GOt Pitbull


Well-Known Member
heres my blue pitbull..his bloodline is gotti/razors edge..i got alot more pics but it wont let me upload rightnow.His name is gotti.


Active Member

My girlfriend's pitbull Pete. He's still a puppy really, only a year and a half or two years old, I can't remember. Awesome sidekick though, he loves me.

Don't mind the 'fro, I just woke up.


Well-Known Member
Damn i luv the solid whites..they so pretty..nice dog man...anyone elso got pics???post em if ya got em


When I was born my mom had a pitbull. She was the sweetest, gentlest dog ever.
Though she did chew a hole in the wall when my mom went out because she thought I was in my room. They found her sleeping in my crib with a huge hole in the wall.