Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics


Well-Known Member





Blue moonshine x NLX.... = BUNNY BLUE.....

Next pics of this strain will be up in about 1 and a half months..... :)


Active Member
i got it from a grower that has been growing for a LONG time, he gave me some clones... this is pretty trustworthy to me and I dont see why he would lie about it... and truthfully, they look so good, who cares what they are called... If i smoke it and see purple... then i'll say its purple haze lol
Hahaha yeah man. For the average joe who smokes like a quarter a week, a strain usually doesn't mean a lot. I mean, you can name a strain "fucking useless shit bud" and if it was still good pot, I'd put it in my bong.


Well-Known Member
Lovin' the keif shots Floridasucks. Those are fuckin great. so many great pictures here. I stil don't have a usb cord for my camera hopefully soon though. When i do ill just dump a shitload of budporn on here. Good times