Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

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We are aware of some of our newsletter subscribers have been emailed by this company. We are looking into this matter with the utmost urgency and have already contacted the http://www.yourmailinglistprovider.com/ who sent this email on behalf of highlife.

except I am fairly confident I never signed up for their newsletter. I know when their promos start and I don't need to be emailed about the sales so I clicked do not email me with special offers. I think it's damage control and I'm not buying it, my home address would never be required to subscribe to a newsletter, that information was only provided to process my debit card.
except I am fairly confident I never signed up for their newsletter. I know when their promos start and I don't need to be emailed about the sales so I clicked do not email me with special offers. I think it's damage control and I'm not buying it, my home address would never be required to subscribe to a newsletter, that information was only provided to process my debit card.

Same here bro. I never subscribed to their newsletter. Just the email my ass. If that were true I wouldn't be reading this::


We thought you should know that HighLifeSeeds.com are offering their amazing Feminized, Regular & Auto flowering marijuana seeds with FREE Stealth Shipping to MYFUCKINGSTATE

Estimated delivery time to: MYFUCKINGCITY :: Only 5-7 Days
High Life Seeds new range of Feminized, Regular & Auto Flowering seeds NEW for 2011. Some amazing strains here which are proving a MASSIVE success for growers everywhere. These strains have been rigorously tested & re-tested & proved to produce amazing connoisseur grade cannabis
Don't miss out as you can ONLY buy these direct at the High life Seeds website

High Life Seeds strives to supply their customers with an elite range of cannabis genetics that are sure to impress. Meticulously tested & constantly evolving their cannabis seed strains represent the best genetics available. Each strain has been carefully bred to deliver the most outstanding end results for all marijuana seed enthusiasts. See you on again soon
This email just received from Highlife seeds:

HighLifeSeeds.com to me
show details 4:26 AM (4 hours ago)

We are aware of an issue with a now ex- affiliate of our website sending emails
Promoting their affiliate links to earn revenue and in doing so they used made
up/fictional order id# to get people to open emails.

We have terminated the affiliates account and banned all email marketing in
any Shape or form by our affiliates.

We do not hold any of your information at all not even your name or email as
we did not send any email.

Affiliate programs are very common and members join, promote a website & earn
commission on sales. This affiliate violated our terms and has been removed
with forfeiture of any accrued commissions


Customer Support
When only the best is ever enough!

Getting somewhere now.....


I got the same exact email. Attitude's facebook is asking if the people who got the email are also here on RIU. It seems to me they think it has something to do with RIU...
This email just received from Highlife seeds:

HighLifeSeeds.com to me
show details 4:26 AM (4 hours ago)

We are aware of an issue with a now ex- affiliate of our website sending emails
Promoting their affiliate links to earn revenue and in doing so they used made
up/fictional order id# to get people to open emails.

We have terminated the affiliates account and banned all email marketing in
any Shape or form by our affiliates.

We do not hold any of your information at all not even your name or email as
we did not send any email.

Affiliate programs are very common and members join, promote a website & earn
commission on sales. This affiliate violated our terms and has been removed
with forfeiture of any accrued commissions


Customer Support
When only the best is ever enough!

Getting somewhere now.....


Somehow everyone seems to have missed this email
Ran a whois on highlife and came up with this contact info......

[email protected]


(305) 407-3474


Inc, Validate
8 copthall
Roseau Valley, Dominica 00152

They also own morescooters.co.uk morecars.co.uk morebikes.co.uk morevans.co.uk morexbox.co.uk
Somehow everyone seems to have missed this email

I don't give a f**** what they're saying, neither should you or anyone offended by all that, one way or another they're going down.
If you do mind about your privacy and sensitive private info everybody should


Oh and why is it that OPs on this site keep deleting negative comments about them?

If they only got the emails, how did they ALSO get names and addresses????? Attitude = lying

more than likely, they don't know - just trying to say some nice words and calm things down
Because it does...only RIU/Attitude customers received these....furthering the accuracy of my hypothesis

Anyway i'm glad you came to the point to see this incident in a total different manner. Cause this is not to take lightly.
This is a threat to 420 community worldwide, cause that's what this is, offending our privacy not only as members of this community, but furthermore as citizens of states of law and justice.

And there is no need to run a whois on anyone since it's crystal clear. . .There are 3 parts involved in this whole story : Highlife, RIU, and, of course the source of the leak, the Attitude
not really...you still have to show id to open it right? and physically go there to retrieve mail? right...my way is easier,cheaper and safer

Damn with all that s**t i just can't get stoned, not even on Vanilla Kush. . . my bong 's having a hard time catching up with me all day long
Anyway i'm glad you came to the point to see this incident in a total different manner. Cause this is not to take lightly.
This is a threat to 420 community worldwide, cause that's what this is, offending our privacy not only as members of this community, but furthermore as citizens of states of law and justice.

And there is no need to run a whois on anyone since it's crystal clear. . .There are 3 parts involved in this whole story : Highlife, RIU, and, of course the source of the leak, the Attitude

You are missing that the this is an attack on RIU/The Attitude being done by an outsider to destroy both...highland is the scapegoat used to perpetrate the fall....while our personal ifo to a point has been hacked, we are not the targets but rather the instrument...He has induced paranoia, causing everyone to freak out and stop using the tude...then as it was only RIU members which werre targeted with these emails makes it seem that RIU contributed and believe nothing kills a weed growing site faster than the revelation of the identities of its members

Seems his plan is working splendidly

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