Loughner stopped to reload, but dropped the loaded magazine from his pocket to the sidewalk, from where bystander Patricia Maisch grabbed it.[SUP][25][/SUP]
Loughner stopped to reload, but dropped the loaded magazine from his pocket to the sidewalk, from where bystander Patricia Maisch grabbed it.[SUP][25][/SUP]
But, if that kid had been accosted before he got to the class room, the kids would have been warned.
He had no business being there, but in this say and age, he just sauntered up. Even one teacher...
Or I tell you, there are plenty of kidergarden hall monitors or even the janitor that could handle this guy.
So, I look at it this way. The war on pot is over, so now you are being fooled by the war on guns.
He reportedly used a 9mm Glock 19 semi-automatic pistol with a 33-round magazine.[SUP][22][/SUP][SUP][23][/SUP]
yep, someone acted
kinda hard to stop a guy who shoots in the door with an AR15.
Shortly after 9:30 am, using his mother's Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle,[SUP][22][/SUP][SUP][23][/SUP][SUP][24][/SUP] Lanza shot his way through a glass panel next to the locked front entrance doors of the school.[SUP][25][/SUP][SUP][26][/SUP][SUP][27][/SUP]
So he had 34 shots then.
Hmm weird, all the facts say he fired 31 shots. Why reload when you have at least 2 more shots to fire, and if you were smart you had 3?
I don't think you have any of your facts straight, its no wonder you have zero credibility on this issue.
you'll have to ask loughner why went to reload at that point, the fact is that he did go to reload and that's why the massacre ended.
the massacre ended because loughner went to reload.
you'll have to ask loughner why went to reload at that point, the fact is that he did go to reload and that's why the massacre ended.
the massacre ended because loughner went to reload.
You keep saying he shot 33 times, how many times are you going to be wrong? You should stop now, before everyone points and snickers at how foolish you are. Its like insisting that 2 is 200% more than 1. Remember when you did that over and over? Insisted you were right? This is exactly the same.
You keep saying he shot 33 times, how many times are you going to be wrong? You should stop now, before everyone points and snickers at how foolish you are. Its like insisting that 2 is 200% more than 1. Remember when you did that over and over? Insisted you were right? This is exactly the same.
Buck doesn't know the first thing about guns other than they shoot something out of them at high speed. That is the extent of his knowledge.
Buck thinks that a 10 round magazine will limit you to 10 shots, but anyone who knows anything about guns knows you can get more than 10 shots out of pistol with a 10 round magazine.
For the life of buck, he could not tell us how that is possible though. Anyone with firearm experience will certainly know I speak the truth.
Buck doesn't know the first thing about guns other than they shoot something out of them at high speed. That is the extent of his knowledge.
Buck thinks that a 10 round magazine will limit you to 10 shots, but anyone who knows anything about guns knows you can get more than 10 shots out of pistol with a 10 round magazine.
For the life of buck, he could not tell us how that is possible though. Anyone with firearm experience will certainly know I speak the truth.
one in the chamber, 10 in the mag? is that it?
How do people with Glocks know they are out of ammo?
How do people with Glocks know they are out of ammo?
seriously, has a glock ever shot a whole mag without jamming or rupturing?
i doubt it.
glocks suck