Ricans, I'd call them by that handle and still would not be racist. That is a referance to where they came from, Mexico. Aren't Mexicans from Mexico? Catholics need to face facts. this is an overpopulated world. There are 8 Billion humans on a planet that by all intelligent estimates can only sustain life for the long haul for 2 billion. Do the fucking math. We have 6 Billion too many people on the planet. Birth control or catastrophe is the only answer for sustained life. Get educated before you accuse me of being racist. Read some books. Peruse wickipedia


New Member
I dident even read that but ...................

whatever Dude lol :joint::mrgreen:
Thats what I dislike about stoners, They don't bother to read anything. The whole purpose in life is staying stoned, Rediculous. Come back here and argue when you have something past a 5th grade education, thanks for caring, NOT.